Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016: Page 3: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016: Page 3

Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 1960 - 1964

Occurrence of Aeromycoflora in the Kitchen Environment of Jabalpur City

Ruchi Koshta, Akhilesh Ayachi

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, India

Pages: 1965 - 1968

Pesticide Consumption on Agriculture in Western Maharashtra: A Geographical Perspective

Chandrakant Kale

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, India

Pages: 1969 - 1971

From Negation to Negotiation: Naipaul

Dr. V. Ganesan

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1972 - 1977

The Efficacy of Eco-friendly Botanicals in the Management of Damping-off and Downy Mildew Diseases of Cucumber

Utobo E.B., Ekwu L.G., Nwogbaga A.C., Nwanchor K.

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1978 - 1981

Evaluating Eco-friendly Potting Media on Growth and Yield of Carrot Varieties in Abakaliki, South Eastern Nigeria

Utobo E.B., Ekwu L.G., Nwogbaga A.C., Nwanchor K.

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Azerbaijan

Pages: 1982 - 1985

The Classification and Preferences of Electronic Dictionaries in Modern Education

Zhala Mammadova

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1986 - 1988

High Frequency Regeneration in Important Medicinal Plant Uraria picta Jacq. DC

Avinash Jadhav, Rohit Shete, Narayan Pandhure

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1989 - 1991

In Vitro Callus Induction in Solanum virginianum L.

Rohit Shete, Avinash Jadhav, Narayan Pandhure

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Comparative Studies, Medical Surgical, Egypt

Pages: 1992 - 1997

Comparison between two Different Splints Used for Fixation of Symphyseal and Parasymphyseal Mandibular Fractures in Pediatric Infants

Yomna Elshazly

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1998 - 2001

Survey on Spatio-Temporal Clustering

Vaishali V. Dhundale, M. S. Takalikar

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Research Paper, Statistics, Pakistan

Pages: 2002 - 2006

Statistical Analysis of the Risk Factors of Children Leukemia Patients

Amna Younas Bhatti, Ahmed Bilal Waqar

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Psychology Science, Tunisia

Pages: 2007 - 2012

Effects of Cognitive Remediation Therapy in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Study Protocol

Melek Hajri, Zeineb Abbes, Houda Ben Yahia, Sami Ouanes, Soumeyya Halayem, Asma Bouden, Ali Mrabet, Isabelle Amado

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 2013 - 2016

Touch Screen Based Authentication

Shafeena C P

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 2017 - 2024

Implementation of AFDX Switch on ZYNQ FPGA

T. Suresh, C. Ramesh Reddy, Y. Syamala, A.V.N. Tilak

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Review Papers, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 2025 - 2027

A Review on Two Stage Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks

Aparna Singh Kushwah, Rohit Parashar

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Research Paper, Biology Science, India

Pages: 2028 - 2032

Price Increment Analysis of Some Small Indigenous Freshwater Fish Species (SIFFS) In Coastal Belts of Odisha Using Laspeyres Price Index

Nirmal Chandra Biswal, Binod Bihari Sahu, Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 2033 - 2036

Potential of Odonate (Dragonflies and Damselflies) Diversity as a Bioindicator of Water Quality

Sonia Jacob, Manju E.K

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Albania

Pages: 2037 - 2040

The Surgical Treatment of the Anal Stricture Post Hemorrhoidectomy Milligan-Morgan. A Comparison of Two Operatory Techniques

Enton Bollano PhD, Krenar Lilaj PhD, Dariel Thereska PhD, Arben Gjata

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Research Paper, Histopathology, Albania

Pages: 2041 - 2045

Anti-inflammatory and Regenerative Effects of Albanian Propolis in Experimental vital Amputations in Piglets (Histological assessment)

Aida Meto, Agron Meto, Emiljano Tragaj, Mutlu Ozcan

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Research Paper, Geography Science, India

Pages: 2046 - 2051

Spatio-Temporal Changes on Land Use/Land Cover in Vaippar Basin, Tamil Nadu Using Geoinformatics Approach

