Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016: Page 1
Research Paper, Agricultural Engineering, Iraq
Pages: 1 - 5The Use of Remote Sensing Techniques for the Detection of Salinization of the Euphrates River in the Provinces of Qadisiyah, Muthannain Iraq
Abdel-Muhsen A. Radhi Al-Jabery, Aula Hussein Al-Obeidi
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 6 - 8A Study of Prevalence of Asymptomatic Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Cirrhotic Patients with Ascites
Dr. V. Uvaraj Muruganandam, Dr. P. S. Manshur
Research Paper, Geology Science, Nigeria
Pages: 9 - 12Geological Lineament Extraction Using Landsat 8 (OLI) in Parts of Osun State, Southwestern Nigeria
Christopher Oche Albert, Alaga Abayomi Taofeek
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 13 - 22Discovering Concealed Semantics in Web Documents Using Fuzzy Clustering By Feature Matrix Methodology
Aditya Deshpande, Dr. Pramod Patil
Case Studies, Pediatric Specialty, India
Pages: 23 - 25Pediatric Giant Bladder Stone Causing Renal Failure
Amit Kumar Sinha, Bindey Kumar, Prem Kumar
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 26 - 31Brain Tumor Detection and its Area Measurement using K-Means Clustering baesd on Genetic Algorithm
Arnavi A. Patil, S. S. Badhe, A. A. Mulajkar
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 32 - 35Optimization of Kalina Cycle
M. N. Karimi, Moghees Ahmad
Research Paper, Education, Turkey
Pages: 36 - 39The Teaching of Ataturk as a Historical Hero in the Social Studies Lesson: A Study on Social Studies Teacher Candidates
Ali Alt?kulac
Research Paper, Physics Science, India
Pages: 40 - 45Possible Chiral Doublet Bands in 122Cs
Rajesh Kumar, Anil Kumar
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 46 - 53The Effect of Principal Managerial Competence in Developing Cultural Organization and Job Satisfaction MTs Teacher in Jambi
Alius, Hamzah, Kompri, Dr. Maisah M.Pd.I
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 54 - 56A Study to Identify the People with Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Assess the Prevalence of Hypertension among them in Selected Community Area, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu, India
Pillanni Shri Pill Topu, Pushpakala K.J
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Egypt
Pages: 57 - 63Effect of Ph Changes on the Corrosion Resistance of Anodizing Titanium Dental Implant with Cobalt Chromium Bar Attachment
Narjes Fadel Mohsen, Magdi Abd El-Meguid Awadallah, Seham Ahmed Hanafy
Research Paper, Mathematics, China
Pages: 64 - 67Singular Two-Point Boundary Value Problems of Finite Element method
Weiwei Zhang
Survey Paper, Pathology Science, India
Pages: 68 - 70Systemic Diseases in Pregnant Women-A Survey
Chanchal Katariya, Dr. M. P. Brundha Suresh
Informative Article, Communication or Media Studies, Bangladesh
Pages: 71 - 74Media and Social Work
Afrin Jahan, Md. Mahbubur Rahman
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 75 - 77Effect of Partial Replacement of Fine and Coarse Aggregate (10mm) with Ceramic Waste on the Properties of Concrete
Vikas Rajora, Gurtej Singh Sidhu
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 78 - 82Influence of Waste Marble Powder on Characteristics of Clayey Soil
Hitesh Bansal, Gurtej Singh Sidhu
Dissertation Chapters, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 83 - 87Disease Identification System: System Implementation and Attack
Prasanna Shivaji Shinde, Avinash Shrivas
Research Paper, Diabetology, India
Pages: 88 - 91Impact of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 on Oral Health among Out Patient Department of Saveetha Dental College and Hospital
Vaishnavi Sivakali Subramanian, Dr. Preetha
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 92 - 96Utilization of Waste Papers to Produce Ecofriendly Bricks
Rohit Kumar Arya, Rajeev Kansal
Research Paper, Management, Papua New Guinea
Pages: 97 - 100Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - In Modern Banking
Sharmiladevi Parthiban, Sakthi Priya E.
