Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017: Page 2
Review Papers, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 1045 - 1049A Review on Speed Control Techniques of Single Phase Induction Motor
Sangita Gohil, Priyal Bhavsar, Devanshi Gandhi
Research Paper, Chemistry, Iraq
Pages: 1050 - 1055Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies and Biologically Active of Uracil and Mixed Ligand with Aluminum (III)
Shatha M. H. Obaid, Hanan A.Sh. Al Naemi, Abbas Ali Salih Al-Hamdani
Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Libya
Pages: 1056 - 1059Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of the Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Fagonia arabica L., Used as Traditional Medicinal plant in Libyan
Dheba Mohammed Abobaker
Dissertation Chapters, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia
Pages: 1060 - 1063The Effectiveness of Rice Price Stabilization Policy In Indonesia
Desi Aryani, Ronnie Susman Natawidjaja, Trisna Insan Noor, Andy Mulyana
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Nursing, Iraq
Pages: 1064 - 1070Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Nurses Knowledge Concerning Prevent of Post-Thoracic Surgery Complications at AL-Najaf Teaching Hospitals
Sarah Kareem Buraihi, Suad J. Mohammed
Research Paper, Education, Kenya
Pages: 1071 - 1074Effects of Culture on the Learning Styles of Secondary School Agriculture Students in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
Muge C. Josephine, Nkurumwa O. Agnes
Informative Article, Social Science, China
Pages: 1075 - 1077The Research on the Predicament of Printed Media in the Omnimedia Era based on the Hong Kong Commercial Daily
Yunqi WANG
Research Paper, Material Science, Nigeria
Pages: 1078 - 1081Computation of Free Convective Nusselt Number from Horizontal Cylinders Using Semi-Empirical Relationships
B. S. Mbang, M. F. Haque
Research Paper, Geology Science, Iraq
Pages: 1082 - 1091Evaluation of Iraqi Phosphorite from Akashat Mine as a Polishing and Whitening Material in Human Dentistry: A Study in Medical Geology
Salih Muhammad Awadh, Rana Abbas Ali
Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, India
Pages: 1092 - 1096Geospatial Analysis for Optimizing Disposal of Solid Waste
Ashish Aggarwal, Soumya Saswat Mishra, Aman Chawla, Haribansh Singh
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 1097 - 1101Intervention Programs for Physical Education Teachers in Natural Disaster Region Using Kids Athletics Media
Sabar Surbakti, Agung Sunarno
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 1102 - 1103The Effect of Hypnoteraphy on the Leading Achievement of Athletes Athletic of Sport Branch of Jump and Throw Number
Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, India
Pages: 1104 - 1111A Comparative Analysis MAC Protocols for Optimization of UWB Channels in the Presence of Fast Fading & Shadowing
Y. V. AdiSatyanarayana, K. Padma Raju, P. V. Naganjaneyulu
Research Paper, Business Management, Kenya
Pages: 1112 - 1118Challenges in Vat Remittance in the Kenya Road Construction Industry: A Case Study of Kitui Region
Jane Karuana Murage, Dr. Joseph Obwogi
Research Paper, Business Management, Tanzania
Pages: 1119 - 1125Understanding Drivers of Performance in Hotel Industry in Zanzibar, Tanzania: An Integrated Supply Chain Model
Suleiman Mohammed, Sumuni Catholic
Review Papers, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 1126 - 1130The Effect of Curcumin (Turmeric) on Oral and Periodontal Diseases
Saja Malik Jaleel, Maha Sh. Mahmood
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Pattern Recognition, China
Pages: 1131 - 1140Securing Iris Recognition System for Access Control Based on Image Processing
Isaack Adidas Kamanga, Dening Jiang
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Mexico
Pages: 1141 - 1147Prevalence of Swallowing Disorders and Its Association with Geriatric Syndromes in Elderly Patients Attending to a First Level Care Center
Diaz-Ramos Julio Alberto, Mondragon-Cervantes Martha Ivon, Jimenez-Acosta Yenesis del Carmen, Fraga-Avila Claudia, Diaz-Garcia Irma Fabiola, Coss-Adame Enrique, Leal-Mora David
Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq
Pages: 1148 - 1154Radionuclides Concentration and Radiological Risk in the Dust Rising in Some Streets of Diwaniyah City Due to the Movement of Wheels and Cars
Khalid Hadi Mahdi, Raad Mahmoud Nassif, Kawthar Hassan Obayes
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 1155 - 1163Effects of Extrinsic Rewards on Employee's Performance in Public Institutions in Rwanda: A Case Study of Rwanda Revenue Authority
Jacqueline Uwineza, Dr. Paul Muturi
Research Paper, Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1164 - 1168Strategic Development Analysis of Business and Economic Empowerment Family Group (KUPEK)
Marsha Ednisa Ramadhani, Rizal Syarief, Agus Maulana
Research Paper, Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1169 - 1177Receivable Management Performance Measurement Tool and Factors Affecting Account Receivable Performance
Irana Leila Meriam, Noer Azam Achsani, Tanti Novianti
Research Paper, Psychology, Zimbabwe
Pages: 1178 - 1184Some Psychological Effects of the Presence of Street Children to Business Operators in Harare Central Business District
Mberikwazvo Edwin, Kudenga Mugove