M. Venkatesan, K. Kumaraswamy, S. Balaselvakumar

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2052 - 2055

Advanced Persistent Threat Detection using Malware Infection

Tajagn Jagani, Sachin Todkari

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Research Paper, Statistics, Turkey

Pages: 2056 - 2059

Detection of Causal Relationship among Apricot Production, Dollar Exchange Rate and Gold Prices Using Co-integration Analysis and VECM: The Case of Turkey

Senol Celik

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Review Papers, Anthropology Science, India

Pages: 2060 - 2063

Anthropological Paradigms of Participation of Male in the Family Planning

Jitendra Kumar Premi

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Egypt

Pages: 2064 - 2070

Laboratory Evaluation of Dimensional Changes of Different Elastomeric Impression Materials Using 3D Laser Scanner

Ahmed Abd-Al Hamed, Safia H. El-Gharabawy, Fayza Al-Abbassy, Abd Elsalam A. Abd Elsalam

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 2071 - 2077

Growth and Physiology of Wheat (Triticum vulgare) Seedlings under Aluminum Stress

P. Saritha, Dr. S. Vasantha Pillay

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2078 - 2081

A Study Analysis on Various Image Segmentation Techniques and Concerns with Distinct Images

M. Kalpana Devi, S. Divya Meena

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 2082 - 2089

Study of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Binary Liquid Mixtures of Methyl Acrylate with Alkoxy Ethanols at 308.15 K

K. Vijaya Lakshmi

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 2090 - 2096

Sources of Uncertainties in Climate Forcing by Black Carbon Aerosol over Indian Region Using Regional Climate Model

Prateek Kumawat, Gazala Habib, Sagnik Dey

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2097 - 2099

A Survey of Basic SQL Operators of Crowdsourcing System

Seema Yuvraj Shelar, A. B. Rajmane

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2100 - 2103

SBVLC: Secure Barcode-Based Visible Light Communication for Smartphones

Anjaly Raj, Vidya N

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Nigeria

Pages: 2104 - 2106

A Manipulated Cyclic Permutation Data Scrambling Approach for Data Security

OYINLOYE Oghenerukevwe Elohor, Benson Ojedayo

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Research Paper, Nutrition Science, Nigeria

Pages: 2107 - 2110

Effect of Malting on Chemical Composition and Protein Invitro Digestibility of Three New Varieties of Sorghum Grains

Edafe Valentino Okporo, Danladi Amodu Ameh, Abdullahi Balarabe Sallau, D.A.Aba

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 2111 - 2114

Power Adaptive Computing System Design using Embedded System

Akash Uplenchwar, S. S. Palnitkar

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Case Studies, Geography Science, India

Pages: 2115 - 2121

Temporal Analysis of Forest Cover Change: East Khasi Hills Meghalaya, India: Using Remote Sensing and GIS

Dr. L.T.S. Guite, Amritee Bora

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2122 - 2125

Clinical Decision Support System Using SVM with the Preservation of Privacy

S. S. Bhide, S. M. Sangve

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Spain

Pages: 2126 - 2136

Origanum majorana Essential Oil Reduces VAS Score and Modulates Cerebral Activity during 10 NeurOptimal

Maria Eugenia Cabana-Munoz, Carmen Perez Laso, Jose Maria Parmigiani-Izquierdo, Jose Joaquin Merino

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Review Papers, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 2137 - 2140

Outcome of Thompson

Dr. P. Pal, Dr. G. Chatterjee

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2141 - 2143

Duplication Removal and Auditing Check Over Cloud

Pranita B. Wadavkar, Prashant M. Mane

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2144 - 2147

Analysis of Authentication Method

Shilpa S. Nagargoje, Sarika B. Solanke

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Case Studies, Histopathology, India

Pages: 2148 - 2150

Saccrococcygeal Chondroid Chordoma: FNAC Diagnosis: A Case Report with Histological and Radiological Correlation

Dr. Mukta Meel, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Bhaskar

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Indonesia

Pages: 2151 - 2155

Correlation Analysis of Yield and Yield Components of Seven Soybean Cultivars on Weed Competition

