Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017: Page 1: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017: Page 1

Research Paper, Education, India

Pages: 1 - 2

Impact of Personality on Higher Secondary Students on their Vocational Attitude

Sapna Saxena Raizada, Dr. Saroj Jain

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Case Studies, Oncology, India

Pages: 3 - 5

Giant Cell Tumour of Proximal Phalanx of Thumb; an Extremely Rare Case Presentation

Dr Siddharth Lamba, Dr Mrinal Mathur, Dr Indira Sarin

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Iraq

Pages: 6 - 9

Photodegrdation of Crystal Violet Dye by Synthesized Silver Nanoparticals using Extract of Tangerine Peel

Ahlam Mohammed Farhan, Rasha abd Jasim, Muna Sarhan Sando

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Research Paper, Nursing, Iraq

Pages: 10 - 16

Effectiveness of an Educational Program upon Nurses' Knowledge toward the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at AL-Hussein and the Pediatric Teaching Hospital

Murtadha Abbas Abdul-Hamza, Afifa R. Aziz

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 17 - 19

To Compare the Surgically Induced Astigmatism in Small Incision Cataract Surgery: Superior Tunnel Incision versus Temporal Clear Corneal Incision

Sheela P Kerkar, Ashish A. Ahuja, Nitin Pawar, Snehal C. Nikam

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Computers & Electrical Engineering, United States of America

Pages: 20 - 23

Research Proposal for Wireless Power Transfer Resonance Inductive Coupling Circuit using a Modified Amplitude Modulation Wave for Powering a Load or Charging a Battery

Jonas Tyler Doran

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Immunology and Microbiology, United States of America

Pages: 24 - 30

Research Proposal to See if Possible HCV Epitopes Can be Used to Make a Recombinant Vaccine

Jonas Tyler Doran

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Research Paper, Geophysics Science, Nigeria

Pages: 31 - 40

Determination of Weathered Layers Characteristics of Field-K, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria Using Uphole Refraction (Borehole) Survey Technique

Sofolabo A. O., Ebeniro J. O.

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Review Papers, Biological Sciences, India

Pages: 41 - 50

Health Care Applications of Different Biosurfactants: Review

Jayeeta Sil, Parag Dandapat, Subhasish Das

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia

Pages: 51 - 55

Inspection Visual of Acetic Acid (IVA) Strategy for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer at the Community Health Centre Namorambe Deli Serdang District

Efendi Sianturi, Elisabet Surbakti, Rina dorina Pasaribu

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Research Paper, Health, Indonesia

Pages: 56 - 58

Influence of Aerobic Gymnastics against Premenstrual Syndrome in Teenagers in Padang Sidempuan Midwifery: Study Program of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Maida Pardosi, Hotma Sauhur Hutagaol, Hanna Sriyanti Saragih

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Research Paper, Cognitive Systems Research, India

Pages: 59 - 63

Spectrum and Energy Efficiency Optimization for Heterogeneous Networks based on IEEE 802.22

Y. D. Chincholkar, Mohammed Luay Abdulmunem

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 64 - 67

A Study on Strength Properties of Expansive Soil Treated with Lime and Nano Silica

V. Ramesh Babu, Chandrika Kasetty

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 68 - 70

Doppler Ultrasound as Predictor of Obstetric Outcome in High Risk Pregnancy

Dr Prerak R Modi, Dr Nikita Patel

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Research Paper, Management, Kenya

Pages: 71 - 76

The Strategic Factors affecting Adoption of Rail Transport in Kenya

Mohamed Dimbil Hassan, Stanley Kavale

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Research Paper, Statistics, Kenya

Pages: 77 - 83

Application of Auxiliary Variables in Two-Step Semi-Parametric Multiple Imputation Procedure in Estimation of Population Mean

Onyango O Ronald, Christopher Ouma Onyango

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Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 84 - 93

Determining and Measuring the Shift of the Tigris Riverbanks at the Baghdad University Camp between the Years 1962- 2013 Using the Geometrical Method and GIS

Mahdi Mustafa Ali, Alaa S. Mahdi

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 94 - 96

Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy: A Review

Vaishnavi Pandey

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 97 - 101

Sparse Matching of Salient Facial Curves for Recognizing 3D Faces

Madhura Patil, L. J. Sankpal

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Sudan

Pages: 102 - 106

Translation as a means of Developing University Students Writing Skills (Case study: Batch"36" Department of English ? University of Gezira - Sudan)

Shirien Gaffar Mohammed

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 107 - 109

Life Forms and Biological Spectrum of the Vegetation of Nasirabad Valley, Ajmer District, Rajasthan

Surbhi Agarwal, Dilip Gena

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Indonesia

Pages: 110 - 115

Efficiency Analysis of Educational Fund Expenditure in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) and East Java Provinces

Anna Angela Sitinjak, Esther Nababan

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 116 - 120

A Comparative Study of Fentanyl and Dexmedetomidine with Ropivacaine for Epidural Anaesthesia in Major Abdominal Surgeries: Prospective, Randomised, Double Blind Study