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 101 - 106The Relationship of Educational Supervision Supervisory Knowledge to Guidance and Labor Education Teacher Motivation Work in the Madrasah Aliyah Jambi City
Muhammad Ridwan, Nurzila, Abdullah Saman, Maisah
Informative Article, Peace and Conflict Studies, Kenya
Pages: 107 - 110Effects of Immigration in Europe
Winfred M. Mutheu, David O. Ouma, Njoki N. Njonjo, Chemilil Kibet, Mumtaz Musa
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Tunisia
Pages: 111 - 114Cutaneous Paraneoplastic Syndroma of Breast Cancer : About 2 Cases
Hadidane Manel, Slimane M, Chemlali Molka, Henchiri Houda, Ben Hassouna Jamel, Rahal Khaled
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 115 - 120Control Scheme for a Stand-Alone Wind Energy Conversion System
Saket Bihari, Preeti Gupta
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 121 - 125Performance Analysis of MIMO OFDM Systems for Wireless Communication using Adaptive Modulation Technique
Lanjewar Rajesh Krushnarao, Akhila S
Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India
Pages: 126 - 130Evaporative Emissions in a Two Wheeler Gasoline Fuel Tank: Cause and Calculation
Prabhanjan Kushwaha, Anshul Srivastava
Research Paper, Biology Science, India
Pages: 131 - 137Apoptosis - A Distinctive Form of Cell Death as Biochemical, Molecular and Morphological Changes
Rajesh K. Bhaskar
Research Paper, Religion and Theology, Nigeria
Pages: 138 - 144Security Issues in Nigeria: A Re-reading of Lk 12:39-42 in the Light of the Terror within and Its Consequences on Vision 20:2020 [1]
Chris Ukachukwu Manus, Dr. Bolaji O. Bateye
Research Paper, Immunology, United States
Pages: 145 - 149Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Identified as Potentially Suitable for Biosimilar Infliximabin Europe
Siva Narayanan, Yao Lu, Richard Hutchings, Amanda Baskett, Sam Mentzer
Research Paper, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, India
Pages: 150 - 155Development of a WSN Framework for Mining & Civil Safety Monitoring Purposes
Pournima S. Sawai, C. Satyanarayana
Research Paper, Cardiology Science, India
Pages: 156 - 159Effect of Intake of Blueberries in Hypertensive Patients
Joshini Shanmugam, Dr. Preetha S
Research Paper, Anatomy Science, India
Pages: 160 - 162Morphometric Analysis of Jugular Foramen
Joshini Shanmugam, Dr. K. Yuvraj Babu
Research Paper, Medicine Science, United States
Pages: 163 - 168Adoption of Oral Disease-Modifying Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis in Europe and the United States between 2012 and 2015
Siva Narayanan, Simone Gabriele, Joanna White, Emily Hautamaki
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 169 - 173Product Reputation Analysis System Based on Partial Supervised Word Alignment Model
Nikita N. Khose, Prof. V. V. Dakhode
Research Paper, Physics Science, India
Pages: 174 - 178Nefarious Effect of E-Waste on Environment & Health Hazardous
Pradip Kumar Maity
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 179 - 184Joint Beam Forming Power and Channel Allocation in Multi User and Multi Channel using Multiple Relay MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks
P. Prabhu Justin, G. Rama Krishna
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 185 - 189WSEECM: Wireless Sensor Network System with Secure and Energy Efficient Cluster Management
Ruchika Jain
Research Paper, Textile Engineering, India
Pages: 190 - 194Sustainable Development of Hibiscus Sabdariffa- Indigenous Practices
Juhi Agarwal, Dr. Ela Dedhia
Research Paper, Management, Ethiopia
Pages: 195 - 201The Practice of Aligning HRM to Business Strategy and It
Gebremicael Weldegebriel Kidanemariam
Research Paper, Physical Education, India
Pages: 202 - 206Effect of Basketball Dribbling Practice on Cursive Handwriting of Primary School Children
Dr. S. Akila
Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India
Pages: 207 - 209Novel Synthesis of Tetrazolopyrrolopyrimidines as Antifungal Agents
Shah Rina, Shah Nirmal M, Ramani Vivek
Research Paper, Geophysics Science, Nigeria
Pages: 210 - 211Cone Features and Parallel Coherencies of F-K Filtered Data-The Processing Significance
Dr. Madu Anthony Joseph Chinenyeze
Review Papers, Medicine Science, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 212 - 221Reviewing of General Polymer Types, Properties and Application in Medical Field
Nuha Salih Mustafa, Mohammed A. Ali Omer, Mohamed E. M. Garlnabi, Hamed A. Ismail
Research Paper, Entomology Science, Egypt
Pages: 222 - 225Possibility Using Camphene as Biorational Insecticide against the Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Colioptera: Curculionedae)
Aziza Sharaby, Mona EL-Dosary
Research Paper, Botany Science, India
Pages: 226 - 230In vitro Plant Regeneration from the Nodal Explants of Spermacoce articularis L. f.