Research Paper, Psychology, Zimbabwe
Pages: 1185 - 1191Activities by Street Children which affect Business Operators
Mberikwazvo Edwin, Kudenga Mugove
Research Paper, Social Science, Nigeria
Pages: 1192 - 1196Insurgency and Socio-Political Economy of Nigeria
KROKEYI Wisdom Selekekeme, DADI Timothy
Research Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, India
Pages: 1197 - 1200A Study on Plasma 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels in Hypertensive Patients
Mukhtarahmed Bendigeri, Haisam Bin Abdulkader, Prakruthi Jaladhar
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 1201 - 1204Optimization of Process Variables for the Production of Methyl Esters from Waste Cooking Oil
P. Santosh Babji, B.V. Appa Rao, Aditya Kolakoti
Research Paper, Knowledge Management, Kenya
Pages: 1205 - 1210Effect of Knowledge Application on the Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company
Hillary Otati, Dr. Rose Litunya
Case Studies, Gynaecology, India
Pages: 1211 - 1216A Study on Clinical Profile of Patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Dr Alakananda, Dr Bishnu Prasad Das, Dr Ishaa Goel
Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1117 - 1220Design Instrument for Assessing the Accuracy of Nominal Group Translation form English into Indonesian Language with Halliday?s Nominal Group Approach
Ade Sukma Mulya, Nur Hasyim, Sri Wahyono
Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1221 - 1223Competitive Strategy of Bottled Oolong Tea Beverage
Fuad Wahdan Muhibuddin, Arief Daryanto, Yandra Arkeman
Comparative Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 1224 - 1227Comparison of Epidural Butorphanol and Fentanyl as Adjuvants in the Lower Abdominal Surgery
Dr. Asit Kothari, Dr. Devarsh Thakkar, Dr. Neel Rana, Dr. Shashank Maladkar
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 1228 - 1231Comparative Study of Dexmedetomidine with Pethidine for Assessment of Intraoperative Sedation during Mastoid Surgery
B. P. Manjula, Sowmya N
Research Paper, Gynaecology, India
Pages: 1232 - 1237The Management of Antepartum Eclampsia: Evaluation of the Outcome of Magnesium sulphate Regimens: Pritchard Vs Dhaka Regimens
Dr. S. Valarmathi, Dr. S. S. Gayathri, Dr. T. H. Usha
Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, Iraq
Pages: 1238 - 1242Incidence Rate of Infectious Diseases in Hospitalized Children
Maysaa Kadhim Al-Malkey, Istabraq A. Beram, Alyaa W. Saadi
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 1243 - 1245Effect of Lending Policy on Financial Stability of Commercial Banks: Empirical Evidence of Banking Sector in Kenya
Alfred Wandera Kuloba, Dr. Agnes Njeru
Research Paper, Management, Kenya
Pages: 1246 - 1250Effect of Cost Consideration on Organizations Adoption of Cloud Technology by International Non-Govermental Organizations in Kenya
David Aliata, Godfrey Makau, Kamau Mwangi
Case Studies, Pathology Science, Albania
Pages: 1251 - 1255A Case Report of Extrapelvic Multilocular Endometriosis
Dr. E. Kurushi, Prof. Dr. Mehdi Alimehmeti, Dr. Manjola Tahiraj, Dr. Shk. Gentiana Cekodhima
Research Paper, Business Management, Kenya
Pages: 1256 - 1262Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Banking by Deposit Taking Sacco's in Kenya
Munyambu Veronica Gathoni, Dr. Joseph Obwogi
Research Paper, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 1263 - 1266Ichthyofaunal Study of Bhakra-Yamuna Link Canals in Narwana Region, Haryana
Parmila Devi
Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 1267 - 1270Comparative Study of Mifepristone and Misoprostol Vs Misoprostol Alone in Second Trimester Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Dr Mrudula Karri, Dr Meenalochani .P, Dr Kala A
Research Paper, Computer Science, India
Pages: 1271 - 1272An Approach for Outsourced Big Data to Provide Security
Veladandi Divya
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Nuclear Engineering, Burma
Pages: 1273 - 1277Investigation of Radiation Vulcanization of Natural Rubber Latex for the Production of Rubber Gloves by using Gamma Radiation
Zin Min Tun, Khin Khin Lay
Dissertation Chapters, Industrial Engineering,
Pages: 1278 - 1284Effect of Green Supply-Chain Management Implementation on Marketing Performance (Study on Paper Industry in West Java Province of Indonesia)
Osep Hijuzaman
Research Paper, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 1285 - 1290Development of Dot-ELISA Technique for Detection of Chlorpyriphos Pesticide and Feasibility of its Application to Field Samples
Prabha Parmar, Devinder Kocher
Research Proposals or Synopsis, English Literature, India
Pages: 1291 - 1293The Women?s Libration by Preserving their Value and Dignity in Modern Society of India in Anita Nair?s Novels
Saheleh Kheirabadi
Research Paper, Tourism, Indonesia
Pages: 1294 - 1298Exploring the Potential of Cultural Villages as a Model of Community Based Tourism
N I K Dewi, I P Astawa, I W Siwantara, I G A B Mataram
Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Uzbekistan
Pages: 1299 - 1301Reflections on the Word and Lexeme
M. Abdiev
Research Paper, Physiology Science, India
Pages: 1302 - 1307Prevalence of Anaemia by Evaluating Various Haematological Parameters in Medical Students
Dr Vijay B S Gaur, Dr Bindu Singh Gaur
Research Paper, Physics Science, India
Pages: 1308 - 1309Gravitational Curvature and Its Asymptote