Dr. Prajna Anna Pinto, Dr. Sudhir Hegde

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 121 - 125

Working Capital Management of Manufacturing Companies Listed in GCC

Dr. Jeena Ann John

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Egypt

Pages: 126 - 131

Early Prediction of Student Success Using a Data Mining Classification Technique

Mohamed Hegazy Mohamed, Hoda Mohamed Waguih

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 132 - 135

The Effect of Psychological Capital on Midwife Performance in Achieving Exclusive Breastfeeding Coverage

Reni Chairunnisah

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Iraq

Pages: 136 - 138

The Calculations of Ring Current of Some Benzenoids Using Randic Model

Manal O. Hamzaha

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 139 - 140

Knowledge Regarding Human Rights of Mentally Ill Persons among Adults: A Survey in Urban and Rural Wardha

Rashmi Rohilla

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Sudan

Pages: 141 - 146

Comparative Study of Diabetic Patient Data Using Classi?cation Algorithm in Weaka

Ahlam A. Sharief, Alaa F. Sheta, Talaat M. Wahbi

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Albania

Pages: 147 - 152

Limited Agents Mix-Training in Operations ? A Call Center Case

Ditila Ekmekciu

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Comparative Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 153 - 158

Study of Comparison of Bite Force between Conventional and 3D Miniplate in Mandibular Fractures

Dr Maninder Jambhulkar, Dr Sumit Gupta, Dr Hemant Gupta, Dr S Mohammad

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Morocco

Pages: 159 - 161

Abscess of the Nasal Septum and the Orbital Cavity Complicating an Acute Ethmoidomaxillary Sinusitis of the Child

A. Elboukhari, M. Lagtoubi, N Touihem, K Nadour, H Attifi, M Zalagh, A Zouhair

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 162 - 166

Aluminum Plate Fracture Analysis using CZM

Vikas K. Tope, Dr. K. K. Dhande

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Case Studies, Radiology Science, Albania

Pages: 167 - 169

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

ALIU Dorina, HIDRI Besa, DOCAJ Arjeta

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Yemen

Pages: 170 - 173

The Use of Hematocrit in Evaluation of Patients with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Abeer Abdul-Rahman Al-Aghbary

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Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia

Pages: 174 - 178

Purchase Intention of an Apartment: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

Rezki Tegar Wibawa, Hartoyo, Sri Hartoyo

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Iraq

Pages: 179 - 185

Synthesis of Newbis Polymers Derived from Poly Methyl Methacrylate

Sameaa Jumaa Khammas, Wasanabdul Razzaq Mahmood, Tamador Ali Mahmood, Selvana Adwar Yousif

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 186 - 191

A Pre- Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of the Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) among Health Care Providers at Selected Primary Health Centers, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sruthi Kanuganti

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, Sri Lanka

Pages: 192 - 194

A Survey to Evaluate the Examination Stress of Physiotherapy Undergraduates of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Senarath MKID, Thalwaththe STRD, Banneheka BMHSK

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Research Paper, Management, Iraq

Pages: 195 - 198

Strategic Planning and its Impact on the Quality of Education Services

Zahraa Ali Mohsen Al-Zubaydy, Suhair Adel Al Chader

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 199 - 204

An Experimental Investigation of Unattended Methyl Ester of Paradise Oil as Fuel in Diesel Engine

J. Murali Naik, Dr. B. Anjaneya Prasad

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Survey Paper, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 205 - 207

Traumatic Brain Injury as a Risk Factor for Stroke

Entela Basha, Brunilda Zllami, Jera Kruja

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Rwanda

Pages: 208 - 211

Effect of Motivation as Factors on Employees Performance in Public Institutions: A Case Study of Rwamagana District

Jacky FURAHA, Dr. Paul Muturi

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Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, Rwanda

Pages: 212 - 216

The Role of Community Radio in Promoting Child Nutrition in Rural Communities of Rwanda: A Case of Isangano Community Radio

John Paul Sesonga, Dr. Margaret Jjuuko, Dr. Hellen Mberia

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Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 217 - 219

Studies on Azadirachta Indica against Fever, Wound Infection and Vaginal Infection

Rohit Shankar Mane

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 220 - 224

Density Functional Studies of 2-(4-bromophenyl)-2-(4-fluorophenylamino) acetonitrile

Sanjeev Kumar Trivedi

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Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, India

Pages: 225 - 229

Effect of Packaging in Biogenic Amine Production in Indian Squid (Loligo duvaucelii) Stored in Iced Condition

Anju K A, Sankar T.V

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Dissertation Chapters, Water Treatment, Indonesia

Pages: 230 - 233

Analysis of Precipitation, Runoff and Tides of Water Level in Lebak Swamp Ogan Keramasan

Puspitahati, Edward Saleh, M. Edi Armanto, Ngudiantoro

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 234 - 238

Triple-Technique Diagnosis Using Machine Learned Classifiers

Siddhant Gada, Het Sheth, Meet Chheda, Ashwini Swain, Kriti Srivastava

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq

Pages: 239 - 245

Study of Some Shielding Parameters of Gamma Rays and Fast Neutrons for Various Shielding Materials

Ahmed Fadhil Mkhaiber, Salwah Kareem Dawood

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 246 - 251

Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Compressive Strength of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Containing Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

Ikram Faraoun Ahmed, Tagreed Hassan Ibraheem

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Informative Article, Management, India

Pages: 252 - 253

Integration of Cloud Computing in Marketing

Umme Mariya Siddiqui

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Research Paper, Environment Science, Indonesia