Biula Preethi C., Velayutham P., Karthi C.
Research Paper, Physics Science, India
Pages: 231 - 234Comparative Study of Morphology and Optical Properties of SrAl4O7 Nano- Phosphors
V. T. Jisha
Research Paper, Radiology Science, India
Pages: 235 - 239M -Mode Ultrasound Evaluation of Diaphragm-An Useful Modality in Clinical Practice
Dr. Vishwanath. T. Thimmaiah, Dr. Rajesh Raman, Dr. Keval P Jain
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 240 - 242Surgical Management of Comminuted Unstable Intertrochanteric Fracture with Proximal Femoral Nail: - A Retrospective Study
Dr Jairam Jagiasi, Dr Ankit Prasad, Dr Amit Joshi
Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia
Pages: 243 - 249Pattern and Determined Factors of Local Foods Consumption of SIKKATO in Kendari City Southeast Sulawesi
Musadar, U. Rianse, W. Widiyanti dan W. Gusmiarti
Research Paper, Statistics, Sri Lanka
Pages: 250 - 253Modeling the Major Ailments of Petroleum Workers with Associated Risk Factors using Logistic Regression Approach
K.G.D.P. Gunarathne, A.M.C.H. Attanayake, D.D.M. Jayasundara
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 254 - 259Power Quality Enhancement using Hybrid Filter in Interconnected Grid System
Kavitha .D, K. Rajangam
Research Paper, Psychology Science, Iran
Pages: 260 - 263Studying the Mental Health Status of Soldiers and Related Factors: A Descriptive Study
Fatemeh Mirzaie, Hosien Shahdadi, Esmat Bandani
Research Paper, Environment Science, Cameroon
Pages: 264 - 271A Trophic Structure Model of the Douala-Edea Reserve Mangrove (Cameroon) with Consideration of Sustainable Utilization of its Resources
Longonje Simon, Findi Emilien
Review Papers, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 272 - 273Denture Adhesives - A Review
Ilakkiya. E
Research Paper, Veterinary Science, India
Pages: 274 - 278Histological Study of Recipient Wound Bed Healing by Ultrasound Therapy in Dogs
Dr. M. Gokulakrishnan, Dr. L. Nagarajan, Dr. Ramani, Dr. T. A. Kannan, Dr. Mohammed Safiuzamma, Dr. Geetha Ramesh
Research Paper, Chemistry Science, India
Pages: 279 - 282Study of Some Heavy Metals in Ground Water in Saline Track of Buldana District and its Remediation by Rhizofiltration
B. M. Tayde, B. B. Wankhade
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 283 - 288A Novel Energy Regeneration Technique in Brushless DC Motor for Electric Vehicles
Lulu Joseph, Sreerag K S
Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 289 - 296Clinical Evaluation of Levobupivacaine in Subarachnoid Block - A Randomized, Double Blind, Controlled Study with Bupivacaine
Vijal Patel, Shilpa Doshi
Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 297 - 300Study on Co-operative Communication for Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
Isha, Varsha
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Ghana
Pages: 301 - 307A Study to Assess Hand Hygiene Knowledge and Practices among Health Care Workers in a Teaching Hospital in Ghana
Immanuel Amissah BSc MD, Soziema Salia MBChB, Joshua Panyin Craymah MSc
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 311 - 316Correlation between Serum Homocysteine and Cerebral Ischemic Stroke in an Urban South Indian Population
T. B. Umadevi, S. Chandrasekar
Research Paper, Education, Kenya
