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Research Paper | Linguistics | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015 | Popularity: 7.3 / 10
The Correlation of Learning Motivation and Reasoning Ability to the Scientific Writing Skills of Students in Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL)
Prof. Dr. Andayani, M.Pd.
Abstract: Scientific writing skills are skills that are still considered difficult to foreign students who learn Indonesian language. In connection with the results of this research, scientific writing skills students lack pertinent in understanding aspects of the composition and the ability to reason therefore, this study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between (1) understanding the learning motivation and scientific writing skills, (2) the ability to reason and scientific writing skills, and (3) understanding of aspects of the learning motivation and the ability to reason together with scientific writing skills. This research was starting March to May 2015. The research method used is quantitative method. with correlational survey techniques. The population of this research is all class Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Language in Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia, with a sample of 104 students, they were taken by using the claster random sampling technique. The analysis technique used regression and correlation. Differential analysis using the statistical technique of regression and correlation (simple, double). The results showed that (1) there is a positive relationship between the understanding of aspects of the learning motivation and scientific writing skills. (2) there is a positive correlation between the ability to reason and scientific writing skills. and (3) there is a positive relationship between the learning motivation and the ability to reason together with scientific writing skills. Concluded that jointly understanding aspects of the composition and the ability to reason a significant contribution to the scientific writing skills. It shows that these two variables can be a good predictor for scientific writing skills in Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Language.
Keywords: motivation, ability to reason, Scientific Writing skill, TISOL
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Pages: 1106 - 1110
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