Pages: 254 - 258

Relationship of Water Quality in the Presence of Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) in Fresh Basil at Food Stalls in Sentani District 2016

Muhamad Abas, Marlin M. Jarona, Bruce Mehue

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia

Pages: 259 - 267

The Study of Phenomenology: Hemodialysis Patients Experience in Addressing the Psychosocial Changes

Rudini, Agus Suradika, Diana Irawati

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Research Paper, Manufacturing Engineering, India

Pages: 268 - 272

Optimization of Parameters on EDM Machine on H13 Using Taghuchi & ANOVA Technique

Varun Singh, S. K. Sharma

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering,

Pages: 273 - 278

Seismic Response and Optimization of Multi Decked Water Tanks with Variations in Height / Diameter Ratio

Prity Shridhar Tagde, Dr. Ganesh D. Awchat

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Research Paper, Genetics Science, Uzbekistan

Pages: 279 - 281

Biological Features and Economic Valuable Traits of Intraspecific Diversity of Afro-Asian and Indo-Chinese Species of Cotton

Muminov Kh. A., Ernazarova Z. A.

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Informative Article, Energy, India

Pages: 282 - 292

Ice Bear Technology

Wadaje Saraunsh Balasaheb, S. P. Muley

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 293 - 296

Assessment of Greater Palatine Canal Anatomical Pathways in Iraqi People by using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Weaam H. Abdullah, Ali H. Abbas Alhussaini, Maisaa K. Muhamed Ali, Haydar Al-Shimmari

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Research Paper, Agricultural, Iraq

Pages: 297 - 301

Effect of Supplementing Heat Stressed Japanese Quail Hens with Withaniasomnifera root Ethanolic Extract and Crude Powder on Serum Lipids and Proteins

Suad Kh. Ahmed

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Research Paper, Energy, Nepal

Pages: 302 - 309

Micro-Hydropower Project for Enhancing Rural Livelihood

Rana B. Thapa

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Research Paper, Agriculture, India

Pages: 310 - 314

Significance of Camel Rumen Content as a Feed for Broiler Chickens

Alhaji Musa Abdullahi, Gambo Mohammed

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 315 - 320

Evaluation of Mode of Delivery in Women with Previous Caesarean Section

Dr. Bhoomika Chaudhari, Dr. Shirish Toshniwal

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Research Paper, Aquaculture Microbiology, India

Pages: 321 - 323

Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Sustainable Diversity of Fishes of Taj Baj Ka Pokhra of Hajipur in North Bihar (India)

Sushma Kumari, Sujeet Kumar

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 324 - 328

Analytical Model for Construction of Interaction Diagram for RC Columns Strengthened by Steel Jacket

Mohannad H. Al-Sherrawi, Hamza M. Salman

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Review Papers, Psychology Science, Mexico

Pages: 329 - 334

A Review on the Psychophysiology of Working Memory in Non-Human Primates

Manuel Alejandro Cruz-Aguilar, Miguel Angel Guevara, Marisela Hernandez-Gonzalez, Enrique Hernandez-Arteaga, Mayra Liliana Ramirez-Renteria

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Research Paper, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 335 - 343

Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Evaluate the Impact of Convection Currents of Liquid Food for Simulating High Pressure Processing

Abdul Ghani Albaali, Suhad S. Hussein

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Research Paper, Agriculture, India

Pages: 344 - 347

Abiotic Stress in Leguminous Crop Plants

Uma Sankareswari R, Ilamurugu K

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Research Paper, Agriculture, India

Pages: 348 - 353

Isolation of Temperature and Acid Tolerant Strains of Rhizobium sp. on Pulse Crops

Uma Sankareswari R., K. Ilamurugu

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Informative Article, Manufacturing Technology, India

Pages: 354 - 364

Micromachining Techniques / Processes

Edgaonkar Aniket Milind, A. G. Waghulde

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Case Studies, Business Management, India

Pages: 365 - 368

Path to Internationalization: Dr. Reddy?s Laboratories

Amisha Gupta

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Survey Paper, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 369 - 371

Stroke Outcome and its Rehabilitation

Entela Basha, Brunilda Zllami, Jera Kruja

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Research Paper, Psychology, India

Pages: 372 - 377

Family Burden and Coping in Caregivers of Chronic Schizophrenia ? A Hospital based Study

Dr. Kavery Bora M.D., Dr. Abhilekh Das PGT (M.D.), Dr. Kamala Deka

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 378 - 382

Methodology for 5G-Multi-tier Wireless Networks Capacity Optimization

Haitham Al Fatli, M. M. Jadhav, M.N. Kakatkar

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Research Paper, Veterinary Medicine, Iraq

Pages: 383 - 387

The Efficacy of Ozonated Water on the Microbial Quality of Locally Produced Soft Cheese in Baghdad

Zinasaab Khudhir, Abdullah Munther Mahdi

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Research Paper, Energy, India

Pages: 388 - 397

Recovery Process of Sulphated Flooded Lead-Acid Batteries with Organic Polymer Compounds as Activator

Gadipudi Murali, Lokesh H, Kosaraju Srinivas, Kurivella Suryanarayana Murthy, Mandava Jagadish

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Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh

Pages: 398 - 404

Use of Solar Panel at Rural Areas in Bangladesh: Impacts, Financial Viability and Future Prospects

Mohammad Ataur Rahman, Md. Ibrahim Kholilullah

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 405 - 406

Effects of Gestational Diabetes in Pregnancy

Dr. Sowmya Sri. K, Dr. Pramod Kumar Korani Ratnam

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Nepal

Pages: 407 - 410

Sepsis in Adults: Microbiological Agents and Antimicrobial Prescribing Patterns at BPKIHS

Shrivastav V. K., Rai B. K., Rauniyar G. P., Khanal B.

