Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016: Page 1: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016: Page 1

Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Egypt

Pages: 1 - 8

The Use of Double Y - Shaped versus Conventional Titanum Miniplates in Fixation of Anterior Mandibular Fractures

Mohamed S. Khairi, Nagy Elprince, Magued H. Fahmy

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 9 - 12

A Case Control Study to Assess Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy among Adult with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Selected Tertiary Hospital, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India

Dickson Priyakumar T. J., Rathiga

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Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, Libya

Pages: 13 - 25

Biomass. Incineration, Pyrolysis, Combustion and Gasification

Abdelmalik M. Shakorfow

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 26 - 28

Clinical Characteristics in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema Syndrome vs Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients

Jolanda Nikolla MD, Hasan Hafizi

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 29 - 36

Strong Coexistence (Local and Global Stability) of Two Mutually Interdependent Predator Species for Sharing a Single Prey Species

Brahampal Singh, Sunita Gakkhar

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 37 - 43

Drinking Water Quality by Water Quality Index Method in Pre and Post Monsoon in Araku Valley Region, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Syam Kumar Bariki, Geetha Saramanda

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Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India

Pages: 44 - 48

Vibration Measurement and Vibration Reduction of Steering Wheel of an Agricultural Tractor

Ankush Shinde, S. G. Jadhav

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Research Paper, Geography Science, Turkey

Pages: 49 - 51

Global Environment Problems in the Developing and Changing World

Dr. Mesut Dogan

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Case Studies, Cardiology Science, India

Pages: 52 - 54

A Case Report: Percutaneous Transcatheter Treatment of Lutembacher Syndrome

Dr. Sainath Hegde, Dr. Tukaram Aute

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 55 - 59

Inhibition and Anti Proliferation Human Tongue Cancer Cells Supri

Harun Achmad, Supriatno

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 60 - 64

Epilepsy Monitoring and Analysis System using Android Platform

Pallavi Lokhande, Tushar Mote

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 65 - 67

Architectural Implementation of Optimized DSP Accelerator with Modified Booth Recoder

Linu M Jiji, Ragimol

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 68 - 71

Current Trend of Corneal Ulcer In Patients Attending a Tertiary Healthcare Centre

Dr. Tapan Gogoi, Dr. Sikha Deori, Dr. Shilpa Gupta

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Research Paper, Education, Kenya

Pages: 72 - 79

Influence of Selected Instructional Factors on Pupils Competency Skills in Keiyo South Sub County, Kenya

Aniter J. Kibet

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Review Papers, Anatomy, India

Pages: 80 - 83

Third Molar Impaction and its Clinical Correlation- A Systematic Review

M. Ashfaq Ahmed, Dr. Thenmozhi

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 84 - 89

Assess the Effectiveness of Health Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Immunization among Mothers of Fewer than Five Children

Sheetal Udaykar, Joanna John K

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 90 - 92

DMC Based Router Architecture for Dynamic Network on Chip

Geethu Jayan, Pavitha P. P.

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 93 - 95

Histopatological Study of Urinary Bladder Tumors- A 10 Year Study

Swarnlata Ajmera, Rohit Ajmera

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 96 - 99

Association between Body Mass Index and Hamstring/Back Flexibility in Adolescent Subjects

Anu Arora, Snehad

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Research Paper, Software Engineering, Nigeria

Pages: 100 - 107

Development of a Cloud based Mobile Interactive E-Learning Web Platform for Higher Learning

Georgewill M. Onengiye, Ezeofor J. Chukwunazo

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Comparative Studies, Software Engineering, India

Pages: 108 - 117

Comparative Study of Various Cloud Architectures

Aishwarya Singh, Rudhra Rai, Prakhar Gupta

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Research Paper, Textile Technology, India

Pages: 118 - 123

Use of Natural Textile Fibres for Structural Engineering

L. Nagarajan, S. Pavithra

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 124 - 126

Occupational Low Back Pain among OPD Patients in Tertiary Care Center

Dr. Subodh Pathak, Dr. Pritam Maheshwari, Dr. Prahlad Ughareja

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Indonesia

Pages: 127 - 131

Analysis of Hearing Loss and Deafness in Infants Three Months of Age with a History of Otoacoustic Emission (OAE)

Andi Tenri Uleng, Sutji Pratiwi Rahardjo, Riskiana Djamin, Eka Savitri, Abdul Qadar Punagi, A. Dwi Bahagia Febriani

