Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016: Page 2: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016: Page 2

Case Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 980 - 982

Rehabilitation of Isolated Patella Fracture: A Case Report

Mohd Asif, Zuheb Ahmed Siddiqui

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 983 - 984

Estimation of Soluble Protein by Bradfords Method in Gamma Radiated (wild) Pea

Keche .M .J

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 985 - 988

Business Development Strategies of PT IPB Shigeta Animal Pharmaceuticals Using Business Model Canvas Approach

Shanti Agustina, Rizal Syarief, Kirbrandoko

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 989 - 993

Comparative Study on Seismic Behaviour of Multi Storey Building with and Without Floating Column

Pooja Suresh, Aiswarya S

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 994 - 997

Analysis of Ultra High Performance Concrete Wall Panel with Opening in One and Two Way Action

Amritha Raj, Sreedevi Lekshmi

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 998 - 1001

A Survey on Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma from Fundus Images

Pavithra, Dr. N. Shanthi

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1002 - 1005

Study on the Earthquake Response of a RC Building with Base Isolation

Nitya M, Arathi S

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Medicine Science, Iraq

Pages: 1006 - 1011

The Anti-angiogenic Activity of Matricaria Chamomilla Flowers Extraction

Adeeb A. AL-zubaidy, Hayder B Sahib, Safaa H. Ganduh

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 1012 - 1014

Smart CCTV Camera Surveillance System

Amol V. Nagime, Patange A.D

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 1015 - 1018

3-Equitable Labeling in Context of the Barycentric Subdivision of Cycle Related Graph

I. I. Jadav, G. V. Ghodasara

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Research Paper, Geology Science, India

Pages: 1019 - 1025

Petrochemistry of Basalt Flows of Chikhaldara Ghat Sections (District Amravati, Maharashtra)

S. D. Doke, P. S. Kulkarni, S. F. R. Khadri

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1026 - 1030

Analysis and Design of Four Legged Transmission Tower

Archana R, Aswathy S Kumar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Software Engineering, India

Pages: 1031 - 1035

Development Task Based Navigation for Software Documentation

Swapnil Gangadhar Thaware, Dinesh Bhagwan Hanchate

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1036 - 1039

Avoid Key Logger Attacks Using Blank Virtual Onscreen Keyboard

Jayalekshmi K S, Sunitha S

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Research Paper, Chemistry, India

Pages: 1040 - 1044

Isolation, Purification and Characterization of (R)-Petranine from Catharanthus pusillus(Murr.) G.Don(Apocynaceae)

Yokeswari Nithya, P Mary Jelastin Kala, S Mohan V.R

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1045 - 1048

Seismic Response of Irregular RC Building with Soft Storey at Different Levels

Silpa Rani M V, Aiswarya S

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1049 - 1051

Analysis of Pre

Jinsha M S, Linda Ann Mathew

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1052 - 1056

Study on Dynamic Response of an Irregular Building in Various Seismic Zones

Aiswarya Lakshmi, Aswathy Prakash

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1057 - 1058

Survey on Novel Hybrid Techniques in EAACK for Prevention of Attacks in MANET'S

Pranita Prakash Kulkarni

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Research Paper, Software Engineering, India

Pages: 1059 - 1063

Software Source Code Plagiarism Detection Using Latent Semantic Analysis

Bhramadeo Vishnu Deokate, Dinesh Bhagwan Hanchate

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1064 - 1067

Genes that Affect the Look in Teens; Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis: A Case Report

Hemini Shah, Mala Dixit Baburaj, Bhavin Gaywala

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1068 - 1072

Analysis of Steel Tubular Wind Turbine Tower with Door Opening

Hazni Nizam, Aswathy Prakash

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1073 - 1076

Compilation of Alternative Building Components and Common Distresses Found Through Building Condition Assessment

Vishrantkumar Zambre, Milind Darade

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Research Paper, Material Science and Engineering, India

Pages: 1077 - 1078

Effect of Annealing Temperature on Yttrium Nano Ferrite Prepared by Sol-Gel Technique

Jyoti. B. Shitole, Sopan M. Rathod

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Albania

Pages: 1079 - 1081

The Importance of Haematocrit in Prediction of Severe Acute Pancreatitis


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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1082 - 1085

