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Research Paper | Geology | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Spectral Remote Sensing and Digital Processing of Satellite Images for Characterizing the Iron Ores of Kanjamalai, Godumalai and Nainarmalai, Tamilnadu, India ? A Case Study
Gopinathan P, Mohan S P, Magendran T
Abstract: This paper presents an approach to use the potential of spectral remote sensing and digital image processing of satellite (ASTER) data to identify and characterise the iron ores of Kanjamalai, Godumalai and Nainarmalai area, which forms a part of southern granulite terrain of Tamil Nadu, India. This study involves fieldwork and sample collection, geochemical analysis and digital processing of satellite images to delineate and characterise iron ore deposits of the study area. Digital processing of ASTER image includes, pre-processing, atmospheric correction, processing of image data such as simple band ratio of different band combinations were used to identify of iron ore deposits of study area. Band 5/3 + Band 1/2 combination was used to delineate Fe2+, Band 2/1 for Fe3+ and Band 5/4 for delineating lateritic deposits. The results of image analysis were compared and validated with field work and actual geochemistry of the samples, collected at random locations of the study area. This work demonstrated the potential of spectral remote sensing and digital processing of satellite images, to explore and characterise the iron ore deposits of study areas with limited field work.
Keywords: ASTER, Spectral Remote Sensing, Geochemistry, Iron ore grade, India
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Pages: 3125 - 3130
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