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Sudan

Pages: 132 - 136

Quantitative Analysis and Characterization of Liver Diseases using Ultrasound Scans

Asma I. Ahmed, Babkir A. Awad Alla, Mohamed Elfadil M. Gar-elnabi, Muna Ali, Abdoelrahman Hassan A. B

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Research Paper, Financial Engineering, Papua New Guinea

Pages: 137 - 143

Returns Relationship between Selected IT Stocks and the S&P 500

C. Murugesan, Dr. R. Perumalsamy

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 144 - 147

Cluster in High Dimensional Data to Detect Outlier

Sonali. A. Patil, Snehal. S. Thokale

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 148 - 151

Analysis of different Polygonal Cellular Structures under Impact Loading

Kranti S. Jadhav, S. R. Sandanshiv

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 152 - 157

Assess the Reproductive Health Problems among Reproductive Age Group Women in the Selected Urban and Rural Area of Jalgaon

Nivedita Ravindra, Ravindra Puranik

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 158 - 163

Improving Apriori Algorithm Using Shuffle Algorithm

Aasma Parveen, Shrikant Tiwari

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 164 - 169

Implementation of Ethernet, Aurora and their Integrated module for High Speed Serial Data Transmission using Xilinx EDK on Virtex-5 FPGA

Chaitanya Kumar N.V.N.S, Mir Mohammed Ali

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 170 - 174

Experiences of Women Undergoing Treatment for Primary Infertility

Supriya Pottal Ray, Dr Nilima Bhor

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Review Papers, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 175 - 179

Automated Brain Tumor Detection and Brain MRI Classification Using Artificial Neural Network - A Review

Kalpana U. Rathod, Y. D. Kapse

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Research Paper, Education, Kenya

Pages: 180 - 185

Influence of Adolescence Developmental Changes on Academic Performance of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru Municipality, Nakuru County

Gicharu, R.N., Sindabi, A.M.

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 186 - 186

Recommendation Technique

Rajan Kasbe, Indira Bhattacharjee

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Sri Lanka

Pages: 187 - 190

Fuzzy Inventory Model without Shortages Using Signed Distance Method

A. M. P. Chandrasiri

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 191 - 195

Assessment of Self Esteem among School Children

Pushpalatha .N, Dr. K. S. Roopa, Sairabanu Daragad

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Review Papers, Food Science and Technology, India

Pages: 196 - 198

Functional and Nutraceutical Properties of Herbals and Its Applications in Food

Jhansi. D, Manjula. K

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 199 - 202

Relationship between Diet and Stroke: Review from Different Meta-Analytical Studies

Sivachidambaram Kulandaivelan, Sonu Punia

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 203 - 208

Space Vector Based High Performance Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation Algorithms for VSI Fed AC Drive

M. Nayeemuddin, C. Srinivasa Rao

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 209 - 213

An Innovative Technique for Video Inpainting using Examplar Based Image Inpainting

Radha Shirodkar, Manisha Darak

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Research Paper, Optical engineering, India

Pages: 214 - 217

Bio-Optics: Blood Type Determination based on Image Processing Techniques by utilizing an Optical Sensor Device

Vijay A. Kanade

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 218 - 224

Design and Analysis of Advanced Booth Dadda Multiplier Using Approximate Compressors

Aswathy V Nair, Manjusree S

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Review Papers, Pharmacology Science, India

Pages: 225 - 227

Dietary Spirulina in Pharmaceutical and Neutraceutical Applications

Sowjanya .M, Manjula .K

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Research Paper, Nutrition Science, Indonesia

Pages: 228 - 242

Risk Factors for the Incidence of Stunting in Senggi Public Health Center, Keerom, Papua 2015

Gutit Enny Susanti, Berliana Tampubolon, Agussalim

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 243 - 245

Effect of Latanoprost Eye Drops on Central Corneal Thickness in North Indian Population

Dr. Atul Kumar Singh

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Research Paper, Production Engineering, India

Pages: 246 - 251

Investigations in to Wire Electro Discharge Machining of Ti Alloys VT20 (BT20)

Jayesh D. Bagul, Sonawane S. A

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Research Paper, Biology Science, India

Pages: 252 - 257

Determination of Dose Specific Susceptibility of Different Larval Instars and Effect on the Cocoon Economic Traits of Bombyx mori L. to Bacillus thuringienesis Var Sotto