Study of Progressive Collapse Analysis of Flat Slab Building

Saumia Meenathethil Alex, Sreedevi Lekshmi

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1086 - 1091

Comparative Study of Diagrid Structures with and without Corner Columns

Shahana E, Aswathy S Kumar

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 1092 - 1096

Vortex Solitons in Poly-Acetylene

Tapas Kumar Sinha, Sanjib Malla Bujar Baruah, Joseph Mathew

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1097 - 1101

Analysis of Beam Openings Strengthened by Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Using ANSYS

Akhila .P .S, Arathi S

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1102 - 1106

Acute Coronary Heart Disease is Associated with High Prevalence of Prediabetes in North Indian Population

Puneet Tripathi, Anupam Mehrotra

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1107 - 1112

Seismic and Structural Behavior of Building with Different Combination of Bracing

Linu Shaji, Sreedevi Lekshmi

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1113 - 1115

Survey of SDN based Packet Classification Techniques

Nilofar Landage, Dr. Tanuja Dhope

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1116 - 1119

A Study on Dynamic Characteristics of RC Buildings on Hill Slopes

Sripriya Arjun, Arathi S

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1120 - 1123

Design of Steel Plate Shear Wall with Opening for Steel Building

Binitha Gopal, Aiswarya S

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1124 - 1126

Comparative Account of Seedling Morphology of Luffa Species

Santosh Jadhav, Niranjana Chavan

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1127 - 1131

Seismic Analysis of Space Frame with T and Square Shaped Column

Sumayya M Kareem, Linda Ann Mathew

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1132 - 1134

An Improvement on the Security of Odd-Even-LSB Based Steganography by Adding Encryption

Ayda Alizadeharasi, Maryam Safaei Rizi

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1135 - 1139

Effect of Shape and Plan Configuration on Seismic Response of Structure (ZONE II & V)

Veena S Ravi, Sreedevi Lekshmi

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Research Paper, Material Science and Engineering, India

Pages: 1140 - 1144

Zinc Oxide Nanorods as H2S Gas Sensor

Yogita S. Patil, F. C. Raghuvanshi, I. D. Patil

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1145 - 1148

Raspberry pi and Arduino Based Automated Irrigation System

Sneha Angal

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 1149 - 1152

Three-Pass Protocol Concept in Hill Cipher Encryption Technique

Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan

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Research Paper, Education, Germany

Pages: 1153 - 1158

The Influence of European Elements on Asante Adinkra

Dickson Adom

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Research Paper, Education, India

Pages: 1159 - 1171

Academic Achievement, Emotional Maturity and Intelligence of Secondary School Students in Assam

Jadab Dutta, Dr. Pranab Chetia, J. C. Soni

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1172 - 1178

Enriching Web Interesting Pattern Mining Using Vertical Transaction Process

Sonali Abhane, P. D. Lambhate

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Sri Lanka

Pages: 1179 - 1182

Fuzzy Inventory Model without Shortages Using Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Signed Distance Method

A. M. P. Chandrasiri

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Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, India

Pages: 1183 - 1188

Studies on Preparation of Rabri using Date Syrup as Sugar Substitute

Mayank Kaushik, Chandra Prakash, Lalit Kumar

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Research Paper, Material Science and Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 1189 - 1192

Effect of Saline Medium on Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion of Surface Treated Low Carbon Steel

Ismail Ibrahim Marhoon

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1193 - 1195

Finite Element Modelling and Buckling Analysis of Delaminated Composite Plates

Krupa Prasad, Aiswarya .S

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1196 - 1198

Study on Seismic Analysis of Multi Storied Reinforced Concrete Building with Mass Irregularities

Asha Vijayan, Aswathy Prakash

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Research Paper, Information Technology, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 1199 - 1201

Comparing EM Clustering Algorithm with Density Based Clustering Algorithm Using WEKA Tool

Dr. Abdelrahman Elsharif Karrar, Moez Mutasim

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Survey Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 1202 - 1204

A Survey on

Pallavi Meshram, M. V. Nimbalkar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1205 - 1209

Corrugated Steel Plate Shear Wall with Opening and Stiffener at Opening

Jeena James, Aswathy S Kumar

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1210 - 1215

Improved Method for Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Hybrid Template Matching Algorithm

Priyanka Devane, Sachin Chavan

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Research Paper, English Language and Literature, Iran

Pages: 1216 - 1221

The Echoes of Buddhism, Mythology, the New Testament, and Inferno in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

Alireza Farahbakhsh

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1222 - 1227

Nearest Neighbor Search Technique for Novel Queries

P. R. Shejawal, J. R. Pansare, G. S. Pole

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Research Paper, Geology Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1228 - 1235