Dr Pradeep Kumar, Dr Jitendra Kumar
Case Studies, Economics, Indonesia
Pages: 1310 - 1313Entrepreneurship Development Pattern in College Based Business Incubator
Bainil Yulina, Pridson Mandiangan, Anggeraini Oktarida, Sandrayat, Lisnini
Research Paper, Education, Kenya
Pages: 1314 - 1320Investigation of Crisis Prevalence in the Health Sector: A Case Study of Bungoma Referral Hospital
Jackson Osore Matheshe, Dr. Gertrude Inimah
Research Paper, Social Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1321 - 1327Radicalization of Indonesian Independence Movement during Japanese Military Occupation 1942 - 1945
Dr. I Ketut Surajaya
Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia
Pages: 1328 - 1331Influence of Health Education on Pulmonary Cardiac Resuscitation Guidelines Based on the American Heart Association(AHA) 2010 to Increased Cognitive Ability of Nurses in Abepura Hospital
Blestina Maryorita, Frengky Apay, Guruh Suprayitno
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1332 - 1335The Influence of Parturition Gymnastics towards the Lowering of Fundal Height on Post Partum Mother at Community Health Center in South Tangerang Indonesia
Henny Novita, Marwati Biswan, Vera Suzana Dewi Haris
Research Paper, Education, India
Pages: 1336 - 1338A Study of Life Skill among the Post Graduate Students
Dr. Alaka Das
Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia
Pages: 1339 - 1353The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Pursed Lips Breathing Towards Fatigue, Depression and Lung Function of Copd Patients in Provincial Hospital of Jayapura
Siti Patimah, Kusnanto, Fitrian Rayasari
Research Paper, Psychology, India
Pages: 1354 - 1357Effect of Emotional Regulation and Self Control on Experiences in Close Relationships among Young Adults
Sanjeevini Dixit
Research Paper, Agriculture, India
Pages: 1358 - 1361Pre-Harvest Treatments for Fruit Quality Improvement in Rainy Season Guava (Psidium guajava)
Swosti Debapriya Behera, Sanjay Pathak
Research Paper, Microbiology, India
Pages: 1362 - 1365Phenotypic Diversity of MDR Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Burn Patients and their Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) Index
Anusha Joy Rajathi A, Jeyachitra K
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 1366 - 1371Effect of Inventory Management on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Rwanda, A Case Study of Bralirwa
Jean Nepo Mulindabigwi, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi
Research Paper, Management, Iraq
Pages: 1372 - 1382The Role of Self-Efficacy of Managers in Determining Strategic Direction by Mediating the Services of Business Incubators
Hadeel Kadhim Saeed, Atheer Anwer Sharif, Hussein Waleed Hussein
Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq
Pages: 1383 - 1385Generalized Radicalg-Supplemented Modules
Wasan Khalid Alobaidy, Aseel Amer Alatuany
Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Iraq
Pages: 1386 - 1390On Shrinkage Estimation for Stress-Strength Reliability in Case of Generalized Exponential Distribution
Abbas N. Salman, Adel A. Hussein, Ibtehal H. Farhan
Research Paper, Political Science, Iraq
Pages: 1391 - 1400The Future of the Iraqi Kurds
Dr. Sattar J. Alaiy
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 1401 - 1406Effect of Receivable Management Practices on Financial Performance; A Case Study of Deloitte East Africa Limited Authors
Chris Jared Odondi, Dr. Kennedy K. Nteere, Agnes Njeru
Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 1407 - 1408Miss Call Based Irrigation System
Research Paper, Geophysics Science, Nigeria
Pages: 1409 - 1418Determination of Multiples in Surface Seismic Data Using Zero Offset Vertical Seismic Profiling (ZVSP) Techniques
Sofolabo O. Adekunle, Uyo Blessed Friday
Research Paper, Political Science, India
Pages: 1419 - 1421India's Foreign Policy: Narendra Modi & Vladimir Putin
Gotru Sanjay Chakravarthy, Prof K. Chandra Kumar
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, Indonesia
Pages: 1422 - 1426Optimal Tuning of OLTC to Improve Power Transformer Voltage Stability based on Artificial Neural Network (Case Study in PT. YTL East Java)
Azmi Saleh, Widyono Hadi, Welli Agustina
Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1427 - 1434Ecotourism Business Model Analysis in Taman Pesisir Penyu Pantai Pangumbahan, District of Sukabumi
Ermawan RW, Hasbullah R, Baga LM
Research Paper, Management, Tanzania
Pages: 1435 - 1438The Influence of Community Mobilization Strategies on Women Participation in Agricultural Development Activities in Arumeru District, Tanzania
Mary William Mnyawi, Prof. Peter A. Kopoka
Case Studies, Pathology Science, India
Pages: 1439 - 1443Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma Mimicking as Uterine Leiomyoma
Pranati Mohanty, Goutami Das Nayak, Sushil Kumar Giri, Tanaya Jena, Bidyutprava Satpathy, Pratyush Kumar Ray, Dr Pranati Mohanty
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 1444 - 1451Effect of Merger and Acquisition Strategy on Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Rwanda Access Bank, I & M Bank and Ecobank
Gakwandi Jean Marc, Dr. Kule Julius Warren
Review Papers, Medical Surgical, Albania
Pages: 1452 - 1454Perioperative Care for Geriatric Patients Undergoing Surgery
Haxhire Gani, Franceska Beqiri