Pages: 317 - 324Impact of Academic Staff Establishment on the Masters Degree Programmes in Kenyan Public Universities; A Case of Departments of Educational Foundations From 1993 to 2014
Sogoni Hardley Musiega, Daniel K Gakunga, Musembi Nungu
Research Paper, Geology Science, India
Pages: 325 - 330Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of Abu Gabra Formation in Northern Muglad Basin, Sudan
Mohamed Elfatih Z. Gandol
Research Paper, Geology Science, India
Pages: 331 - 337Interpretation of Bouguer Anomaly Maps, Geothermal Gradient Data and Exploratory Wells Results - A Case Study of Dungunab Area in Red Sea Coast Region, Northeastern Sudan
Mohamed Elfatih Z. Gandol
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 338 - 343Centroidal Mean Derivative - Based Closed Newton Cotes Quadrature
T. Ramachandran, R. Parimala
Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, India
Pages: 344 - 346Effects of Intake of Oatmeal in Serum Cholesterol
Joshini Shanmugam, Dr. Vishnu Priya
Research Paper, Biology Science, Egypt
Pages: 347 - 353Establishment of a New Rat Model of Alzheimer
Ashraf Khaled Awaad, Hassan Fayed, Passainte Hassan
Comparative Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 364 - 360Effectiveness of Muscle Energy Technique and Passive Stretching on Posterior Shoulder Tightness in Cricket Bowlers - A Randomized Clinical Trial
Khushboo Bathia, Charu Eapen, Zulfeequer CP.
Research Paper, Physics Science, India
Pages: 361 - 363Ground State Energy Eigenvalues of an Octic Oscillator with Quartic and Sextic Anharmonicities
Gayathri G. M., B. A. Kagali, T. Shivalingaswamy
Research Paper, Gynaecology, India
Pages: 364 - 367Acceptability of PPIUCD versus Interval IUCD Insertion
Sonil Srivastava, Imam Bano
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 368 - 370Pharyngo-Oesophageal Reconstruction with Colon Bypass Plus Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap For Corrosive Injury of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
Dr. Chandan Kumar Saha, Dr. Sayar Kumar Munshi
Research Paper, Statistics, India
Pages: 371 - 378Confidence Intervals Estimation for ROC Curve, AUC and Brier Score under the Constant Shape Bi-Weibull Distribution
A. Lavanya, T. Leo Alexander
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 379 - 382Adoption of Green Banking in India: Challenges and Prospects
Dr. Bibhu Prasad Sahoo, Amandeep Singh
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 383 - 385Design of Compact Microstrip Antenna with High Gain & Bandwidth for LTE System
Poonam Devi, Dr. Sunil Kumar
Research Paper, Physics Science, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 386 - 388Spatial Wave Function Diminishing Due to Friction Force
Arafa Ahmed Mohamed Yagob, M. Dirar Abd Allah, Kh.M. Haroun
Dissertation Chapters, Environment Science, Indonesia
Pages: 389 - 394Peat Water Treatment with Natural Inorganic Coagulant
Ardiansyah, Syaiful Bahri, Saryono, Wawan
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 395 - 401On P-p-Connected Space in a Topological Space
M. Priyadarshini, R. Selvi
Research Paper, Home Science, India
Pages: 402 - 405Functional Status among Rural Geriatric Population
Dr. Shubha Dube, Kirti Sharma
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Nigeria
Pages: 406 - 411Object-Oriented Programming Languages: Tools for Effective Communication on Application
ONU Fergus U., BAAH Barida, AKIENE Promise T. K.