Unconfined Groundwater Dispersion Model on Sand Layers in Coral Island

Sultan, Imran A.M, Thaha M. Arsyad, Ramli Muhammad

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1236 - 1239

Seismic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Bridge under Significance of Fluctuating Frequency

Sruthy Krishnan, Aswathy S. Kumar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1240 - 1244

Implementing K-Means Clustering Algorithm Using MapReduce Paradigm

Botcha Chandrasekhara Rao, Medara Rambabu

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Review Papers, Production Engineering, India

Pages: 1245 - 1246

A Review on Flexibility in Manufacturing through Integration & Layout Optimization

Kailash R Hiwarde, Ramakant Shrivastava

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1247 - 1250

Preserving Privacy in Tree-Structured Data

Dipali Vaidya, Sonal Fatangare

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 1251 - 1257

Statistical Analysis of Indian Thaparocleidus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) Species based on Morphometric Characteristics

Anshu Chaudhary, Sudhir Kumar, Bhupendra Singh, Hridaya Shanker Singh

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Research Paper, Knowledge Managament, India

Pages: 1258 - 1265

Study of Knowledge Management Frameworks

Dipali P. Meher, Dr. Nilesh Mahajan

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1266 - 1269

Comparative Study of Three Pole Structure with Steel and FRP using Finite Element Analysis

Sweety S, Aswathy Prakash

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1270 - 1273

Android Mobile Based Tour Guide System using Augmented Reality

Akil. H. Sayyad, Santosh. A. Shinde

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Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, Cote d'Ivoire

Pages: 1274 - 1279

Ethnobotanical Surveys of Plants Lactogens Properties of the African Pharmacopoeia (Ivory Coast): Study of the Biotolerance in Wistar Rats

Adepo Y. P, Dally T, Amonkan K. A

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1280 - 1283

Mix Proportioning of HSC Using Manufactured Sand

Khartode R. R., Kulkarni D. B.

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1284 - 1289

Authorized Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud Technique

Snehal Baravkar, Vaishali Mali

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 1290 - 1293

Adsorption of Nickel (II) by Silica from Rice Husk

M. K. Bhatnagar, Awanish Patel

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Research Paper, Herbal Medicine, India

Pages: 1294 - 1296

Immunological Disorders and Preventive Measures in Ayurveda: A Conceptual Study

Dr. Prasad P. Pande, Dr. Pradnya R. Deshpande

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1297 - 1300

Model and Seismic Analysis of Transmission Tower with I, C and Circular Sections Using Finite Element Analysis

Renju Chandran, Linda Ann Mathew

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 1301 - 1304

Assessing the Sustainable Development through Physical Infrastructure Sustainability: Water Pollution and Environmental Degradation at Ritual Tank Ambala, Ramtek

Kalpana N. Kawathekar (Thakare), A. J. Sanyal

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Research Paper, Agricultural Engineering, India

Pages: 1305 - 1307

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Growth and Yield Components of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) Genotypes

Priyanka Bijalwan, Naidu Madhvi

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Review Papers, Electrical Engineering, Botswana

Pages: 1308 - 1311

Ultraviolet Characteristics of a Silicon Inversion Layer for Applications in Radiometry

Pearson V.C. Luhanga

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Research Paper, Hematology Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1312 - 1316

Tyrosine Kinase level and White Blood Cells Count in Untreated and Treated Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Patients with BCR ABL gene

Delita Prihatni, Rachmat Sumantri, Rully Roesli, Nadjwa Zamalek Dalimonthe, Ida Parwati

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1317 - 1323

Optimal Design Methodology of Rectangular Heat Sinks for Electronic Cooling under Natural Convective and Radiative Heat Transfer

Abhishek Soi

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Research Paper, Statistics, India

Pages: 1324 - 1328

Study of Different Models for Ranking Error in Ranked Set Sampling

Aparna Gurao, Vasant Nikam

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1329 - 1332

Optimized Ranking Framework for Information Retrieval

Snehal Ukarande, Ashish Manwatkar

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1333 - 1337

Survey Paper on Big Data Processing and Hadoop Components

Swati M. Gavali, Supriya Sarkar

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Research Paper, Physics Science, North Korea

Pages: 1338 - 1345

Wave Vector Star Channel Associated with Superstructure of Crystal and Bravais Lattice Types

Il-Hwan Kim, Jong-Ok Pak, Un-Son Jong, Song-on Kim, Chol-Gyong Kim, Song-Il Ri

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1346 - 1350

Energy Aware Routing in Next Generation Wireless Networks Using Efficient Resource Allocation