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Survey Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 411 - 415

Patients' Proclivity towards the Dental College Attached to Hospital or Private Dental Clinic

Harshada Zagade, Karuna Pawashe, Shivsagar Tewary, Pronob Kumar Sanyal

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 416 - 425

Behavior Based Safety (BBS) System Study ? An Effective Tool for Assessing Construction Safety Culture

Samarth Ramprasad .K, Prabhat Kumar

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Informative Article, Law, United Kingdom

Pages: 426 - 434

Counter-Terrorism Measures: the Balance between National Security and Civil Liberties in the UK and France ?Has the Pendulum Swung Too Far, To the Detriment of Civil Liberties??

Nabeala Fiaz

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Research Paper, Geophysics Science, Morocco

Pages: 435 - 439

Application of the Electromagnetic VLF Method for the Detection of Fracture Areas in Cause of El Hajeb (Morocco)

Hmad Bouikbane, Mustapha Boualoul, Ahmed Benamara

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 440 - 442

Analysis and Minimizing Strategies for Conducted Emission for Packaging Machinery


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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 443 - 455

Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Two Different Doses of Sublingual Misoprostol 400?g AND 200?g with Vaginal Misoprostol 400?g in Cervical Ripening in First Trimester Abortion

Dr. K. Preethi

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Research Paper, Veterinary Science, Iraq

Pages: 456 - 460

The Hygienic Quality of Raw Milk of Different Species

Najim H. Najim, Abier A. Hassan

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Case Studies, Dental Science, Tunisia

Pages: 461 - 466

Integration of a Maxillary all Ceramic Fixed Partial Denture with Zirconia Framework: A Clinical Report

Mohamed Chebil, Saida Ziada, Amani Adli, Moncef Omezine, Mounir Cherif

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Informative Article, Medical Surgical,

Pages: 467 - 469

A Case Report On Twins Pregnancy in Bicornuate Uterus with Ruptured Right Rudimentory Horn: A Rarest Entity

Dr. Narbat Chaudhary, Dr. Hina V. Oza, Dr. Hafsa M. Vohra

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Research Paper, Agricultural engineering, Cameroon

Pages: 470 - 475

Biochar Improves Maize Nutritional Status and Yield under Two Soil Tillage Modes

Boris Merlain Djousse Kanouo, Suzanne Edith Allaire, Alison D. Munson

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, Turkey

Pages: 476 - 478

A Rare Case of Isolated Pneumopericardium Developed Following a Penetrating Thoracic Trauma

Bilkay SEREZ, Mehmet Furkan SAHIN

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 479 - 481

MRI Evaluation of Nontraumatic Hip Joint Pain

Dr. Deepthi Kondeti, Dr. Swapna Gangishetty

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Research Paper, Statistics, Tanzania

Pages: 482 - 487

Bayesian Modelling of Extreme Rainfall Data: Construction of Priors Using WRF Model Outputs, A Case of Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Edwin C. Rutalebwa

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Research Paper, Geophysics Science, Iraq

Pages: 488 - 493

3D Seismic Genetic Inversion for Reservoir Characterization and Prospects Identification

Ali M. Al-Rahim, Ahmed Abdullah Abdulateef

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Libya

Pages: 494 - 497

The Effect of pH and Ionic Strength on the Bulk and Interfacial Properties of Starches

Fateh Eltaboni, Abedelqader Imragaa, Hamida Altajury, Hana Alshelmany, Nora Omar, Ranya Ali

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Survey Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 498 - 501

A Prospective Study of Patients Coming in Future for Tubal Ligation after Discharge who are not Willing for Abdominal Tubal Ligation in Immediate Postpartum Period

Dr. Prerak R. Modi, Dr. Nirmit Chaudhary

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 502 - 506

Sanjhi Folk Art of Mewar: An Exploratory Study

Sudha Babel, Latika Sanchiher

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Review Papers, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 507 - 508

Study of Soil Stabalization and Ground Amendment by Plasma Arc Torch Technology

Dr. Subrat Roy, Saurabh Sinha

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Research Paper, Chemistry, India

Pages: 509 - 513

Nano ZnO Catalyzed Synthesis of 2-(4-hydroxynaphthalen-1-yl)-N-methyl-2-Phenylacetamide and its Aggregation in Water

K. S. Satheeshkumar, S. Subashkumar

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Indonesia

Pages: 514 - 520

Sensorineural Hearing Loss in a Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Wira Gotera, Ketut Suastika, Made Ratna Saraswati, Made Pande Dwipayana, I Made Siswadi Semadi, Dewi Catur Wulandari, Januar Raya Gara Ama Mudamakin

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq

Pages: 521 - 527

The Effect of Nano Graphene Additive on the A.C Electrical Properties for Epoxy-Copper Composites