Doni Hariandi, Didik Indradewa, Prapto Yudono

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 2156 - 2159

Marketing Problems Faced by Self Help Groups (SHG) in Tamil Nadu

R. Parthiban, Dr. P. Baba Gnanakumar

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Research Paper, Environment Science, Ghana

Pages: 2160 - 2165

A Real Time Algorithm to Monitor GNSS Positioning Services

John Kwamena Amos, Perry Addison

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Research Paper, Urology, Iraq

Pages: 2166 - 2169

The Efficacy of Using Lidocaine Jelly 2% for Prevention of Inadvertent Retrograde Stone Displacement during Pneumatic Lithotripsy of Upper Ureteral Stone

Saad H. Al-Sammarraie, Ala'a Al-Deen AL-Dabbagh, Sahar B. Ahmed

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 2170 - 2173

Design of High Speed Flash Analog to Digital Converter Using Multiplexer and Comparator

Rana Vikram Pratap Singh Yadav, Neelam Srivastava

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 2174 - 2180

Study of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Correlationship among Different Parameters in Water of Kathani River, Gadchiroli, Maharashtra

Gourkar A. R., Rewatkar S. B., M. I. M. Siddique

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Research Paper, Management, Ethiopia

Pages: 2181 - 2187

Analysis of Factors Contributing to Time Overruns on Road Construction Projects under Addis Ababa City Administration

Siraw Yenesew Tesfa

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2188 - 2192

Linear Filtering Based Image Restoration with Image De-Blurring Toolkit

More Manisha, Shivale Nitin

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Research Paper, Library Science, India

Pages: 2193 - 2198

A Study of Salar Jung Museum Library Hyderabad

Rajendra Pahade

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 2199 - 2202

A Secure OTP Algorithm using Smartphone Application

Sonal N. Pannase, P. R. Pardhi

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 2203 - 2207

Influence of Dielectric Constant on Protonation Equilibria of Phenylalanine and Maleic Acid in Ethylene Glycol-Water Mixtures

T. Sreevaram, A. V. R. Gajapathi Raju, N. Vijaya Kumar, B. B. V. Sailaja

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, India

Pages: 2208 - 2212

Genetic Approach and Biometrical Association of Yield Attributing Traits in Chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.)

Anindita Roy, Sanhita Ghosh, S. Kundagrami

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 2213 - 2216

Synthesis and Characterization of Substitution Complexes of Dialkyl-Phosphonates with Tin(II) Chloride

Anuradha Sharma, Babita Gupta, Meena Nagar

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Uzbekistan

Pages: 2217 - 2221

Enteral Detoxication in Complex Treatment of Acute Intestinal Obstruction

Shavkat Karimov, Sayfiddin Baymakov, Asqar Asrarov

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Review Papers, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 2222 - 2228

HPV in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma-Review Article

T. V. Rajalakshmi Rakshanaa, Dr. M. D. Brundha Suresh

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Research Paper, Radiology Science, India

Pages: 2229 - 2232

Advances in Imaging of Vertebral and Spinal Cord Injury

Dr. Mitesh Ghadiali, Dr. Purvi Desai, Dr. Rahul Sharma

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Indonesia

Pages: 2233 - 2235

The Frobenius Method for Solving Ordinary Differential Equation with Coefficient Variable

Anil Hakim Syofra, Rika Permatasari, Lily Adriani Nazara

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, Sudan

Pages: 2236 - 2238

Breeding habits and nesting success of the Village Weaver Ploceuscucullatus, at Khartoum, Sudan

Noon Bushra Eltahir, Dawi Musa Hamed

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 2239 - 2243

Fibrosarcoma and Papillary Thyroidcarcinoma in Ratsadministred of Platinum Analogue Daily

Snehal Dighade1 M. S. Sastry

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Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, Indonesia

Pages: 2244 - 2249

Communication Pattern in Delivery of Messages in Crop Farming in West Muna Regency

La Tarifu, Weka Widayati, Bahtiar, Dasmin Sidu

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