Gajanan Heddure, S. P. Pingat

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1351 - 1354

Comparative view on Phenomenon Mobility Prediction Using Virtual Force-Based Interest Driven Monitoring Scheme with FP Growth

Rakhi Narkhede, U. K. Thakur, L. H. Patil

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1355 - 1361

Analytical Study of Vertical Geometric Irregular Diagrid Structure and Comparison with Tubular Structure

Anju Krishna, Arathi S

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1367 - 1370

A Review on Various Approaches of Video Steganography

Sapanpreet Kaur, Mandeep Kaur

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Dissertation Chapters, Management, India

Pages: 1371 - 1374

Analysis of Small Scale Enterprise Performance in Ethiopia: Evidence on Selected Small Scale Enterprises in Addis Ababa

P. Viswanadham, Yirgalem Tadele Gerba

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1375 - 1390

A Survey of Thinning Techniques on Two Dimensional Binary Images

Moumita Sarkar, Santanu Chatterjee

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1391 - 1393

Lesser Trochanter Avulsion: A Rare Cause of Groin Pain

Dr. Nikhil A. Gokhale, Dr. Pradeep A. Sangnod, Dr. Sunil Shahane, Dr. Ashwin Samant

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Research Paper, Geology Science, India

Pages: 1394 - 1401

Spatial Shrinkage of Vembanad Lake, South West India during 1973-2015 using NDWI and MNDWI

Parvathy K. Nair, D. S. Suresh Babu

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1402 - 1405

Correlation between Plasma Protein Carbonyl Adducts and RBC Reduced Glutathione Level in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients in Southern Asian Region

Tanima Mandal, Santa Saha, Pradipta Ghosh, Suman Chatterjee, Pinaki Sarkar

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 1406 - 1410

A Study on Ammonia Condensation in Bundles of Low-Fin Carbon Steel Tubes

Eaman Hassan Al-Saoub

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Case Studies, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1411 - 1417

Integrated Traffic Planning of BRTS

Gaurav Dane, Ankita Goyal, H. S. Goliya

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1418 - 1420

Properties of Concrete Coarse Aggregate Partially Replaced With Coal Washrey Rejects

D. Tharun Kumar, R. Rajesh Kumar

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1421 - 1425

Comparative Study on Analysis and Cost of R.C.C. and Steel-Composite Structure

Renavikar Aniket V., Suryawanshi Yogesh

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1426 - 1431

Fault Classification and Automated Test Case Generation by Using Mutation Testing

Milind Kale, Vikas Mapari

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Control Systems Engineering, India

Pages: 1432 - 1436

Design and Control of Autonomous Unerwater Vehicle for Depth Control Using LQR Controller

Reshmi K R G, Priya P S

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Research Paper, Production Engineering, India

Pages: 1437 - 1441

Flexibility in Manufacturing through Integration & Layout Optimization

Kailas R Hiwarde, Ramakant Shrivastava

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1442 - 1448

Fractal Image Compression and its Application in Image Processing

Gaurish Joshi

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Comparative Studies, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Egypt

Pages: 1449 - 1454

Tracking Moving Objects: A Comparative Study

Walaa Omar El-Farouk Badr, Dr. Hossam El-Din Mostafa

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Review Papers, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1455 - 1459

Application of Tuned Mass Damper in Structures under Seismic Excitation

R. Vijayasarathy, V. Finney H. Wilson

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 1460 - 1464

A Study on Customers

C. Murugesan, Dr. R. Perumalsamy

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1465 - 1471

Implementation of GSM Integrated Digital Token Counter System

Swapna T. Vaidya, Aditya Thogita

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Research Paper, Water Resource Engineering, India

Pages: 1472 - 1476

Basin Morphometry of Bunbuni River, Chotanagpur Plateau, In India

Sumitra Mandi, Kalicharan Soren

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Indonesia

Pages: 1477 - 1482

Modeling of Prediction Tuberculosis Prevalence Based Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression

Suprajitno, Sri Mugianti, Wiwin Martiningsih, Wagiyo

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1483 - 1486

Wireless Rolling Display with GPS Clock using nRF Module

Rhushiraj D. Mahalle, S. A. Bhosale

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1487 - 1490

A Review of Cognitive Radio using Mobile Ad-hoc Network Protocols: Approaches and Challenges

