Why Not Submit the Same Article for Consideration in Multiple Journals?: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Why Not Submit the Same Article for Consideration in Multiple Journals?

Submitting the same article to multiple journals simultaneously is generally not considered ethical in academic publishing because it can lead to duplicate publication, also known as self-plagiarism. Learn, What is Self-Plagiarism?

Duplicate publication refers to submitting the same work or substantially similar work to different journals, which is considered unethical and can result in severe consequences, such as the rejection of the paper, damage to the author's reputation, and even legal action in some cases. Learn, What is the Possible Legal Action if Plagiarized Content is Used in a Research Paper?

Additionally, most reputable journals explicitly state in their submission guidelines that manuscripts submitted for consideration should be original and not under review elsewhere. Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously violates these guidelines and can lead to the rejection of the manuscript by all journals.

Instead, authors should carefully choose a suitable journal for their manuscript and submit it to that journal exclusively. If the manuscript is rejected, the author can revise the paper based on the feedback received from the reviewers and then submit it to another journal. However, before submitting the revised manuscript to another journal, the author should ensure that the revised paper is substantially different from the original and acknowledge any prior publications of the work.

In summary, submitting the same article to multiple journals is not recommended as it is unethical and can lead to serious consequences. Instead, authors should carefully choose a suitable journal and submit their manuscript exclusively to that journal.

What is Self-Plagiarism?

Self-plagiarism, also known as "recycling fraud" or "duplicate publication," occurs when a person presents their own previously published work as if it were new, original work, without acknowledging the prior publication. Essentially, self-plagiarism is reusing one's own work without proper attribution or citation. This can be done in a variety of contexts, such as academic papers, research articles, or even books.

Self-plagiarism can be problematic because it can be seen as a form of academic dishonesty and can compromise the integrity of the research or publication. It can also lead to a misrepresentation of the amount and originality of the author's work, which can have consequences for their reputation and credibility.

To avoid self-plagiarism, authors should always disclose any prior publication of the material they are using, including their own work. They should also seek permission from the original publisher if necessary, and provide proper attribution and citation to any previously published work that they incorporate into their new work.

What is the Possible Legal Action if Plagiarized Content is Used in a Research Paper?

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can have legal consequences. If someone uses plagiarized content in a research paper, they could potentially face legal action, depending on the circumstances.

Here are some possible legal actions that could be taken in case of plagiarism in a research paper:

  • Academic Penalties: The first step in response to plagiarism in a research paper is usually taken by the academic institution where the paper was submitted. The institution may impose penalties such as failing the assignment, lowering the grade, or even expelling the student from the institution.
  • Civil Lawsuit: If the plagiarized content is copyrighted, the original author or copyright holder may sue for copyright infringement. The legal remedy for copyright infringement is usually damages or monetary compensation for the loss suffered by the copyright owner.
  • Criminal Charges: In some cases, plagiarism may be considered a criminal offense, especially if it involves significant financial or reputational harm to the copyright holder. In such cases, the plagiarist may be charged with fraud, theft, or even forgery.
  • Professional Consequences: Plagiarism can also have severe professional consequences, especially in fields where research and academic integrity are highly valued. For example, a plagiarist may lose their job, be barred from professional societies, or face disciplinary action from licensing boards.

In conclusion, plagiarism is a serious offense that can have legal, academic, and professional consequences. It is important to understand the rules of academic integrity and always cite sources properly to avoid any potential legal trouble.


Managing Editor, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)


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