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 416 - 419Effectiveness of Back Massage Therapy in Promoting Sleep Quality among Post Operative Patients after Cardiac Surgery
Jasmine Joys R. M.Sc (N), Stella Suguna Kumari M.Sc (N)
Survey Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 420 - 422A Survey on Subordination
P. N. Kamble, M. G. Shrigan
Research Paper, Engineering Science, Indonesia
Pages: 423 - 426Thermal Conversion of Terminalia catappa Wood using Ni/NZA Catalyst to Produce pyrolysis Oil
Syaiful Bahri, Arbhy Indera Ikhwansyah, Edy Saputra, Muhdarina
Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, India
Pages: 427 - 435USG Evaluation of Traumatic and Inflammatory Conditions of Musculoskeletal System
Ajita Nawale, Sneha Pai, Arvind Borde
Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Canada
Pages: 436 - 443Phenotypic, Biochemical and Molecular Diversity of Phoma lingam Fungal Isolates Collected from Saskatchewan, Canada
Rafiq Ahad, Ginette S
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 444 - 446A New Approach to DNA Cryptography Using 8x8 Playfair Cipher and Ramanujam Square Matrix
Dr. K. Meena, Dr. K. Menaka
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 447 - 450Barriers to Comprehensive Care in Intensive Care Units
Nutan Potdar, Mahadeo B. Shinde, Sharvari Sadare
Research Paper, Microbiology, India
Pages: 451 - 454Candidemia in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Jammu (J&K) - A Comparison of Conventional Methods and CHROMagar Technique for Speciation
Shashi S Sudan, Preeti Sharma, Monika Sharma, Sorabh Singh Sambyal
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 455 - 458Technique for Preserving Privacy and Security to the Online Social Network
Swati Pulkurte, V. V. Dakhode
Research Paper, Ecology, Kenya
Pages: 462 - 465Impact of Land Use Changes on Wildlife Population in Nairobi National Park and Kitengela Dispersal Areas in Kenya
Lynnette Mwari Kiboro, Christopher Nkonge Kiboro
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 466 - 470Predator Prey Optimization Technique for the Design of High Pass Digital FIR Filter
Vishakha Devi, Balraj Singh
Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, Nigeria
Pages: 471 - 475GC-MS Analysis of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Leaf Aqueous Extracts
Otitolaiye C A, Asokan C
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 476 - 479A Prospective Randomized Comparative Evaluation of Oral Diltiazem and Topical Diltiazem (2%) Ointment in the Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure
A R Bansal, Samir Anand, Pradeep Yadav
Survey Paper, Library Science, Nigeria
Pages: 480 - 484An Investigation of the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction, Job Stress and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Research on Librarians in Nigerian University Libraries
Ikonne Chinyere N. Ph.D, Madukoma, Ezinwanyi Ph.D
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 485 - 491Strengthening of RC Beam Using Wire Mesh
Anju Mary Ealias, Binu P
Research Paper, Geography Science, India
Pages: 492 - 499Mapping of the Forest Cover based on Multi-criteria Analysis: A Case Study on Jhargram Sector in Paschim Medinipur District
Goutam Kumar Das, Rabin Das
Research Paper, Geography Science, Sri Lanka
Pages: 500 - 504Urban Development and the Increasing Trend of Flood Risk in Gombe Metropolis, Nigeria
Saidu Idris, Lal Merving Dharmasiri
Research Paper, Economics, India
Pages: 505 - 509A Study on the Impact of Climate Change on the Productivity and Women Employment in Coffee and Tea Plantations in India
Kavya Shree. K
Research Paper, Management, Indonesia
Pages: 510 - 519Conflict Resolution Model: A Case on Placement of Capital Government in North Buton
La Ode Muhammad Umran, Samiruddin, Masrul, Hasriyani Amin
Informative Article, Statistics, India
Pages: 520 - 524An Informative Overview on Classical Inference and Bayesian Inference
Maitreya N. Acharya
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 525 - 528A Simulation Scheme for Improving the Data Security in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Najiya Sultana, S. S. Sarangdevat
Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, India
Pages: 529 - 533Beneficial Role of Rhizosphere Mycoflora in the Field of Agriculture: An Overview
Prakash Deshmukh, Sheela Shinde