M. R. Mhel S. I. Hussain

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 528 - 530

Medicine Caretaking Device

Saurabh Singh, Rishabh Singh, Arshi Khan, Harjeet Matharu

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Iraq

Pages: 531 - 537

Ultrastructural and Morphometrical Study of Gestational Induced Changes in Mouse Liver

Zahraa Fawzi A. Mohammed, May Fadhil AL-Habib

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Research Paper, Astronomy Science, Iraq

Pages: 538 - 544

Compression of Remotely Sensed Images using Hadmard Transform and (AMBTC)

Dr. Ban Abd.Al-Razak, Aliaa Hussein Shukhair, Zena F. Rasheed

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Research Paper, Archaeology, Iraq

Pages: 545 - 551

Tall Al-Thahab Seals

Dr. Awsam Bahar Churak

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Comparative Studies, Chemistry, India

Pages: 552 - 555

Treating Wastewater of Pampa River during Pilgrimage Season with Vetiver Zizanioids

Maya M Nair

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Informative Article, Engineering, India

Pages: 556 - 558

Library System Using RFID

Abhinav Chamola, Karan Sharma

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, Egypt

Pages: 559 - 565

Micro Investigation into Positron Annihilation, Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Compacted Zn, ZnO2 and Zn-ZSM-5 Nano Powders

Hala M. Abo-Dief

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 566 - 569

Interdental Area in the Aesthetic Zone of Maxilla ? Variations of Distance between Interdental Alveolar Crest and Interdental Contact Point in Relation with Age and Sex

Irena Georgieva, Dobrinka Damyanova, Marya Miteva

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Iraq

Pages: 570 - 573

Residual Determination of (Pyroxsulam 4.5%OD) in Iraqi Wheat and Field Soil Using QuEChERS / HPLC

Abdulkareem Jawad Ali, Sadeem Subhi Abed, Hanan Abdulsalam Kadhum

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 574 - 577

Effect of Maternal Anemiaon Placental and Fetal Outcome

Dr. Sowmya Sri. K, Dr. Pramod Kumar Korani Ratnam

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Comparative Studies, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 578 - 583

Effectiveness of Three Different Surfaces for Balance Training on Ambulant Stroke Patients - A Comparative Study

Dr Astha Jain, Dr Chaitali Shah

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Research Paper, Accounting, Indonesia

Pages: 584 - 587

The Influence of Independence and Competence of Auditor on the Performance of Inspectorate Auditors District MAROS

Sri Wahyuni Nur, Fitri

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Review Papers, Nursing and Health Professions, Kenya

Pages: 588 - 599

Exercise and Chronic Diseases

Oloo Micky Olutende, Issah W. Kweyu, Edna Sabiri

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Research Paper, Immunology, Iraq

Pages: 600 - 603

Comparative Study of Multiple Sclerosis Therapy by Interferon-? and Methylprednisolone of Iraqi Patients via Adenosine Deaminase Activity

Hazima Mossa K. Alabassi, Zahraa Hussein M. Kadri, Hind Qusay Ismail, Yasamine Jumaa Kadem, Hadeel Khlil Rahman

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Research Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, Indonesia

Pages: 604 - 607

Down Regulation of Jun Activation Domain-Binding Protein-1 Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in a Human Parotid Gland Cancer Cell


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Survey Paper, Dental Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 608 - 610

A Survey about Functional Impression Materials in Complete Dentures Fabrication

Dobromira Shopova, Tanya Bozhkova, Diyan Slavchev, Ilian Hristov, Maria Hristozova

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Comparative Studies, Cardiology Science, India

Pages: 611 - 613

Assessment of Risk Factors, Clinical Symptoms, LV Function and Angiographic Finding in Patients with LBBB

Dr. Rajiv Girdhar, Dr. Yogesh Kothari, Dr. Ram Anil Raj, Dr. Narayan Raju, Dr. Kumar Kenchappa, Dr. Prasanth Rai, Dr. Tarif Singh, Dr. Harshitha .R

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 614 - 615

Awareness of Oral Bacterial Infection among Chronic Nail Biting Individuals

Ilakkiya .E

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, India

Pages: 616 - 619

The Effect of Marble-Slurry on Total Chlorophyll Content and Chlorophyll A/B Ratios in Some Tree Species

Dr Vibha Khanna, Lata Gahlot

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 620 - 623

Reproductive Health Status of Women in Rural Areas of Kerala, India

Anjana, Dr. Sithara Balan V

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Research Paper, Nursing, Iraq

Pages: 624 - 628

Quality of Life of Physically Disabled Adults at Thi Qar Rehabilitation Center in Al-Nasiriyah City

Ahmed A. Khlaif, Qahtan Q. Mohammed

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Research Paper, Law, France

Pages: 629 - 634

Poverty, Inequality and the Social Causes of Crime: A Study between United States and Europe

Salim Yaacoub

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Case Studies, Oncology, Iraq

Pages: 635 - 638

Measurements of X-Ray Dose Delivered at Different Depths Applied on Water Phantom

Manwar A-AL_Naqqash, Samar I. Essa, Raghdah H. Hasan

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Research Paper, Geophysics Science, Nigeria

Pages: 639 - 643

Lithology and Fluid Discrimination Using Bulk Modulus and Mu-Rho Attributes Generated From Extended Elastic Impedance