Research Paper, Nursing, Egypt
Pages: 1455 - 1459Assess Levels of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of the Married Women about Pelvic Floor Muscles Exercise
Wafaa Ahmed Ibrahim
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 1460 - 1476The Resource Factors Influencing the Project Completion in Rwanda: A Case of Nyabarongo I Hydro Power Plant Project in Muhanga District
Sifa Angelique
Research Paper, Home Science, India
Pages: 1477 - 1480Workplace Stress and its Impact on Psychological Well Being of Women Working at Food Junctions
Aishwarya Gupta, Shalini Agarwal
Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 1481 - 1483Survey Paper on Predictive Analysis in Data Mining
R Prathyusha
Review Papers, Computer Science, India
Pages: 1484 - 1488A Review on Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Malav Shah, Harsh Doshi, Parth Oza, Vinaya Sawant
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 1489 - 1492Correlation between the Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) Score and Strength of HIP and Knee Muscles in Subjects with Unilateral Chronic Ankle Instability
Garg M, Khan SA, Quddus N
Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1493 - 1495Study of Brain Morphology in Healthy Aging and Alzheimer disease in Sudan using MRI
Inaam Eltoum, Mohamed Yousef, Shazaly Khojaly, Ahmed Abukonna, Mohammed Salih
Research Paper, Biochemistry, India
Pages: 1496 - 1508Seasonal Variation in Biochemical Composition of Black Clam (Villorita cyprinoides) in Cochin Estuary with Special Emphasis on the Impact of Thanneermukkom Bund
A. U. Arun
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Science, India
Pages: 1509 - 1511N-HUB Routing with Bandwidth and Energy based QOS and Link Optimization in Wireless Networks
Priyanka, Shameem Akthar
Research Paper, Accounting, Indonesia
Pages: 1512 - 1521CASSAVA Processing Industries: How to Succeed? Case in Bondowoso-Indonesia
Djoko Supatmoko, Alwan Sri Kustono, Reswanda T. Ade
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 1522 - 1526Effect of Dividend Per Share on Share Prices After the Initial Public Offer (IPO) for Quoted Companies in Kenya
Esther Mutanu Nzioka, Dr. Agnes Njeru, Dr. Kennedy K. Nteere
Research Paper, Information Technology, Kenya
Pages: 1527 - 1533Interface Features, Program Complexity and Memorability as Indicators of Learnability of Mobile Social Software
Nelson Bogomba Masese, Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Samuel Mungai Mbuguah
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 1534 - 1540Effect of Project Planning Process on Performance of Electricity Projects in Rwanda; A Case of Electricity Access Rollout Program (EARP)
Fred Ukwishaka, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi
Research Paper, Information Technology, Zimbabwe
Pages: 1541 - 1545A Tool to Predict the Possibility of Social Unrest Using Sentiments Analysis - Case of Zimbabwe Politics 2017 - 2018
Elliot Mbunge, Fanwell Vheremu, Kinsley Kajiva
Research Paper, Agricultural, Turkey
Pages: 1546 - 1550Potential of K?rsehir Province in Terms of Horticulture
Selma BOYACI, Hakan BASAK, Bahad?r ALTUN
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 1551 - 1553Retrieval of Separated Instrument; Challenge in Endodontics: A Case Report
Sneha Mali, T. M. Mangala, Saleem Makandar
Case Studies, Library Science, Kenya
Pages: 1554 - 1558Assessment of Hybrid Records Management Systems at Mount Kenya University, Kenya
Noreen Mulati, Jotham Wasike
Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Iraq
Pages: 1559 - 1561Synthesis of New Heterocyclic Compounds by Diels - Alder Reaction using Ultrasound Technique
Shatha Jameel Dawood, Shelan Hanna Boya, Bushra Hanna Marbeen, Dr. Hussan Ahmed Mohamed
Research Paper, Accounting, Cote d'Ivoire
Pages: 1562 - 1565Technical Sheet of Contribution to the Study and Valorization of the Therapeutic Potential of Pepper Capsicum frutescens var. soudanais used in the Traditional Pharmacopoeia in Cote d'Ivoire
Yao Kouadio, Dan CG, Kouassi KC, Gonnety TJ
Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, Brazil
Pages: 1566 - 1568The Existence and Analysis of Methanol/Methyl Acetate Azeotropes
Alexandre Cesar Balbino Barbosa Filho
Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 1569 - 1571Chronotropic Incompetence is Predictor of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Dr. Ajeet Singh, Dr. Suresh Yadav
Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, Nigeria
Pages: 1572 - 1573Mineral Contents of Ocimum Gratissimum Leaves (African Basil)
Ajayi, Adebola
Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, Nigeria
Pages: 1574 - 1576The Impact of Different Drying Methods on the Proximate Composition of Ocimumgratissimum (African Basil)
Ajayi Adebola
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 1577 - 1579Visual Outcome and Complications of Scleral Fixated Intra-Ocular Lens
Dr. Ridhika Jhunjhunwala, Dr. Saideep Dhand
Survey Paper, Veterinary Science, India
Pages: 1580 - 1584Distribution, Management, Milk Production and Health of Dairy Cows in Jabalpur, India
Shraddha Patel, Varsha Aglawe
Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, Nepal
Pages: 1585 - 1588An Analytical Study on Transverse Vibration of Both End Fixed Cable with a Moving Mass
Thakur Dhakal, Woo-Cheul Park