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 534 - 537Graph Mining
Dr. D. Durga Bhavani
Research Paper, Information Technology, India
Pages: 538 - 541Solution to Traffic Congestions: An IOT Based Development Perspective
Siddhant Wade
Research Paper, Ecology, India
Pages: 542 - 547The Burning Issues of Conflict: A Case Study of Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Rakshya Thapa
Review Papers, Pathology Science, India
Pages: 548 - 551Total Quality Management in Pathological Laboratories: An Overview with Emphasis on Need for Structured National Policy
Vikash Gaur, Geetika Saxena, Narendra S Raghav
Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, India
Pages: 552 - 558Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper Complex by Bismarck Brown Y in Environmental and Pharmaceutical Samples
Etesh K. Janghel, Yasmeen Pervez, Santosh Kumar Sar
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 559 - 562Application of Augmented Reality to Interactive Learning Systems
Pallavi P. Ahire, Pankaj A.Salunkhe
Research Paper, Education, Sri Lanka
Pages: 563 - 566Undergraduate Health Professional Student Perceptions/Attitudes towards Interprofessional Education (IPE): A Qualitative Study
A. D. P Perera
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 567 - 569Correlation of Gross Motor Function With Quality of Life in Cerebral Palsy Children of Madhya Pradesh, India
Divya Khare, Ankita Prajapati
Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, India
Pages: 570 - 576Anti-Stress Effect of Morus alba Extract on Biochemical Parameters and Histology of Liver in Stressed Mice Induced by Epinephrine
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari, Vijai Kumar Srivastava, Vijai Chitravanshi
Research Paper, Radiology Science, India
Pages: 574 - 576CT Correlation of Coin Lesion on Chest X-Ray
Dr. Rahul Sharma, Dr. Purvi Desai, Dr. Girish Ghodadara
Research Paper, Radiology Science, India
Pages: 577 - 580Role of Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography in Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
Dr. Dileep Kumar Jha, Dr. Mahesh Vadel, Dr. Rahul Sharma
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 581 - 585Effective Analysis of Multilayer Perceptron and Sequential Minimal Optimization in Prediction of Dyscalculia among Primary School Children
Sampada Margaj, Dr. Seema Purohit
Research Paper, Environment Science, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 586 - 589Assessment of Medical Waste Management in Port Sudan Teaching Hospital, Sudan
Tahani Babiker ELya, Babiker Ahmed Babiker
Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, Egypt
Pages: 590 - 594ACE Gene Polymorphism Frequency in Steroid Resistance and Steroid Sensitive in Patients with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
Hussam Ahmed El-Gayar, Faeza El-Dahtory, Ezz El-Gamal, Sahar Hamed
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Egypt
Pages: 595 - 600Evaluation of Thyroid Dysfunction in Egyptian Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Cirrhotic Patients Complicated with Portal Hypertension
Waseem M. Seleem MD, Fady M. Wadea MD
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 601 - 605Hybrid Feature Classification Model with Probabilistic Classification of the Image Forgery Detection
Samiksha Singla, Harpreet Tiwana
Research Paper, Botany Science, India
Pages: 606 - 608Allelochemicals of Phragmites karka Enhanced the Growth of Rice Seedlings
Dr. Rajendra Kumar
Comparative Studies, Pathology Science, Albania
Pages: 609 - 613Role of Fluoridation in Caries Prevention among Children- Long Term Follow-Up
Vito Antonio Malagnino MD DDS, Mimoza Canga MD PhD
Research Paper, Psychology Science, India
Pages: 614 - 618Leisure Boredom, Loneliness and Self-Control in Women Candy Crush Gamers
Nandini Sanyal, Tina Fernandes, Aarthi Jain
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 619 - 621Precision Direction Finding of Radars from an Airborne Platform
Lavanya Ganesh
Research Paper, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 622 - 624Antidiabetic Potential of Some Indian Medicinal Plants on Albino Rats
P. H. Rohankar
Research Paper, Engineering Science, China
Pages: 625 - 627Functional Design of Eccentric Adjusting Mechanism of Heat Insulation Pipe
Jing Shu