Aparna Singh Kushwah, Raksha Thakur

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 1491 - 1494

Synthesis and Study of Manganese Complexes of Benzilic Acid

Dr. M. Jerome Rozario, Dr. A. John Merina

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Research Paper, Management, Sri Lanka

Pages: 1495 - 1504

Factors Affecting Credit Card Debts: A Study among Executives in Sri Lanka

Chandana Perera, S. L. Kasun Dayanga, Nisha Jayasuriya

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1505 - 1507

Tweet Segmentation and Preserving from the Spam

Sonam U. Meshram, Hirendra R. Hajare

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1508 - 1511

Numerical Studies on the Electronic Gadgets in a Personal Computer Using CFD

Murugan P. C., FathimaSurumy S., Joseph Sekhar S.

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Research Paper, Radiology Science, India

Pages: 1512 - 1514

Role of MR Spectroscopy in Evaluation of Various Ring Enhancing Lesions in Brain

Dr. Jernail Singh Bava, Dr. Ashwini Sankhe, Dr. Swapnil Patil

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1515 - 1519

Green Synthesis of AgNPs, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity from Salvia Leucantha Cav. Plant Aqueous Extract

R. Rajendran, A. Lakshmi Prabha

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1520 - 1522

Efficiency Calculation of a Thermoelectric Generator

Mohammed Habeeb Shareef, Abdul Sajid, Aamer Abdul Majeed, Mohammed Abdul Baseer Adnan

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, India

Pages: 1523 - 1526

Isolation of Plant Growth Promoting Bacterial Species from Sorghum Bicolor Rhizospere Soil

Sivasankari .B, Pradeep .J .S

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 1527 - 1533

A Study on Fish Reproduction with Reference to Temperature Anomalies in Kosi Region of Bihar

Shweta Kumari, Pankaj Kumar

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Research Paper, Hematology Science, India

Pages: 1534 - 1538

Hematologic Evaluation in Transfused B - Thalassemia Major Patients

Dr. Pooja Gajaria, Dr. Ujwala Maheshwari, Dr. Dharamdas Borkar, Dr. Reeta Dhar

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Egypt

Pages: 1539 - 1544

Serum Kidney Injury Molecule-1 in Hepatorenal Syndrome at Medical Intensive Care Unit of Zagazig University Hospitals

Usama Khalil, Fayroz O Seliem, Ashraf Khalifa, Ayman M.E.M. Sadek, Mohammad S. Fawzi, Nermin Raafat

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1545 - 1548

Optimized Secure Auditing Protocol for Storage of Data Dynamically in Cloud Computing

Preeti Wadhera, Dr. Rajdev Tiwari

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Egypt

Pages: 1549 - 1555

Adsorption of Cadmium Ions onto Zeolite-A prepared from Egyptian Kaolin using Microwave Technique

Alaa Fahmy, Magdy A. Wassel, Hassan A.Shehata, H. F. Youssef, Ahmed S. Elzaref

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1556 - 1560

PAPR Reduction by Implementing a Hybrid Technique of Hartley and Hilbert in SC-FDMA Comparative Analysis of PAPR Reduction in SC-FDMA

Geetika Arora, Md.Ejaz A Lodhi

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1561 - 1564

To Detect and Identify the Defects of Industrial Pipe

Mayuri Dharma Shinde

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Review Papers, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1565 - 1572

An Overview on Effects of Water Repellent Concrete Protective Coatings in the Durability of Concrete Structures

Abdul Razak S, Amal Raj

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1573 - 1577

A Unique Case of Severe Rotational Malunion in a Conservatively Treated Paediatric Femoral Diaphyseal fracture which Needed Corrective Surgery

Dr. Nikhil Gokhale, Dr. Prakash Chandra, Dr. Sunil Shahane, Dr Hardik Kapopara

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1578 - 1583

Enhancing Data Security in Cloud Computing with WebOS Using TSFS Algorithm

Pooja, Kanchan Narula

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Research Paper, Education, India

Pages: 1584 - 1588

Awareness of HIV/AIDS among Secondary Students

Dr. E. Ahamad, Dr. Zeba Aqil

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1589 - 1592

In-vitro Response of M5 and Mysore Local (Morus spp) with Different Concentrations of 2,4-D

Mandoji Mansoor Khan, S. Sankar Naik

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Information Technology, India

Pages: 1593 - 1596

Information Retrieval Using Semantic Distance between WordNet

Rahul Shirbhate, Vishal Mogal

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Dissertation Chapters, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1597 - 1601