Survey Paper, Pathology Science, Tanzania
Pages: 1589 - 1594Assessment of Incidences and Severity of Cashew Leaf and Nut Blight Disease (CLNBD) in the Southern Areas of Tanzania
Nene W. A., M. E. Sijaona
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 1595 - 1601Effect of Economic Programs on Customer Financial Literacy of Barclays Bank of Kenya
Salome Awuor Oduor, Dr. Dennis Juma
Survey Paper, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Indonesia
Pages: 1602 - 1606Dendrogram Simulations with Determinatvariable Identifer to Determine the Farm Classification Systems of Bali Pigs
I PutuSampurna, Tjokorda Sari Nindhia, I Made Sukada
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1607 - 1609The Effect of Iron Plus Vitamin C Tablet on the Improvement of Haemoglobin Level to Pregnant Woman Tri Mester of Pregnant Woman at Pondok Benda Community Center in Southern Tangerang Indonesia
Erni, Rasumawati, Vera Suzana Dewi Haris
Research Paper, Nutrition Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1610 - 1614Physical Activities, Nutritional Status, HDL-LDL Cholesterol Content and Physical Fitness of the Aerobic Calisthenics Exercising Women in Lubuk Pakam
Novriani Tarigan, Tiar Lince Bakara
Research Paper, Computer Science, India
Pages: 1615 - 1622Experimental Analysis of Data Security Challenges on Cloud
Dhruv Sirohi, Tanishka Shorey, Shivam Anand, Manjula R
Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia
Pages: 1623 - 1626Comparison between Warm Compress and Massage to the Pain Intensity for Elderly Who Have Arthritic Pain in Bina Lanjut Usia Compound Jayapura
I Ketut Swastika, Kismiyati
Research Paper, Biochemistry, Kenya
Pages: 1627 - 1634Tissue Enzymes as Markers of Cardiac Damage during Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Infection of Sheep
Hawa Mavura, Raphael Ngure, Zipporah Maiyo, Grace Murilla
Research Paper, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 1635 - 1637Larvicidal Activity of Crude Plant Extract against Fourth Instar Larvae of Anopheles subpictus and Culex quinquefasiatus Mosquitoes
C. Sandhya, Dr. Sr. Mary Josphine Rani .A
Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, Iraq
Pages: 1638 - 1641Effect of Krill Oil Application on Wound Healing in Male Rats
Enas Fadhil Kadhim, Zahraa Raheem Al-Zamely
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 1642 - 1645Novel Framework of Identity Based Encryption with CRA
Latha M R, Dr.Shiva Murthy G, Ramakrishna Prasad A.L
Research Paper, Agricultural, Nepal
Pages: 1646 - 1649Assessment of Yield and Yield Attributing Characters of Drought Tolerant Rice Cultivars under Different Crop Management Practices in Central Terai of Nepal
Bishal Dhakal, Samjhana Khanal, Lal Prasad Amgain
Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1650 - 1655Marketing Strategy on Personal Loans Top Up Using Survival Analysis: Case Indonesian Bank
Andrie Agustino, Ujang Sumarwan, Bagus Sartono
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, Iraq
Pages: 1656 - 1661Effect of Telmisartan on Intra-Ocular Pressure in induced Open Angle Glaucoma in Rabbits
Mohammed Qasim Hussein, Haitham M. Kadim, Waleed K. Abdulsahib
Research Paper, Mathematics, Nigeria
Pages: 1662 - 1665Roles of Reachable Sets in Linear Control Systems
S. E. Aniaku, E. C. Mbah
Research Paper, Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1666 - 1670Employee Perceptions about Influence of Performance Appraisal Factors with Managerial Decision in PT ASKRINDO
Daryl Darussalam, Musa Hubeis, Joko Afandi
Research Paper, Accounting, Indonesia
Pages: 1671 - 1677Influence of Executive Characteristics and Duality of Chief Executive Officer to Tax Avoidance
Ade Elza Surachman
Research Paper, Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1678 - 1680The Effect of Service Quality on BPJS Patient Satisfaction at Puskesmas Kelapa Gading
Hezron Lastogar Situmorang, Heny K Daryanto, Trias Andati
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 1681 - 1683Physico Chemical Analysis of Soil of Digod Tehsil, Kota and Their Statistical Interpretation
Kirti Mohan Sharma, Hardev Singh Chaudhary
Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 1684 - 1687Oral findings, Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Biomarker Assessment in Serum and Saliva of Crohn's Patients
Zainab Kh. Abbas, Taghreed F. Zaidan
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 1688 - 1695Effect of Project Planning Tools on Project Performance: A Case of Early Childhood Development Project in Rwanda
John Rubangura, Paul Kariuki
Research Paper, Geology Science, Afghanistan
Pages: 1696 - 1704Study on River Terraces in Upper and Middle Parts of Kabul Sedimentary Basin, Afghanistan
Hafizullah Rasouli
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 1705 - 1710Mean Time to Recruitment for a Multi Grade Manpower System with Single Threshold, Single Source of Depletion When Wastages form a Geometric Process and Inter Decision Time Forms Ordinary Renewal Process, Order Statistics
K. Srividhya, S. Sendhamizhselvi
Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India
Pages: 1711 - 1717Life Cycle Assessment of a Water Treatment Plant: A Review
Prince Tiwari
Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India
Pages: 1718 - 1722Pollution Study of River Yamuna: The Delhi Story