Case Studies, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 628 - 630Ventilatory Strategy: Useful in Acute Severe Asthma
Dr Zara Wani, Dr Meenaxi Sharma
Informative Article, Environment Science, India
Pages: 631 - 634The Western Ghats: A Political Economy, Institutions and Environmental Ethics Perspective
Ankita Singh
Research Paper, Home Science, India
Pages: 635 - 637Nutritional Status of Women Suffering with Hypothyroidism in Sultanpur District Hospital
Jyotima, Pratibha
Informative Article, Home Science, India
Pages: 638 - 639Nutrition Education for Adolescents
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 640 - 643nMASE - A Search Engine for Network Trace
Abhishek Chandratre, Prerit Auti, Ritesh Porey, Vipul Chaskar
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 644 - 647Nondestructive Detection of Pesticide Residue on Banana Surface Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Rohinee M. Misal, Dr. Ratnadeep R. Deshmukh
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 648 - 652Durability Aspects of Flyash Based Geopolymer Concrete
A. Iftiqar Ahmed, Dr. S. Siddiraju
Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, India
Pages: 653 - 658Dynamic Profile Management Using Network Traffic Parameters
Priyanka D. Chinewar, Ashish Manusmare
Research Paper, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 659 - 662Immunomodulatory Effect of Triphala Bio fortification in Oreochromis mossambicus
Jayasree S, Usha S, A. Akhila Thomas
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 663 - 667Degree of Approximation of a Function Belonging To Lip (?(t), p) And W(L_r,?(t) ) Class By (C,2) (E,1) Means of Its Fourier Series And Conjugate Fourier Series
Shobha Shukla, U. K. Shrivastav
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 668 - 670An Automated Approach for Providing Advanced Data in Educational Institutions
MD. Parvezuddeen, M. Shyam Sunder
Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Kenya
Pages: 671 - 679Efficacy of Adsorption of Cu (II), Pb (II) and Cd (II) Ions onto Acid Activated Watermelon Peels Biomass from Water
Nthiga Esther Wanja, Prof. Jane Murungi, Prof Ahmed Hassan Ali, Prof Ruth Wanjau
Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Morocco
Pages: 680 - 682Study of Solubility and Speciation of Iron Sulfates in Phosphoric Acid Milieu
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 683 - 687GSM based Energy Meter Reading and Billing
Vanishree k Rao, Sri G N Madhu
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 688 - 689A Case of a Dog Bite Causing Avulsion of the Upper Eyelid
Himali Kapania, Mansi Karia, Nupur Chakravarty
Research Paper, Botany Science, India
Pages: 690 - 691Clematis roylei Rehder (Ranunculaceae): A Threatened Plant from Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand
Kumari Meenu, Shukla Kiran
Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 692 - 695A Survey on Face Spoofing Detection
Farsana N U, Selin M
Research Paper, Information Technology, India
Pages: 696 - 701Business Intelligence on Hadoop (BIoH)
Rakesh Kumar Sahoo, Kaumod Mishra
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Pakistan
Pages: 702 - 704Prevalence of HBsAg and HCV Infection in Pregnant Females of Lahore
Mati Ullah, Muhammad Atif, Romman Aziz, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Imran, Ahmed Bilal Waqar
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 705 - 707Towards an Efficient Interface for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
P. Ravali, G. Purna Chendar Rao
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 708 - 711Studies on Tyre Aggregate Concrete with Fly Ash
Vishal Porwal, Ravi Dwivedi
Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India
Pages: 712 - 715A Study on the Green Revolution of Online Education in India: An Emergence of the Transformation in the Education Scenario
A. Karthik, Dr. G. Brindha
Research Paper, Physics Science, Azerbaijan
Pages: 716 - 719Magneto-Optical Features of Amorphous Ribbon (CoFe)75Si10B15
Aida Isayeva
Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, Tanzania
Pages: 720 - 724Oriented Keys to Overcome Problems in Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector in Tanzania: A Review
Olga Ibragimova, John Rugarabamu
Review Papers, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 725 - 730Sinus Lift: Future Matters???
