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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Design and Implementation of Power Controlling Management of Single Phase Power Supply Along With Automatic Electric Bill Generation Using Wireless Communication
Johnson A Z, Mohmad Umair.B
Abstract: The design is established for controlling single phase power which is supplied to house, because of disadvantages of traditional energymeter reading such as errors in reading, inaccuracy, external conditions affecting readings, delayed work. I have implemented automatic meter reading system based on Zigbee technology. It shows how to remotely control and monitor power, automatically cut-off power using micro-controller based switches, wireless hardware module, relays, digital meter and GUI using mat lab. It shows the complete information and power status of consumer which is stored in database, the data in a database is collected from remote module. To implement this, the wireless technologies used are Zigbee module. Static state relay for controlling power on/off outlets and sensors used to sense electric current being used by electric outlets. To measure the power, a measuring circuit senses the current and sends back a signal to the server module (PC) through Zigbee, where the measured data is stored in embedded board. Finally the measured data is displayed on GUI.
Keywords: Zigbee, GUI, pc, energymeter, database, remote module
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015
Pages: 284 - 287
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