Keshav Sharma
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 1723 - 1727Big Data for Supply Chain Management: An Insight to the Analytical Aspects of Tableau & Power BI
Akshat Jain
Case Studies, Social Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1728 - 1733Social Capital of Wood Carving Artisans Facing Global Economic Competition: (Case Study of Craftsman on Cipacing Village Sumedang Regency, West Java)
Resnawaty Risna, Fedryansyah Muhammad, Mulyana Nandang
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 1734 - 1737The Direct Learning Model in Mathematics: Investigating the Effect of Student's Perception on Learning Outcomes
Ino Sulistiani
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 1738 - 1740Environmental Knowledge and Attitude at Secondary School Students
Khalifah Mustami
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 1741 - 1743Hospital Service Quality on Public Health Assurance Program
Sapruni, Imran Sanusi
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 1744 - 1746Teacher Psychological Readiness Analysis in the Implementation of Inclusive Education at Junior High School of 18 Malang
Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi
Research Paper, Social Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1747 - 1754Women's Participation in Politics and Development in West Java Province, Indonesia
Tuswoyo Admojo, Paisal Halim
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 1755 - 1757Post Total Hysterectomy Obesity on QOL
Dr. S. S. Subramanian
Research Paper, Economics, Iraq
Pages: 1758 - 1767Financial Inclusion and Economic Development in Iraq
Ammar Hamad Khalaf, Azhar Hassan Ali
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 1768 - 1773Effect of Teamworking on Success of Government Agricultural Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Kirehe Watershed Management Project (KWAMP)
Alice Ababo, Dr. Jaya Shukla
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 1774 - 1777Evaluation of Endometrium with Sonographic and Histopathological Correlation in Perimenopausal Women with Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Dr. Bishnu Prasad Das, Dr. Nabanita Deka, Dr. Jashashree Saikia
Research Paper, Computer Science, India
Pages: 1778 - 1781A Novel Message Encryption Strategy using Random Numbers for Point-To-Point Message Transfer
Surya Ahuja, Nishit Angrish
Research Paper, Business Management, Kenya
Pages: 1782 - 1785Factors Affecting Compliance with Public Procurement and Disposal Act by the County Government of Nairobi
Winfridah Kagendo, Dr Godfrey Makau
Research Paper, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 1786 - 1788Morphometric Characters and Their Relationship of Freshwater Catfish Fish Clariusbatrachus(Linnaeus, 1758)from Aurangabad Region (M.S) India
Balaji D. Shinde, Rajani S. Amrawkar, Smita R. Sonawane
Case Studies, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 1789 - 1794Limnological Study of Lakes
S. Bharath Kumar, Dr. P. K. Suresh
Research Paper, Agriculture, Indonesia
Pages: 1795 - 1797In Vitro Shoot Generation from Cotyledon Explant of Brassica Oleracea using BAP and NAA
Research Paper, Education, Philippines
Pages: 1798 - 1801The Effect of Daily-Time Pressured Test with Scaffoldings on Students' Achievement and Problem Solving Test Scores as a Mark of Fluid Intelligence
Wenie L Nahial, Laila S. Lomibao, Charita A. Luna
Case Studies, Nursing, Nigeria
Pages: 1802 - 1806Individual Case Study on Family Health?Presenting Samples of Primary Case Studies from Different Countries and Summary of Proposed Case Study
Odikpo Linda C
Research Paper, Decision Science, Taiwan
Pages: 1807 - 1811An Approach for System Reliability of Two- Commodity Stochastic-Flow Networks with Budget Constraints
Pei-Chun Feng
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 1812 - 1817Regular Generalized Closed Sets in Grill Topological Spaces
P. Thenmozhi, M. Kaleeswari, N. Maheswari
Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Indonesia
Pages: 1818 - 1822The Breast Self-Examination (BSE) Behaviour among Balinese Women of Reproductive Age
Gusti Ayu Marhaeni, Ni Wayan Armini, Made Widhi Gunapria Darmapatni, I Dewa Putu Gede Putra Yasa, M. Choirul Hadi
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 1823 - 1826Cranial Base Morphology Determining Sagittal and Vertical Facial Relation: A Cross Sectional Study
Dr. Rohit Breh, Dr. Nandini V Kamat
Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq
Pages: 1827 - 1835Some New Results about the Convergence of Fuzzy Measurable Functions Sequence on Fuzzy Measure on Fuzzy Sets
Noori F. Al-Mayahi, Karrar S. Hamzah
Research Paper, Psychology, India
Pages: 1836 - 1839The Relationship between Motivation, Fear of Failure and Procrastination among Working Women
Sanjeevini Dixit
Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, Iraq
Pages: 1840 - 1845Comparison between Two Chemicals for Reducing Scale Formation in Reverse Osmosis Systems
Najwa S. Majeed, Ramzi Ata Abd Alsaheb, Zahraa A. Abdul Ameer
Research Paper, Statistics, India
Pages: 1846 - 1849Bayesian Analysis of Exponential Distribution Using Informative Prior
R. K. Radha
Research Paper, Agricultural, Uzbekistan
Pages: 1850 - 1852The Effects of Types of Sowing and Plant Thickness to Growth, Development and Harvest of Cotton Plant
Tursunov X. O.