B. Satyanarayana, S. Sankar Naik

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Research Paper, Astronomy Science, India

Pages: 258 - 261

Axially Symmetric Dark Energy Cosmological Model in Scale Covariant Theory of Gravitation

S. D. Tade, A. P. M. Ahmad

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 262 - 267

International Space Law Applicability in Indian Perspective

Surendra Kumar Yadav

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 268 - 272

Multi-Vendor Ecommerce Website for Selling IT Services

Mitali Chile, Indira Bhattachariya

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Survey Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 273 - 276

Secure Data Aggregation Techniques in Smart Grid

Shital G Bhosle, Aarti A Agarkar

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 277 - 281

Synthesis of One-Dimensional Tetraaniline Nanorods via Interfacial Polymerization Method

Y. Pavan Kumar, D. Rama Devi, K. Basavaiah

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 282 - 290

J-Botnet Detector: A Java Based Tool for HTTP Botnet Detection

Thejiya V, N Radhika, B Thanudhas

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 291 - 295

A Review of Literature on Water Resource Management Using Data Mining Techniques

Pratap Singh Solanki, R. S. Thakur

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 296 - 300

Modified SIFT Algorithm for Image Feature Detection

Syama K Nair, Ragimol

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Case Studies, Civil Engineering, Ethiopia

Pages: 301 - 306

Challenges of Urban Drainage System in the Emerging Towns of Ethiopia: The Case Study of Assosa Town

Kokeb Zena Besha

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 307 - 310

Implementation of CORDIC based SVM for Speaker Verification System

Pavithra R, Saritha N. R.

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 311 - 314

Fusion of March Algorithms in Counter based BIST for the Detection of Faults in RAM

Twinkle Koshy, Manjusree S

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 315 - 319

Preserve and Candy Development of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.)

Imtiyaz Ahmad, Khursheed Aalum, Bharty Kumar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 320 - 322

Prototype Design of DSP Processor using Multiplier Oriented Reconfiguration

Melvin Mathew Philips, Vishnu V. S.

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 323 - 326

Manchester Encoding and QPSK Modulator for SDR

Midhun Easo Daniel, Alex V

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 327 - 332

Android based Interactive Home Automation System through Internet of Things

Rutuja Ekatpure, Devendra Ingale

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Case Studies, Microbiology, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 333 - 333

Recurrent Candida esophagitis in an Immunocompetent Patient

Mona Al Fares MD, Mohammed Barawi MD, Majeed Paduvana MD, Leonard B. Johnson MD FACP

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Case Studies, Ecology, India

Pages: 334 - 340

A Study on the Catastrophic Impact of Unscientific Fishing Practice over the Fish Wealth of Kuthiyathodu Region of Pamba River, Kerala, India

Rani S. Dharan, Dr. Sherly Williams .E

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, India

Pages: 341 - 344

Comparative Study of Incidence of Phototherapy Induced Hypocalcemia in Preterm V/S Term Neonates

Manoj G M, Anupama Deka

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 345 - 349

Modified Welch

Sreelekha S, Sabi S

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 350 - 355

Survey on a Profitable Service in Cloud Computing

Shaikh Md. Arshad

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 356 - 358

Microwave Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Oxime Derivatives of Substituted Chalcones

Kusum Lata Dangwal, Dr. A. R. Semwal

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 359 - 365

Package of Practices for Freeze Dried Rose Flower

Metta Siresha, Mahalakshmi V. Reddy

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Chemical Engineering, Nigeria

Pages: 366 - 372

The Effect of Wind and Temperature on the Spread of Crude Oil Spill on Niger Delta Coastline

J.O.C. Eluma, K.O. Okpala, E.E. Effiong, O.E. Onyelucheya

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 373 - 376

The Determinants of Indonesian Railway OnlineTicketing Services in Indonesia

Aditya Wardhana, Budi Rustandi Kartawinata

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Research Paper, Management, Iran

Pages: 377 - 384

The Formulation of Strategies to Export Development in SMEs through SWOT Analysis: A Case Study in Tehran Province