Balogun A. O, Ehirim C. N

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Research Paper, Statistics, Iraq

Pages: 644 - 648

Comparing Different Bayes Estimator of Shape Parameter for Burr Type X

Maha Adil Alagaidi

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Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, Vietnam

Pages: 649 - 654

A Novel Method to Determine the Bio-Impedance

Nguyen Phan Kien, Tran Anh Vu, Dang Thanh Trungand Trinh Anh Duong

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 655 - 658

Strangulated Paraumbilical Hernia with Gangrenous Stomach - A Rare Case

Dr. Shashidhara .P, Dr. Harsha Narayana Swamy

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 659 - 663

Comparative Study to Analyse the Results in Sutureless Pterygium Surgery with Fibrin Glue versus Without Glue by Autoconjunctival Graft

Dr. Sajjan Sangai, Dr. J.P.Mishrikotkar, Dr. S.R.Thakre, Dr. Sarika Gadekar, Dr. Yogita Phadke, Dr. Sankalp Rao

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Cote d'Ivoire

Pages: 664 - 671

Effect of NaCl Concentration on the Agrophysiological and Biochemical Parameters of Tomato Varieties by a Chemometric Approach

Kouame Kan Benjamin, Koko Anauma Casimir, Diomande Masse, Assidjo Nogbou Emmanuel

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Research Paper, Medical Microbiology, Nigeria

Pages: 672 - 676

Seroprevalence of High-Risk Human Papilloma virus type 18 (Hr-HPV-18) Infections among Women with HIV-1 Infection on Long Term Suppressive Anti-Retroviral Therapy in a Tertiary Hospital in Jos, Nigeria

Joseph A. Anejo-Okopi, Danladi M. Dashuwa, David S. Adeniyi, Otobo I. Ujah

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 677 - 682

A Dissimilarity based Hybrid Approach Along with Novel Score Exploration for Event Detection in Social Streams

M. Vijaya Maheswari, Dr S. Manju Priya

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Research Paper, Chemistry, India

Pages: 683 - 688

Physico-chemical Characterization of Sponge Iron Solid Waste of Maithan Steel Plant ? A Case Study

Sanjay K Samal, Prafulla K Sahoo, Dillip K Behera

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 689 - 690

Effectiveness of Dual Task Exercise to Improve Balance Walking Speed and Gait Pattern in Patient with CVA

Piyush Wagh

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 691 - 698

Design, Development & Analysis of Hydraulic Noise Suppressor

Sumit A. Nehere, Milind S. Ramgir

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 699 - 704

Comparison of Screening for Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy by OGCT v/s HBA1C

Dr. Raikar Namrata Sayiprakash, Dr. Prema D'Cunha

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 705 - 709

Influence of Water Desiccation and Predator on Metamorphic Traits in the Indian Common Toad, "Bufo Melanostictus"

Mallappa N Kullolli

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 710 - 714

Factor affecting Consumer in Impulse Buying (On Hypermarket in Makassar City)

Thomas Timotius Abraham, Carla Poli

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 715 - 717

Effect of Trust and Easy on Decision Online Purchase toward Special Fashion Products

Lita Limpo, Meryana

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 718 - 723

Development of Entrepreneurship Education Model to Create Vocational School Students' Entrepreneur Competency

Abdul Muin Sibuea, Harun Sitompul

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Research Paper, Biodiversity and Conservation, Nigeria

Pages: 724 - 729

Avian Diversity and Feeding Guilds within Lekki Conservation Centre, Lagos State, Nigeria

Oluwatimilehin E. Olabamiyo, Akinsola I. Akinpelu

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, Nigeria

Pages: 730 - 734

Relative Abundance of Birds and Vegetation Composition within the Grassland Region of Lekki Conservation Centre, Nigeria

Oluwatimilehin E. Olabamiyo, Akinsola I. Akinpelu

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Research Paper, Automobiles, Kenya

Pages: 735 - 743

Environmental Factors of Road Accidents Involving Public Service Vehicles in Nairobi County, Kenya

Ephraim Likuyi Angachi, Charles Mburu, Dr. Margaret Wachu Gichuhi

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Research Paper, Education, Philippines

Pages: 744 - 750

Development of English Worktext in English 101

Yolanda D. Reyes, Rowell G. De Guia

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Nigeria

Pages: 751 - 757

Proximate and Elemental Composition of Methanolic Extract of Boswellia dalzielii Hutch. (Frankincense Tree: Burseracea)

U. T. Mamza, O. A. Sodipo, F. I. Abdulrahman, I. Z. Khan

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Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia

Pages: 766 - 770

Development of Sago Agribusiness in Facing Local Consumption Pattern

Tribudi Prihatini Tarwoyo, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, Rahmadanih

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Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia

Pages: 771 - 773

Carp Business Development Strategy in Cirata

Randytio Samasta, Yandra Arkeman, Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India

Pages: 774 - 777

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Respiratory Tract Infections among Plywood Industry Workers

Sanjeev Badli

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 778 - 781

Analysis of the Effect of Government Policy to the Return of Shares in Industry of Cigarettes

Nursihan, Sri Hartoyo, Hendro Sasongko

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Research Paper, Anatomy, India