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 1853 - 1854Occipital Emissary Foramen ? A Morphometric Analysis
Kabilamurthi S
Research Paper, Oncology, India
Pages: 1855 - 1858End to End (Double stapled) Versus End to Side (Triple Stapled) Colorectal Anastomosis Following Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer
Venkatarami Reddy Vutukuru, Sivarama Krishna Gavini, Chandramaliteeswaran C, Dr. Sarala Settipalli
Research Paper, Botany, China
Pages: 1859 - 1865Distribution Patterns of Invasive Alien Species along An Elevation and Rainfall Gradient in Kenya and Uganda
Okundi Jeffrey, Xu Shao, Jianqing Ding
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 1866 - 1868Evaluation of Effectiveness of Steenbeek Foot Abduction Orthosis in Maintaining Correction in Clubfoot Treatment by Ponseti Method
Singh A, Sharma N
Research Paper, Agriculture, Philippines
Pages: 1869 - 1877Collembola Inoculation in Soil Incorporated Mango Leaf Litter Enhances Decomposition for Organic Matter Building and Nutrient Banking
Fernan T. Fiegalan, Cherry L. Ringor, Tolentino B. Moya
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 1878 - 1881WSN based Air Pollution Control System
Jyoti Sharma, Puneet Sharma
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computers in Biology and Medicine, India
Pages: 1882 - 1886Integrated Support System for Disabled Patients Using WSN
Deepika Sharma
Review Papers, Dental Science, Bulgaria
Pages: 1887 - 1893Fiber Reinforced Composite Posts - A Review of Literature
Alexander Bonchev, Elka Radeva, Natalie Tsvetanova
Survey Paper, Computer Science, India
Pages: 1894 - 1897Content Delivery Network: A Survey
Ayushi Gondaliya, Tejas Chauhan
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 1898 - 1902Dynamic Modeling and Control of Grid Connected Wind-PV Hybrid Generation System
Vaibhav Gaur, Rahul Mishra
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 1903 - 1907Keyword Trend Analysis for LPU and It?s Competitors
Dr. Jolly Mash
Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 1908 - 1912The Effect of Medications in Buccal Epithelial Cells of Behcet's Disease Patients (Cytomorphometrical Study)
Dalya Mohammed, Layla Sabri Yas
Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 1913 - 1916Headlight Low-Beam and High-Beam Control using Raspberry Pi
Puneeth G
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Egypt
Pages: 1917 - 1923Evaluate the Prediction of Wave Parameters Using Parametric Methods in the South Coast of the Mediterranean Sea
Hassan Salah
Research Paper, Education, Tanzania
Pages: 1924 - 1930Effect of Training on Employees? Performance: A Case of Institutions of Higher Learning in Arusha City, Tanzania
Juliana Mpeo Shem, Baraka Manjale Ngussa
Research Paper, Chemistry, Iraq
Pages: 1931 - 1939Synthesis of ZnO/Fe2O3 Composite from Different Source of ZnO and its Use in Degradation of Methylene Blue
Khulood Abed AL-Saade, HamzaHatem AL-Taie
Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1940 - 1944Modelling and Control of a Diesel Hydrotreating Process
Zeyad M. Ahmed, Gurashi A. Gasmelseed
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1945 - 1956Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness among Primary Care Physicians and its Effect on Clinical Management, in Al-Khobar and Dammam Cities, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Abrar Al-Essa, Dr. Mohamed Ali Alamin
Research Paper, Agriculture, Iraq
Pages: 1957 - 1966Detection of Pesticide Residues and Other Additives on Some Imported Fruits and Vegetables using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry
Eman M. Rasheed, Qais A. Ibrahim
Research Paper, Statistics, Bangladesh
Pages: 1967 - 1971Factors Affecting on Child Health and Immunization under Five Year Children in Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Roshidul Islam, Mst. Lubna Yasmin
Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India
Pages: 1972 - 1973Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on Knowledge Regarding Growth and Development among the Mothers of an Infant
Laxmikanth S Bhangennavar, Sumitra La
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Aerospace Engineering, India
Pages: 1974 - 1981Impact of Multi-Dimensional Thermal and Structural Analyses on Bolted flange in Gas Turbine
K Aparna, Naresh Nidamanuri
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Nigeria
Pages: 1982 - 1989Appraisal of Criteria for Prequalification of Subcontractor in Construction Projects in Nigeria
Ebhohimen Tolulope Ehijel
Research Paper, Physics Science, India
Pages: 1990 - 1992A Thermodynamical Cycle for the Solar Cell
K. Thamhina, S. Jabeen Begum
Research Paper, Social Science, India
Pages: 1993 - 1996Commercialization of Indian Nationalism: Current Status and Associated Risks
Alok Balhwan
Research Paper, Geology Science, India
Pages: 1997 - 2001Mineral Distribution of Jammu and Kashmir
Sachin Changotra
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Iraq
Pages: 2002 - 2008Fresh and Hardened Properties of Superabsorbent Polymer Concrete
Waleed A. Abbas, Mohammed A. Jasim
Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq
Pages: 2009 - 2012The Effects of Copper Additives on the Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Resin
Kareem A. Jasim, Rihab Nassr Fadhil
Research Paper, Library Science, Kenya
Pages: 2013 - 2017An Examination of Records Management Practices for Improved Service Delivery in Laikipia County Government, Kenya
Winnie Gathoni Mwangi, Festus Ng'etich, Pharaoh Ochichi
Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 2018 - 2021Ultrasonograpic Evaluation for the Normal Disk Position of the Temporomandibular Joint
Zainab M. Al-Bahrani
Research Paper, Engineering, Indonesia
Pages: 2022 - 2024The Impact of the Utilization of Riparian Area for Settlements (Case Study of North Jayapura District, Jayapura City)
Lazarus Ramandey
Informative Article, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 2025 - 2028Second Generation Novel Antiepileptic-Levetiracetam
Dr. Vaishali Thakare, Dr. Lily Dubey
Research Paper, Food and Nutrition, Indonesia
Pages: 2029 - 2034Glycemic and Satiety Index of Some Degree of Milling of Indonesian Adlay (Coix Lachryma-Jobi Var Ma-Yuen) Indigenous Genotype
Tensiska, Imas Siti Setiasih, O. Suprijana, Warid Ali Qosim, Yana Cahyana
Case Studies, Library Science, Kenya
Pages: 2035 - 2043Challenges and Opportunities in the Use of Information Communication Technology in Management of Government Libraries: A Case Study of Kajiado County ? Kenya
Ramadhan Sifuna Rajab, Dr. James Ogalo
Research Paper, Education, Philippines
Pages: 2044 - 2049Administrative and Leadership Performance of Public Elementary School Principals in the Department of Education
Gina De Asis-Galvez
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 2050 - 2053Numerical Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Medium Sand overlying Clay
Mohamed Ramadan, Mahmoud Abo El-Wafa
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 2054 - 2058Seismic Behavior of Unburied Steel Water Pipes
Mohamed Omar, Hassan Ahmed, Shehata Abdel Raheem
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 2067 - 2070A Descriptive Study to Assess the Impact of Television Watching on Behavior among School Going Children in Selected Schools at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
K. Nirusha, V. Sunny Daniel, U. Bhanu Priya
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 2071 - 2074Case Report and Review of Literature on Anesthetic Management for Incisional Hernia Repair in a case of Severe Kyphoscoliosis with TB Spine and Asthma with Severely Deranged Pulmonary Function Tests
Dr. Siddharth Sharma, Dr Rajeev Kumar, Dr Swetali Wadke
Research Paper, Biology Science, Iraq
Pages: 2075 - 2079Distribution of Pathogenic Escherichia coli among Children with Severe Diarrhea in Al-Najaf Al- Ashraf City, Iraq
Massuma Sadiq Al Mussawi, Ahlam Kadhum Al-Yasseen
Research Paper, Engineering, India
Pages: 2080 - 2083An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Reinforced Concrete Cubes using Wheat Husk Ash & Rice Husk Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement
Dr. Shubha Khatri, Priyanka Kumari
Research Paper, Education, Philippines
Pages: 2084 - 2091Sources and Level of Stress Coping Strategies of Faculty Members in the University of Eastern Philippines
Dr. Leah A. de Asis, Dr. Veronica A. Piczon
Research Paper, Education, Philippines
Pages: 2092 - 2096Perceptions towards Folk Dancing of College Students in the University of Eastern Philippines
Nimfa F. Buedron
Research Paper, Education, Philippines
Pages: 2097 - 2101Mathematics Performance of Grade Six Pupils in the National Achievement Test, Division of Northern Samar: Basis in Developing a Workbook in Elementary Mathematics VI
Nelia M. Adora
Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, Philippines
Pages: 2102 - 2111Inter-Office Communications Analysis in the University of Eastern Philippines Inputs to Strengthening Administrative Communication
MA. Mercedes G. Sosa
Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Philippines
Pages: 2112 - 2117Inabaknon Proverbs: Retrieval and Translation into English
Maria Alfe Gordo-Banawis
Research Paper, Education, Philippines
Pages: 2118 - 2123Determinants of English Language Proficiency among Selected College Freshman Students of the University of Eastern Philippines: Insights to Language Teaching
Tessie C. Mangada
Research Paper, Management, Rwanda
Pages: 2124 - 2136Synthesis and Characterization of Biodiesel from Non-Edible Castor Seed Oil
Vincent NGUSALE, Pius Kipkemboi, Yulita MITEI
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 2137 - 2141A Study of Functional Outcome of Distal Tibial Fractures Treated by Minnmally Invasive Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis
Dr. Chakravarthy .R, Dr. Pratheesh Mohanraj, Dr. Ramprashanth .K
Research Paper, Engineering, Indonesia
Pages: 2142 - 2145The Impact of Mining Activities on Regional Development of Pegunungan Bintangregency of Papua Indonesia
Lazarus Ramandey
Research Paper, Education, Philippines
Pages: 2146 - 2153Status of Implementation of the University of Eastern Philippines Scholarship Grants: Inputs for Faculty Development Program
Nenette D. Tan
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 2154 - 2157Green Solvents for Sustainable Organic Synthesis
Dr. Asitanga Ghosh