Dr. Abdolmajid Sheykhi, Dr. Abbas Ali Ghayoomi, Abbas Ali Hosseinian Dastjerdi

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 385 - 388

Centralized Driving License System

Anup Upadhyay, Rakhi Kadam

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 389 - 391

KNN Classification of Encrypted Cloud Data with Privacy Preservation

Mayadevee Madhukar Kotlapure, L. J. Sankpal

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Survey Paper, Education, Nigeria

Pages: 392 - 397

Assessment of Administrative Control Strategies for Quality Assurance in Nigerian Public Secondary Schools

Aja Sunday Nwambam

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Research Paper, Manufacturing Engineering, India

Pages: 398 - 401

Effect of Ultrasonic Mould Vibration on Microstructure & Mechanical Properties of Pure Aluminium Casting During Solidification

Kishor Pawar, Amitesh Kumar

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Egypt

Pages: 402 - 407

Quantitative Analysis of Interradicular Bone Regeneration after Use of Modified Perforated Collagen Membrane versus Occlusive Membrane in the Management of Grade II Furcation Defects in Dogs

Hanan M. Ghaitth, Mona Lotfy, Samia Soliman, Rania A Fahmy

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 408 - 412

A Secure Image Steganography Using Bit Shift Encryption & MLSB Approach

Raminder Jit Singh Kahlon, Vinay Bhardwaj

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 413 - 415

A Case Report of Pigmentary Glaucoma following Cataract Surgery with Sulcus Fixated Intraocular Lens Implantation

Dr. Deepak Choudhury, Dr. Jayashree Dora, Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma, Dr. Nisha Jha

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 416 - 418

Design of Patch Antenna for Wideband Communication

Pratiksha Singh Gaur, Dr. Vivek Singh Kushwah

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 419 - 422

Parametric Study of Factors Influencing Dynamic Behavior of High Speed Spindles

Vignesh Suresh, Prabhu Raja V

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 423 - 427

Prediction of Stability of Thin Wall Ribs in High Speed Machining

Vignesh Suresh, Gopinath M, Prabhu Raja V, Palpandian P

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 428 - 431

Message Authentication and Source Privacy in Wireless Networks

Vaishali Kisanrao Gulhane, S. N. Shelke

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 432 - 436

Implementation of Fault Tolerance System from the Concept of Endocrine Cell

Prajeesh .P, Jasmin Basheer

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 437 - 439

A Survey: Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Priyanka Kamthe, Sanjeev J. Wagh

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 440 - 445

Modern Concepts of Ethiological Pathogenesis and Treatment of Endometrial Carcinoma, Research Literature Review

Todor Dimitrov, Grigor Gorchev, Slavcho Tomov

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 446 - 449

Nonlinear Spinor Field in Anisotropic Bianchi Type-III Space-Time

P A Bolke, S K Waghmare

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 450 - 454

Design of Reconfigurable Digital Filter Bank for Hearing Aid

Sneha Raj, Athira Shaji

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Research Paper, Biology Science, Cote d'Ivoire

Pages: 455 - 463

Inventory of Soil Invertebrate Macrofauna, Bioindicator of Soil Quality, Along a Toposequence in an Agro-Ecological Area of Ahoue (southern C

Adechina Olayossimi, Yapi Ahoua, Yao - Kouame Albert

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Kenya

Pages: 464 - 465

Level of Metal Pollutants in Water from Nyakomisaro Stream through Kisii Town

Omoko Bochaberi Janes, Onyatta John, Nyabaro Obed, Kenanda Okemwa Evans

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 466 - 469

Smart Crawler: Crawler for Efficiently Harvesting Deep-Web Interfaces

Kalyani Thodage, B. B. Gite

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 470 - 476

Hypoglycemic Potential of Ascidia sydneiensis Stimpson, 1855 in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats

C. Stella Packiam, R. Jothibai Margret, V. K. Meenakshi

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Azerbaijan

Pages: 477 - 481

Peculiarities of Surface Crystallization of Ama; Crystallization of Amorphous Ribbon from the Contact Side

Nurlan Rafiyev

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, People's Republic of China

Pages: 482 - 487

The Design of Adaptive Control System of Electric Load Simulation System

CHEN Hao, WU Dingding, RAO Guoxi, ZHAO Xuchang

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 488 - 492

A Time Efficient Approach to Enhance the Noise Cancellation in Speech Signal on FPGA Using Adaptive Filtering Algorithm

Pravin Bhadauria, Rakesh Kumar

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Research Paper, Geography Science, Sri Lanka

