A Facile Replicable Route To Graphene Production Using Anionic Surfactant
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Material Science and Engineering | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10


A Facile Replicable Route To Graphene Production Using Anionic Surfactant

Udensi S. C., Ekpunobi A. J., Ekwo P. I.

Abstract: Graphene monolayer and multilayers have been prepared through functionalization of the graphite powder with anionic surfactant to make the hydrophobic graphite more hydrophilic and sheared using different agitator blades. EDX revealed high weight percent yield and non production of graphene oxide which usually affect the conductivity of graphene. Raman microscopy confirmed that band peaks are functions of graphene multilayer. The plot of intensity band ratios of DG versus reciprocal of lateral flake size validated a DG band ratio of 0.48 for our starting powder, confirmed a slope of 0.17 as obtained using other sources of graphite powder elsewhere, and demonstrated the production of mean lateral flake sizes of 1, 2, 3, and 9 layers of graphene. Also, the ID/IG versus ID'/IG plot of the graphenes showed a slope of 2.21 as against those reported for defected graphenes, attesting to the production of defect-free graphene monolayer and multilayer.

Keywords: Graphene, Functionalization, Turbulence, defect-free, Raman microscope

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015

Pages: 1527 - 1531

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Udensi S. C., Ekpunobi A. J., Ekwo P. I., "A Facile Replicable Route To Graphene Production Using Anionic Surfactant", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015, pp. 1527-1531, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SUB157588, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SUB157588