Pages: 782 - 784

Wormian Bones ? An Original Research Article

Dr. V. Anitha, G. Jaiharish, S. Manoj Rishi, V. S. Rishwanth

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Nigeria

Pages: 785 - 788

Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Agricultural Soil Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Oyewole O. Nather, Jimoh M. Abiodun

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 789 - 791

Automatic Side Stand Retrieval System

Bharat Krishan Nirmal

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Research Paper, Management, Kenya

Pages: 792 - 796

Effects of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Performance in Non-Governmental Organizations; Case Study of Compassion International Tanzania

Mary J. Kasanga, Dr. Samuel Obino Mokaya

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Iraq

Pages: 797 - 802

Preserve the Confidentiality of Information in E-government Through Steganography Based on AES technique and Unicode Standard

Abdulrahman Ahmed Alzand, Omar Hisham Rished

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Research Paper, Geology Science, India

Pages: 803 - 804

Coal Resources and Its Prospects in Jammu and Kashmir

Sachin Changotra, Huny Sharma

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Research Paper, Veterinary Medicine, Iraq

Pages: 805 - 807

Impact of Adding Digestrom? and Biotronic?Top3 in Feed of Broilers Infected with Escherichia Coli

Khalid Ali Mohammed, Dr. Sameer Mezher Abdullah

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Research Paper, Education, Kenya

Pages: 808 - 811

Perception, Condom Use Among Secondary School Students in Kenya


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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia

Pages: 812 - 815

Transformational Leadership Improved Financial Perspective and Employess Satisfaction at Polyclinics of Zainoel Abidin Hospital Indonesia: A Descriptive Study

Martunis, Ritha Dalimunthe, Khaira Amalia, Juanita

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Research Paper, Physical Education, China

Pages: 816 - 821

Motivational Level of College Students' in Physical Activity: A Concern for Public Health Education

Samuel Joseph Bebeley, Wu Yi-Gang, Yang Liu

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Research Paper, Economics, Kenya

Pages: 822 - 831

Effects of Government Expenditure on Household Consumption in Kenya

Gerald Mwangi Gichohi

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 832 - 837

An Inventory Model with Price Dependent Demand Rate, Quadratic Holding Cost and Deteriorating Rate with Shortages

Dr. R. Babu Krishnaraj, D. Dhivya

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Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia

Pages: 838 - 844

The Influence of LMX, Job Demands, Job Resources and Personal Resources on Work Engagement: Case Studies on PT Evergreen Shipping Agency Indonesia Employee

Didint Dwi Prehantoro S, Musa Hubeis, Farit Mochamad Afendi

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Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 845 - 847

Bio-sorption of Zinc Ions by Green Algae Spirogyra

Anamika Kushwah, Ruchi Chauhan, Mukesh Parmar, Pradeep Semil

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Libya

Pages: 848 - 851

Diabetic Retinopathy in Libyan Patients; Severity and Relation to Systemic Risk Factors

Hammad K Elzarrug, Tarek Makhlouf, Ruwida M.S Abdullah

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Libya

Pages: 852 - 856

A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Refractive Errors Associated with Different Types of Cataract

Hammad K Elzarrug, Tarek Makhlouf, Ruwida M.S Abdullah

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Research Paper, Management, Rwanda

Pages: 857 - 864

Determinants of Adoption of Electronic Payment Systems for Small and Medium Enterprises in Rwanda: A Case of R-Switch

Eric Kimenyi Ntukanyagwe, Dr. Patrick Mulyugi

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, India

Pages: 865 - 870

Endoscopic Evaluation of Persistent Nasal Obstruction in Children of School Going Age

Dr Zubair Ahmad Lone, Dr Omar Mohammad Shafi, Dr Qurat Ul Ain Batool, Sajad Majid Qazi

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Nigeria

Pages: 871 - 876

Seasonal Assessment of Underground Water Quality

Bitrus Wokhe Tukura, Taofeek Abdulrafiu

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Research Paper, Finance, Indonesia

Pages: 877 - 881

Effect of Prices, Exchange Rate and Volume of Demand for Gold Price Volatility in Indonesia Stock Futures

Samsu G

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 882 - 887

Effective Web Usage Mining by Tracing Visitors Online Behaviors

Neha Sharma

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Survey Paper, Nutrition Science, Bangladesh

Pages: 888 - 891

Assessment of Infant and Young Child Feeding Indicators with Special Emphasis on Practices and Knowledge of Mothers in Rural Areas

Taslima Arzu, Md. Ariful Kabir Sujan, Dr. Md. Sabir Hossain

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Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia

Pages: 892 - 895

Application of Polyclonal Planting System of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) By Side Grafting Technology in South Sulawesi-Indonesia

Junaedi, Arifin, Muhammad Yusuf, Syahruni Thamrin

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Research Paper, Social Science, Indonesia

Pages: 896 - 901

Analysis of Sustainability Management of River Flow of Wae Batu Gajah City Ambon

Robert Oszaer, Jusmy Dolvis Putuhena

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Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 902 - 906

Monitoring of the Changes in Water Rate for Al-Razaza Lake Using Remote Sensing Techniques

Israa J. Muhsin, Maysam Qasim Kaittan, Hanaa I. Ali

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Research Paper, Knowledge Management,

Pages: 907 - 912

Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

Jane Nthoki Muthoka

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Research Paper, Statistics, Rwanda