Pages: 497 - 501

Development of Agro-well Lands and Its impact on Soil Salinity in the North Central Dry Zone of Sri Lanka

Muditha Prasannajith Perera

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 502 - 504

Induction Motor Soft Stater Using Solid State Switching Devices

Dr. Jaydeep Chakrabarty, Aman Sharma

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Research Paper, Biology Science, India

Pages: 505 - 508

Composition of Lipids in Flight Muscles of Leucopholis lepidophora

S. B. More

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India

Pages: 509 - 513

Synthesis and Characterization of Oxygen Bridged Complexes of Metal Chelates of isonitrosopropiophenone with Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Salts and Study of their Biological Activitiy

Om Prakash Gupta

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 514 - 517

A Review on Various Approaches of Image Segmentation

Savita, Ada

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Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, Nigeria

Pages: 518 - 523

Effects of Aqueous Stem Bark Extract of Prosopis africana on Wistar Strain Rats

M. I. Bello, M. A. Madusolumuo, I. Igbokwe

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 524 - 528

Buckling Analysis of Silica Fume Concrete Filled Steel Tube Column using ANSYS

Sreelekshmi S, Sreedevi Lekshmi

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 529 - 532

Effective Video Streaming over MANET: A Cross Layered Approach

S. Madhu, Dr. M. Bal Raju, Dr. P. Chenna Reddy

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Case Studies, Radiology Science, Albania

Pages: 533 - 535

Giant Prostate

Elton Cekaj

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Sudan

Pages: 536 - 539

Effect of Radiation on the properties of ZnO Films and Substrates

A. M. Ibraheem

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 540 - 543

Filtering Recommendation Using Typicality-Based Collaborative Filtering Technology

Harshali U. Chaudhary, Priti Subramanium

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 544 - 549

An Investigative Study of Spur Gear Failure by FEA and Photoelastic Method

Vrushali Wable, Dr. D. M. Mate

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 550 - 553

The Recognition and Detection System for Theft Vehicle by Number Plates

Sham Madhukar Lomte, Hajiali Sayyed

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Albania

Pages: 554 - 555

Reverse Myo Fascial Pectoralis Major Flap in Chest Reconstruction: A Case Report

Dr. Nardi Kola, Dr. Sokol Isaraj

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Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, Kenya

Pages: 556 - 559

A Functional Comparison of the Archaeon Tricorn Protease and Selected Serine Proteases from Trypanosoma brucei brucei

Ng'ong'a F.A, Wamunyokoli F, Nyanjom S. R. G

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 560 - 563

Improving Inpainting by Using Super Resolution

Rahul Bhadane, V. D. Shinde

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 564 - 567

Investigation of Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete Containing Waste Glass Powder as Partial Replacement of Cement

Gaurav Shrivastava, Archana Tiwari

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 568 - 574

HOPF bifurcation Dynamics and Persistence of Two Mutually Interdependent Predator Species for Sharing a Single Prey Species under Kolmogorov Constraints

Brahampal Singh, Sunita Gakkhar

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Research Paper, Herbal Medicine, India

Pages: 575 - 578

Antimicrobial Activity of Oxalis corniculata Linn

Sandhya Madan Mohan, Bhawana Pandey

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 579 - 582

Embedded Implementation of Brain Computer Interface Concept Using FPGA

Aravind M, Dr. S. Suresh Babu

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Review Papers, Home Science, India

Pages: 583 - 588

Stress, Coping and Resilience among Adolescents of Low Income Families - A Review Article

Alka Dixit, Dr. Jatinder K. Gulati

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, United Kingdom

Pages: 589 - 594

Design of an Off Grid Photovoltaic System for a Three Bedroom Flat in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

Gbaakpen Msughter, Mbakaan Celestine

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Research Paper, Education, Ukraine

Pages: 595 - 596

The Information System of Vertically Integrated Structures as a Pillar of Entrepreneurship in the Information Society

Olena Kryvoruchko, Svitlana Rzayeva, Oleksandr Kozik

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Research Paper, Water Resource Engineering, India

Pages: 597 - 601

Morphometric Analysis of Daluaghat Drainage basin in Giridih District, Jharkhand, India

Sumitra Mandi, Kalicharan Soren

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Kenya

Pages: 602 - 604

Determination of Selected Heavy Metals Using Modified Glassy-Carbon Black Infused with Clay

Isaboke Peter Abel, Njagi Njomo, Obed Nyabaro, Evans Kenanda Okemwa

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 605 - 607

Effect of Exercise on Memory

V. Padmaharish, Dr. Preetha

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Research Paper, Physical Education, Albania

Pages: 608 - 614

Correlation of Anthropometric Indicators to Vital Capacity of Young Sportsmen

Ikonomi E., Daulle E., Cerra E., Canaj F.