Lossless and Reversible Combine Data Hiding using 4LSB in Encrypted Images with Asymmetric Cryptography

Prashant Gholve, H. A. Hingoliwala

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1602 - 1604

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Hazards of Plastic Waste and its Safe Disposal

Dr. S. Ani Grace Kalaimathi, Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi, R. Jayalakshmi

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 1605 - 1607

Inter-Relationship among Religiosity, Cultural Determination and Subjective Well Being: A Study of Gujjar Adolescents of Jammu District

Samridhi Arora, Preeti Gupta

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1608 - 1614

Optimizing Data Misuse Detection by Identifying Guilty Agent without Causing Disturbance and Inconvenience to Trusted Agent

Sangramsinh Deshmukh

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Albania

Pages: 1615 - 1618

Primary Small Bowel Melanoma. Literature Review and a Case Report

Alma Llukacaj, Henri Kolani, Etmont Celiku, Eljona Xhelili

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1619 - 1622

Gray Hole Detection and Removal in MANET by Pool Tile Method

Supriya Pustake, Dr. S. J. Wagh, D. C. Mehetre

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1623 - 1626

Improvement in the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm in Term of Low Area and Power Consumption by using FPGA

Umalaxmi Sawant, Venkat Ghodke

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 1627 - 1630

Smart Power Monitoring System

Vasudev Tadavarthy, Akshay Broota

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Case Studies, Cardiology Science, France

Pages: 1631 - 1634

Refractory Cardiogenic Shock Induced by Influenza Type B


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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 1635 - 1638

Decolourization of Procion Red mx5b Dye by Electrochemical Oxidation

Rashid Mohamed Abdulsalam Jabir, Dr. Attar Salim Jamaruddin, Prof. K. S. Kulkarni

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Research Paper, Physical Education, India

Pages: 1639 - 1642

Effect of Continuous Endurance Training Versus Intermittent Endurance Training on Aerobic Capacity in Recreational Female Hockey Players a Randomized Control Trail

Dr. B. Yasaswini M.P.T( sports), Dr. A. Viswanath Reddy M.P.T (sports) Phd, Dr. K. Madhavi M.P.T ( cardiothoracic ) Phd

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Review Papers, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1643 - 1647

Image Quality Assessment for Fake Bio-metric Detection and Replay-Attack in use of Videos

Sunil Nijhawan, Dr. Jitender Khurana, Dr. R. B. Dubey

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1648 - 1651

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Bioactive Constituents Present in Seed Extracts of Phoenix sylvestris

Irm Bhat, Mukta Shrivastava

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, India

Pages: 1652 - 1657

Physical Infrastructure Planning and Management for Sustainable Development in Ramtek Town

Kalpana N. Kawathekar (Thakare), A. J. Sanyal

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 1658 - 1660

Prediction of Violent Behaviour in Psychiatryc Emergency Room

Lefter Sinani, Fabian Cenko

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Research Paper, Material Science and Engineering, India

Pages: 1661 - 1663

Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Eu3+ Doped Strontium Cerium Sulfide Phosphor

T. Niranjan Kumar, Ch. Vijay Anil Dai2, K. Suresh

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1664 - 1667

An Advanced Survey on Hierarchical Routing Protocols in WSN

Sandhya Bankar, Simran Khiani

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Research Paper, Hematology Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1668 - 1672

Hepatitis B Virus Profile among Blood Donors in the Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria

Agbesor. N. Innocent, Amala Smart E., Zaccheaus. A. Jeremiah

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 1673 - 1679

A Comparative Study of Helminths Parasites in Catfishes

Anita Singh, Suman Mishr

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Azerbaijan

Pages: 1680 - 1682

Intensity Appearance in Styles

Khayala Mursaliyeva Mugamat

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Research Paper, Agricultural Engineering, India

Pages: 1683 - 1687

Property Inspection of Wheat by Extracting Morphological Features

Amit Bhande, Dr. S. V. Rode

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 1688 - 1693

Study of SEM/EDXS and FTIR for Fly Ash to Determine the Chemical Changes of Ash in Marine Environment

Clara Jeyageetha .J, Sugirtha P. Kumar

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1694 - 1697

Design and Performance Analysis of TFA Cell Using CNTFET

Gaurav Agarwal, Amit Kumar

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 1698 - 1702

Recognizing Human DNA versus Non Human DNA

Mimoza Canga, Vito Antonio Malagnino

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Dissertation Chapters, Ocean Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 1703 - 1709