Pages: 913 - 918

Forecasting Drought in Rwanda Using Time Series Approach Case Study: Bugesera District

Gashumba Kaminuza Pascal, Dr. Joseph K. Mung'atu

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 919 - 921

Correlation between Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life among Traffic Police

Deepti Gangwar, Dr. U. V. Kiran

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 922 - 928

Assessment of Nurses? Knowledge, Attitude and Associated Factors towards Palliative Care in Lubumbashi?s Hospitals

Astrid Katumbo Mukemo, Narcisse Mwinkeu Kasongo, Michel Kabamba Nzaji, Henri Mundongo Tshamba, Abel Ntambue Mukengeshayi, Julien Ilunga Nikulu, Oscar Luboya Numbi, Francoise Malonga Kaj

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 929 - 933

Volunteer Toothcare Project

Bushra Rashid Noaman, Mohammed Salim Younus, Saya Hadi Rauf, Lava Sabir Ibrahim

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 934 - 938

The Influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture and Motivation Toward Employee Performance at Maros Department of Education


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Research Paper, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 939 - 942

Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Simulations to Analyze the Temperature and Flow of Liquid in a Can during Sterilization

Ghani Albaali, Suhad S. Hussein

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 943 - 946

Consequences of Child Marriage on Maternal and Neonatal Health

Rekha M Sangal, Dr. Manjula Patil

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 947 - 948

Prevalence of Thyroid Disorder in Pregnancy and Pregnancy Outcome

Dr. Sowmya Sri. K, Dr. Pramod Kumar Korani Ratnam

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 949 - 955

Simulation of Chlorine Decay in Al-Gukook Water Distribution Networks Using EPANET

Aula Sahib Hasan Al-Mamori, Nawar Omran Ali Al-Musawi

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Research Paper, Management, Rwanda

Pages: 956 - 963

EFFE ECT of Drivers of Internationalization on Performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda: A Case Study of Ecobank Limited, Rwanda

Audace MAHORO, Dr Julius Warren Kule

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Research Paper, Management, Rwanda

Pages: 964 - 970

Beneficiary Participation and Performance of Agricultural Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Post Harvest and Agri-Business Support Project

Ndagijimana Alexis Abdul Aziz, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi

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Research Paper, Library Science, Indonesia

Pages: 971 - 973

Using Android in Accessing Transactions Data on Library Book Loan


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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Iraq

Pages: 974 - 986

New CFIA / Merging Zones Technique for Determination of Captopril in Pure and Pharmaceutics Dosage forms through the Oxidation / Reduction Reaction of Drug with Cu(II)- Neocuproine Complex via Spectrophotometric Detection

Bushra B. Qassim, Ahmed A. Alwan

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Research Paper, Management, Rwanda

Pages: 987 - 992

Effect of Stakeholders Management Practices on Performance of Construction Projects in Rwanda

Theophile Murwanashyaka, Dr. Jaya Shukla

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 993 - 994

In Vitro Multiplication Studies in Spilanthes Acmella L. (Murr.)

Ahmed A. Algabri, Narayan Pandhure

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Review Papers, Chemistry, Iraq

Pages: 995 - 1003

Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation the Biological Activity of New Payrazolo{3,4 d} Pyrimidine Derivatives

Sameaa J. Khammas, Ahlam J. Hamood

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia

Pages: 1004 - 1008

A Model of Malaria in Pregnancy Prevention Counseling in Clinics, District of Jayapura, Papua

Ester Rumaseb, Hari Kusnanto, Djaswadi Dasuki, Siswanto Agus Wilopo

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Research Paper, Agricultural, Bangladesh

Pages: 1009 - 1013

Role of Mass Media in Introducing Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies in Coastal Bangladesh

Md. Maruf Billah

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Research Paper, Biotechnology, Iraq

Pages: 1014 - 1018

Reducing the Turbidity of Wastewater by Some Plant Based Coagulants

Majid R. Majeed, Hiba A. Jasim

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 1019 - 1022

Molecular Epidemiology of Rota Virus in Acute Diarrhea in under Five Children in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo

Maguy Sangaji Kabuya, Olivier Mukuku, Augustin Mulangu Mutombo, David'son Ngoy Monga, Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden, Oscar Numbi Luboya, Stanislas Okitotsho Wembonyama, Pascal Lutumba

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Research Paper, Genetics Science, Uzbekistan

Pages: 1023 - 1024

Inheritance Productivity of F1 Plants and Combining Ability of Long Fibrous Cotton Varieties

S. M. Nabiev, N. E. Chorshanbiev

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 1025 - 1029

Second Virial Coefficients of Noble Gases

R. Balasubramanian, X. Ramya Rayen, R. Murugesan

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Research Paper, Social Science, Uzbekistan

Pages: 1030 - 1033

Interpretation of the Image of Khyzyr in the Works of Alisher Navoi

Davlatov Olim D?vlatovich

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Research Paper, Accounting, Kenya

Pages: 1034 - 1039

Financial Factors Affecting Growth of Audit Firms in Kenya: A Survey of Audit Firms in Nairobi City County

Stephen Wambua Munuve, Dr. Joseph Obwogi

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Iraq

Pages: 1040 - 1044

Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Polymers for Isatin

Zaynab Hussein Fadel, Sameaa J. Khammas, Wasan Abdul Razzaq Mahmood

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