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 615 - 622

Voltage Regulation of Transmission Line Using Adaptive PI Control of STATCOM

Geeta Pande, S. N. Chaphekar

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 623 - 625

Study of Oral Cavity Neoplasms

Dr. Reena Vare, Dr. Anil Vare, Dr. Arjun Antony

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, United States

Pages: 626 - 631

Preparation, Study of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel

Chiranjivi Bharat Pinapati, Likhith Nalluri, Praveen Kumar Alagiri

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 632 - 637

Parameter Estimation in Software Reliability

Meenakshi Malik, Garima Garg

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 638 - 642

Effective and Optimized Software Reliability Prediction

Meenakshi Malik, Garima Garg

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 643 - 646

Proportional Scrutiny of Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in MANET: Review

Ritu Pruthi, Amit Verma

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 647 - 651

Proportional Scrutiny of Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in MANET: Implementation

Ritu Pruthi, Amit Verma

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 652 - 654

Perception of Women Consumer towards Branded Cosmetics in Nagapattinam District

P. Priyanga, Dr. R. Krishnaveni

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Review Papers, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 655 - 656

Dogs: From Domesticated Pets to their Wild Originality

Dr. Manjula Uppal

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 657 - 660

Energy Auditing of a Commercial Building - "Optimization of HVAC System & Solar Assisted Heat Pump"

Vineet Kumar, Rajneesh Kumar Gautam

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Research Paper, Education, Nigeria

Pages: 661 - 667

Principals' Instructional Leadership Qualities That Enhance Effective Teaching and Learning of Chemistry in Secondary Schools from Perspectives of Students and Teachers

Dr. Lawrence Achimugu

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Research Paper, Computer Science and Engineering, India

Pages: 668 - 673

A Secure Group Sharing Framework Using TGDH Scheme

Shahina K M

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Research Paper, Economics, Iran

Pages: 674 - 677

Providing a New Approach in Engineering Economics

Hossein Jafari, Farzane Hosseinieh Farahani

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Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, Cote d'Ivoire

Pages: 678 - 691

Evolution of Aflatoxins Levels during Storage of Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L Walp) Bagged Pics Containing Lippia multiflora Moldenke Leaves and Ivorian Exposure Risk

KONAN K. Constant, COULIBALY Adama, SIDIBE Daouda, CHATIGRE Olivier, BIEGO Godi Henri Marius

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Informative Article, Software Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 692 - 695

Performance Evaluation of DSDV Routing Protocol with CSMA/CA Strategy in Ad Hoc Network

Samar T. AL-Ani

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Research Paper, Architecture, Albania

Pages: 696 - 700

Promoting Urban Heritage Preservation through Partnerships

Jonida Meniku

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 701 - 703

Analysis of Delay Tolerant Network Routers by Implementing Selfish Node Detection Algorithm with an Incentive Strategy

Rajesaheb Kadam, Manoj Bangare

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 704 - 707

Seismic Evaluation of RC Building With AAC Block Infill Walls

Vidhya P. Namboothiri

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 708 - 713

Static Strength Analysis of a Tubular K- Joint of an Offshore Jacket Structure

Anju Chandran, Arathi S

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Morocco

Pages: 714 - 718

Optimal Control for the Transmission Dynamics of Tuberculosis

F. El kihal, M. Al hia, I. Abouelkheir, M. Rachik

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Research Paper, Biology Science, Vietnam

Pages: 719 - 725

Initially Observed Some Important Morphological Characteristics on Phu Quoc Ridgeback Dogs (Canis familiaris) in Vietnam

Quoc - Dang Quan, Anh - Dung Chung, Hoang - Dung Tran

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 726 - 729

Multiuser Detection for CDMA System with Optimization of Detector using ANN

Vikas Kumar, Rakesh Kumar

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Case Studies, Industrial Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 730 - 735

Efforts in Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of Weaving Machine in Tire Cord Division at Tire Manufacturing Company in Indonesia