Power Estimation of HCFV Based on Voyage Profile

P.I. Santosa, I.K.A.P Utama, W.D Aryawan

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Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, India

Pages: 1710 - 1713

Viscosity Studies on Gum Karaya

Rao V. Malladi, A. Radha Gayathri

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Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 1714 - 1717

Knowledge Regarding Biomedical Waste Management among the Staff Nurses

Jyoti Srivastava

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1718 - 1720

Survey Paper on Data Lake

Surabhi D Hegde, Ravinarayana B

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1721 - 1726

A Prospective, Randomised, Double-Blind Comparative Study of IV Granisetron Vs Dexamethasone as Antiemesis Prophylaxis in Patients Undergoing Elective Abdominal Laparoscopic Surgery

Dr. Naina P Dalvi, Dr. Sagar Chimalwar

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1727 - 1727

A Study of Enders Nailing in Paediatric Long Bone Fractures

Dr. S. Arun Prabhakar

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1728 - 1729

Strength Properties of Concrete Palm Oil Fuel Ash

V. Suleman Ahamed, Dr. S. Siddiraju

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1730 - 1737

A Comparison of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine and Intranasal Midazolam for Premedication in Children Undergoing Elective Surgeries

Dr. Sobhan Aich, Dr. Charuta Gadkari , Dr. Anjali Bhure, Dr. Ravi Nikhade

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Research Paper, Architecture, India

Pages: 1738 - 1740

Basic of Urban Expansion

Sehba Saleem

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1741 - 1743

Crowd Learn (Learning Next Hotskills using the Crowd Source Method)

Girish Kadakol, Pawan Hegde, Manjunath Jeernalli

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1744 - 1750

Efficient Shape and Material for Performance Disc Brake by Coupled Structural & Thermal Analysis

R. Radha Krishna Murthy, K. Sree Devi

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1751 - 1758

Multiswitching Synchronization of Non-Identical Hyperchaotic Lorenz and Chen Systems

Laoye J. A., Ogundipe S. O., Olonade K O., Odunaike R. K.

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 1759 - 1761

A Study on the Knowledge and Awareness about Menopause among Middle Aged Women from Western Odisha

Monika Satpathy

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 1762 - 1765

Management of a Case of Internal Root Resorption: Case Report

Mirela Marinova-Takorova, Elitsa Deliverska, Velislava Mazneva

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Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, India

Pages: 1766 - 1769

Isolation of Seed Borne Fungi Associated with Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan, Linn.) Seeds

Sheela Shinde

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1770 - 1773

Effect of Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus Conoideus Lam) on Animal Model of Preeclampsia

I.W. Sugiritama, I.G.A. Dewi Ratnayanti, I.G.N. Sri Wiryawan, I.A Ika Wahyuniari, N.M. Linawati, I.G.K.N. Arijana

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Informative Article, Radiology Science, India

Pages: 1774 - 1776

USG in Evaluation of Small Joint Disease

Dr. Purvi Desai, Dr Pranav Satbhai, Dr. Viral Panchal

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1777 - 1779

Strength Parameters of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete (HFRC)

S. Kiran Kumar, Dr. S. Siddiraju

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1780 - 1782

Evaluation of PPIUCD versus Interval IUCD Insertion

Sonil Srivastava, Imam Bano, Nazia Ishrat

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Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India

Pages: 1783 - 1786

Development of Series Hydraulic Hybrid Drive Train with Regenerative Suspension for Heavy Duty Vehicles

Mayank Giri, Renuka Sahu

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Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, India

Pages: 1787 - 1791

Role of Neuro-ultrasound in Evaluation of Intracranial Pathologies in Preterm Neonates and Infants with Abnormal Neurological Presentation

Dr Jernail Singh Bava, Dr Maunil Bhuta, Dr Arvind Borde, Dr Gokul Kathade

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Research Paper, Environment Science, Palestine

Pages: 1792 - 1798

Common Waterborne Diseases in Marginalized areas: a Case Study: Al Shuka Area in Gaza Strip

Ghada Al Khatib, Mazen Hamada, Amal Sarsour

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Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India

Pages: 1799 - 1807

Modelling and Analysis of Multi-Plate Clutch

Aniruddha Joshi, Aniket Bharambe, Manthankumar Tandel, Rajat Jadhav, Shreyas Honagekar

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 1808 - 1810

Prevalence of Refractive Errors in Children 6 - 9 Years

Eglantina Molosiu, Sulejman Zhugli

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Research Paper, Economics, India

