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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Minimization of DDoS Attack using Firecol an Intrusion Prevention System
Bhagyashri Kotame, Shrinivas Sonkar
Abstract: The Distributed Denial of Service is Process of continuosly sending unrelated information to the targeted system by the malicious node. Which causes the authorized users to stay away from the required services. The DDoS is major security threat. For distributed environment the mitigation of DDoS attack is very difficult, but is neccessary to prevent the user and network resources from this attack. In this paper firstly we areaddressing the problem of DDoS attack and proposing a technique of fireol which effectively reduces the DDoS attacks rather than presently available filtering approaches. This paper also presented the architecture and algorithm for firecol. The main part of firecol is formedof clusters of intrusion prevention system (IPS), which forms the protection rings around the host. Firecol is intended to provide security at different layers (various layers of OSI Model). Also firecol support different rules which increases the intensity of identifying the attacks, and more flexibely and dynamically is notices the attacks and increasesthe efficiency.
Keywords: Detection, mitigation, Distributed denial of service DDoS, IPS, BOTNET
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Pages: 2832 - 2836
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