Akhmad Fauzi, Gimbal Doloksaribu

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Case Studies, Industrial Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 736 - 739

Improving Productivity Based on Evaluation Score of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Using DMAIC Approach on Blistering Machine

Mohamad Sukma Hervian, Chandrasa Soekardi

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Case Studies, Industrial Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 740 - 744

Reducing Downtime Equipment in LPM Machine Line Using DMAIC Approach at an Alloy Wheel Manufacturer in Indonesia

Hadi Ashary, Choesnul Jaqin

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 745 - 753

An Approach of Detecting Discontinuities in Images

Rekha Rani, Shailja Kumari

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 754 - 756

On Fuzzy Soft Ring and Its Properties

Dr. N. Sarala, B. Suganya

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 757 - 761

Introducing OSCE as an Assessment Tool for First Year Post Graduate Students in Formative Evaluation in the Department of Surgery, JNMC, DMIMS (DU), Sawangi (M),Wardha, Maharashtra

Yeola M, Jaipuriya P

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 762 - 767

Effect of Pre-Operative Counselling on Post-Operative Outcome in Hernia Surgery Patients

Dr Yeola M, Dr Jaipuriya P.

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Dissertation Chapters, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 768 - 770

Spam Mail Detection Using Relevance Feature Discovery

Sayarabanu B. Nadaf, Anil D. Gujar

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Research Paper, Psychology Science, India

Pages: 771 - 773

Relationship between Spiritual Quotient and Managerial Effectiveness: A Study on Managers

Dr Chandrani Sen, Lucky Yadav

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Iraq

Pages: 774 - 777

Epidemiological Analysis of the Nasal Trauma

Mohammed Radef Dawood

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 778 - 781

Design Approach towards the High Speed Circular Convolution by using UT Technique and High Speed Parallel Adder

Jamvant Omkar, Gurpreet Singh

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 782 - 784

In Vitro Studies in Enicostema Littorale Blume

Nutanvarsha Deshmukh, Narayan Pandhure

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 785 - 788

Geometric Reconstructions in Video Inpainting

Pooja Nandeshwar, V.S. Nandedkar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Manufacturing Engineering, India

Pages: 789 - 792

Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness for EN31 Steel in Wire-EDM Process

R. Santosh Kumar, A. Balaram Naik

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 793 - 795

Effect of Cyanobacteria and Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers with Chemical Fertilizers in CAJANAS CAJAN (Maroti)

Pradhnya Khapekar, P. B. Nandkar

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Review Papers, Herbal Medicine, India

Pages: 796 - 798


Dr. Jyoti Chandrashekhar Mane

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 799 - 802

GPS Based Tracking and Monitoring of Vehicle Using ARM

Sachin B. Ade, Y. D. Kapse

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Research Paper, Nutrition Science, Philippines

Pages: 803 - 809

Nutrient Composition and Digestibility of Asian Swamp EEL (Monopterusalbus) Meal in Broiler Nutrition

Rene Wangiwang Pinkihan

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 810 - 813

Investigation on Impact Resistance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete

K. Sai Abhinav, N. Srinivasa Rao

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 814 - 818

Study of Dynamic Properties of Building with Varying Plan Area and Height

Neena Vedic, Aswathy Prakash

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 819 - 822

Ningthoujam Sujita Devi, Dr. Nilima Bhore

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 823 - 826

Effect on Torsional and Flexural Behavior RC Concrete Beam made with Plastic Waste Bags (PWB) Granules

A.A. Jadhav, V.P. Kulkarni

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Research Paper, Knowledge Managament, Kenya

Pages: 827 - 834

Accessibility and Utilization of Health Information by Rural Women in Vihiga County, Kenya

Serah Odini

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Research Paper, Management, People's Republic of China

Pages: 835 - 842

Analysis of Role and Job Requirement about Middle Managers in China

Tongwei Song, Anmin Wang

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Review Papers, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 843 - 847

Overview of Islanding Detection Methods

Pardeep, Anil Kumar

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 848 - 851

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing Technology

Sandeep Mukherji, Shashwat Srivastava

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 852 - 857

Controlling of Environmental Parameters under Polyhouse Farming using GSM

Pooja V. Raut, Aditya Thogita

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 858 - 861

Pain and Duration Scoring Between Open and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Dr. Bommireddy V. Reddy, Dr. Abhijith Sudhakar Shetty