Pages: 1811 - 1816

Tremors in World Market: A Study on Future of India after Brexit

Mnisha Shoor

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1817 - 1821

Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine using Alternative Fuels

Najeeb Ullah Khan, Dr. M. M. Hasan

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1822 - 1826

Effectiveness of Buerger Allen Exercise on Lower Extremity Perfusion and Pain among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Selected Hospitals in Chennai

MS.E.Selmar Mellisha

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Research Paper, Education, Kenya

Pages: 1827 - 1829

Code Switching in Private Pre-Schools Classrooms in Kenya

Liambila Martha, Katiambo Dorcas

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Research Paper, Education, Kenya

Pages: 1830 - 1832

Reasons and Types of Code Switching Patterns in Private Pre School in Kenya

Reasons and Types of Code Switching Patterns in Private Pre School in Kenya

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1833 - 1838

Study of Secure Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol for IoT

Chaithra .S, Gowrishankar S

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Dissertation Chapters, Agronomy Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1839 - 1842

Deployment of Smallholder Cocoa Farms on Various Land Systems in Luwu Regency

M. Shaifullah Sasmono, Kahar Mustari, Laode Asrul, Sumbangan Baja

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq

Pages: 1843 - 1847

Study of Spectroscopic and Thermal Properties for PbS Molecule

Hind A. Mohammed, Najlaa M. Hadi

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1848 - 1852

Aerobics Gymnastic, Fitness, Anxiety, Academic Grades of Health Diploma Students from Remote Area in Indonesia

Lucky Herawati, Agussalim, Maryana, Suharyono

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Control Systems Engineering, India

Pages: 1853 - 1855

Dead Time Compensation in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger System Using Smith Predictor

Sarabeevi G M, Riya Mary Francis

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1856 - 1860

Effect of Joint Enlargement on the Performance of Exterior Beam-Column Joint

Roshni Roy, Geethu S

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Informative Article, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1861 - 1865

Security Rudiments for SaaS Application Development and Deployment

Anand Singh

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 1866 - 1869

Moringa oleifera- A Herbal Coagulant for Wastewater Treatment

Dr. Anila George, Jensy Roshan. F, Dr. Jude Emmanuel

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1870 - 1875

Assessment of Fresh Properties of Pond Ash SCC

Jai Prakash Reddy, Maneeth P D

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1876 - 1878

A Survey on CommTrust: Computing Multi-Dimensional Trust by Mining E-Commerce Feedback Comments

Swetha Sam, Vani V Prakash

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Informative Article, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1879 - 1883

Enhancement of Hazy Image Using Visibility Restoration Technique

Salini N, Anju J Prakash

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1884 - 1890

Enhancing Data Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Cloud Computing

Depavath Harinath

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Pakistan

Pages: 1891 - 1919

Effectiveness of Routine Physical Therapy with and Without Pain Release Phenomenon in Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome

Sana Shahid, Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed, Dr. Umair Ahmed

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 1920 - 1924

Improving Stability, Smoothing and Diversifying of Recommender Systems

Sagar Sontakke, Pratibha Chavan

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Research Paper, Radiology Science, Macedonia

Pages: 1925 - 1930

The Effect of the Cause of Trauma, Sports Activity As Well As Body Mass on Lesions of the Knee Joint Evaluated Using Magnetic Resonance

Dr. Tanja Petrovska

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Egypt

Pages: 1931 - 1936

Assessment of Macular Function by Multifocal Electroretinogram after Intravitreal Injection of Bevacizumab in Diabetic Macular Edema

Yomna Essam, Khalid Ali, Ahmed Elhusseiny, Soha Moussa

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Azerbaijan

Pages: 1937 - 1940

Semantic Features of Future Indefinite Tense Form and Oguznames

Imamaliyeva Gunay Serdar

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Review Papers, Electrical Engineering, Sudan

Pages: 1941 - 1948

Distributed Generation: Definitions, Benefits, Technologies & Challenges

Eltaib Said Elmubarak, Ali Mohamed Ali

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Research Paper, Statistics, India

Pages: 1949 - 1952

Some Bayesian Frailty Models

S. G. Parekh, D. K. Ghosh, S. R. Patel

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Review Papers, Information Technology, India

Pages: 1953 - 1955

The Security Threats in Cloud Architecture-A Review

Simanjot Kaur, Anurag Singh Tomar

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1956 - 1959

Performance Analysis of Black Hole Attack with AODV using Different No. of Nodes in VANET

Bharti, D. P. Dwivedi

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