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Dissertation Chapters, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 862 - 863

Study of Effect of Maternal BMI on Neonatal Outcome in Women Admitted to Labour Ward of New Civil Hospital

Dr. Tejal Desai, Dr.Dhwani Desai, Dr. Ragini Verma

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 864 - 870

Comparative Study on the Analysis of Blast Wall with and without GFRP using ANSYS

Akhila Ramanujan, Sreedevi Lekshmi

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Case Studies, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 871 - 875

Synchronization of Traffic Signals

Gaurav Dane, H.S.Goliya

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Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Kosovo

Pages: 876 - 879

The Effects of Indol Butyric Acid and Naphthalene Acetic Acid of Adventitious Root formation to Green Cuttings in Blueberry cv. (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)

Sabri Braha, Petrit Rama

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 880 - 884

Dynamic Analysis of an Irregular RC Building with Different Bracing Systems

Akhila Lekshmi N H, Aswathy S. Kumar

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Research Paper, Architecture, Albania

Pages: 885 - 891

Overview of the Italian architecture in Durres from 1920 to 1944

Loreta Capeli, Meri Priftuli Semini, Florian Nepravishta

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Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India

Pages: 892 - 894

A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Medical Students on Clinical Trials in Madurai Medical College

Kiruthika S, Vijayalakshmi SM. D., Geetha K. M. D., Parameswari .R M. D.

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, Cameroon

Pages: 895 - 899

Numerical Calculation and Design of Variant Topologies of Printed Dipole Antennas

Clement Mbinack, Emmanuel Tonye

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Control Systems Engineering, India

Pages: 900 - 905

Position Control of Electro-hydraulic Servo-system using Fractional Order PID Controller

Thasli Thaju, Nasar A

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Review Papers, Biology Science, India

Pages: 906 - 908

Xerostomia in Denture Patients

Aishwaryah Ravisankar, Dr. Anand

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 909 - 911

Quantum Break

Sugato Ghosh

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 912 - 915

A Secured Information Sharing and Query Processing Structure through Alliance of Cloud Computing

Shraddha Jadhav, S. B. Rathod

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Research Paper, Environment Science, Nigeria

Pages: 916 - 922

Impacts of Climate Change, Variability and Adaptation Strategies on Agriculture in Two Agricultural Communites of Enugu State, Nigeria

Agu N. N.

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Survey Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 923 - 928

Defecation Behaviour of Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis,Linn.)

Amal Bhattacharya, Koushik Chakraborty

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 929 - 934

Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Faced by B-Boydancers

Dr. Deepa Abichandani, Vinayak Hule

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Nigeria

Pages: 935 - 941

The Effect of Object Oriented Programming on the Implementation of Biometric Security System for Electronic Banking Transactions

ONU Fergus U. (PhD), ENEJI Samuel E., ANIGBOGU Gloria

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, India

Pages: 942 - 946

Spatial Technology Based Governance for Enforcement of International Environmental Law in Marine Ecosystem Protection

Surendra Kumar Yadav

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 947 - 950

Analysis of Exterior Beam Column Joint Using ANSYS

Anusree Lal

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 951 - 953

Comparative Study on Dynamic Behaviour of Various Grid Patterns on Concrete Floors

Rajalakshmi U, Linda Ann Mathew

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 954 - 957

Implementing Random Encoding for Image Steganography

Venus, Rachna

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Research Paper, Education, People's Republic of China

Pages: 958 - 960

The Idea of Sustainable Development Applied in Class against the Backdrop of the Circular Economic Development

Feng Xiaoyan

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, Republic of China

Pages: 961 - 963

Simulation and Analysis of Electromagnetic Field of Eddy Current Sensor

Jing Shu

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 964 - 967

Web Based Power Management in Home using Wireless Sensor Networks

Dr. D. Vishnu Vardhan, N. Pujitha

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Research Paper, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Iraq

Pages: 968 - 971

Effects of Adalimumab MTX Combination on Serum (NF-?B) and Caspase3 in Iraqi Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Asaad H. Alzaidy, Intesar T. Numan, Nizar A. Jassim

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Review Papers, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 972 - 974

Design of Monitoring System for Human

Vaishali Bayas, Prof. S. A. Bhosale

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 975 - 979

Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames Using Different Sections of X Bracing

Thasneem Yaseen I, Linda Ann Mathew

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