Dr. Pranav S Patil, Dr. M. L. Bhongade
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 731 - 735Design and Performance Analysis of Adaptive Discriminator
Sanjay Kumar Sharma
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 736 - 742Adaptive Selection of Antennas for Optimum Transmission using STBC
Adithya. B
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 743 - 749Analysis of Phase Resolved Partial Discharge Patterns using Statistical Techniques
Kajol Kothoke
Research Paper, Anthropology Science, India
Pages: 750 - 753Maternal Health Status of Choukhutiya Bhunjia Tribe of Gariyaband District of Chhattisgarh, India
Satyajeet Singh Kosariya, Moyna Chakravarty
Research Paper, Geophysics Science, India
Pages: 754 - 757Radiometric Study in the Putlur and Yellanur Mandals of Ananthapur District, Andhra Pradesh
Preeti. M, Ramadass. G
Research Paper, Pathology Science, India
Pages: 758 - 761A Correlative Cytological and Histopathological Study of Lesions of Salivary Gland
Malliga .S, Sivaelangovan .R
Research Paper, Physics Science, India
Pages: 762 - 765Elastic Constants and Pressure Derivatives of Iron-Platinum Alloy
Vinu T P
Research Paper, Physical Education, India
Pages: 766 - 768Analysis of Blocking Technique in Volleyball
Amritpal Singh Sidhu
Informative Article, Economics, India
Pages: 769 - 771Women Workforce Participation in India- A Study
Shweta Borkar
Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Egypt
Pages: 772 - 778Some Biochemical and Haematological Studies on the Effect of Black seed and Curcumin in Vaccinated Broiler with Gumboro
Azza A.Hassan, Ghada A. Abd El-Diem
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 779 - 784Empowerment of Women Teachers in Improving Quality of Education in the 25 State Junior High School Sarolangun
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 785 - 789Analysis Factors Supporting and Inhibiting Principal in Promoting Guidance and Counselling Teacher in 7State Senior High School Sarolangun
Siti Rofiqoh
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 790 - 794A Hierarchical Model to Classify Brain Cancer using GLCM
Vaishnavi. B, Uma. R
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 795 - 797Scheming of Efficient Blood Banks by Usage of Embedded System
Thangellapally Sravya, Ch. Ramesh Babu
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 798 - 800Designing of a Monitoring System for Kitchen Environment
Nagapuri Srilekha, P.Venkateshwarlu
Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India
Pages: 801 - 803Modeling of Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System using Bond Graph Technique
Karandeep, Aman Kumar Maini
Research Paper, Environment Science, India
Pages: 804 - 811Comparative Study of Water Quality for Pre Monsoon 2015 and Pre Monsoon 2016 in and around Gandhidham, Kachchh, Gujarat, India
Madhu D. Nathani, Dr. Mrugesh M Trivedi
Research Paper, Microbiology, India
Pages: 812 - 814Extraction and Analysis of Melanin Pigment Produced by Clostridium tertium Isolated from Water Sample of Saline Belt in West Vidardha Region
Kshitija R. Deshmukh, Archana S. Pethe
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 815 - 819Determination of Shape Factor of Fixed Dome and Spherical Shape of Biogas Digester by Method of Thermal Simulation
Manish Dewangan, Shashank Shekhar Mishra
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 820 - 826A Research on Passengers
C. Murugesan, Dr. R. Perumalsamy
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 827 - 829Implementation of a Novel Model for Monitoring Health Conditions
R. Sukumari, M. Santhosh Kumar
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 830 - 832Building of a Novel System for Detection of Stolen Vehicles
Kommula Monika, J. Hemanth
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 833 - 836Effectiveness of SIM on Knowledge & Practice among Nurses Regarding Prevention of UTI in Patients with Indwelling Catheter
Christy Annie Zachariah
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 837 - 841Effect of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Foot Care among Chronic Diabetic Patients
Sruthy Vinod
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 842 - 844An Exposure towards Modelling a System of Energy Saving
Matteda Jyothi, G. Ramesh
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 845 - 850A New Class of Quasi-Cubic Trigonometric Bezier Curve and Surfaces
Mridula Dube, Urvashi Mishra
Case Studies, Cardiology Science, France
Pages: 851 - 853Postoperative Bleeding Risk Under Continued the P2Y12 Receptor Antagonists Ticagrelor
TRAN Thanh Huyen MD, PHAM Thanh Dat MD
Research Paper, Linguistics Science, India
Pages: 854 - 856Emergence of Malayalam as an Independent Classical Language-An Overview
Parvathy Prasad .S, Rose Mary .A
Dissertation Chapters, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 857 - 861Study of the Incidence of Post-Operative Astigmatism in Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) done by 3rd Year Residents
Dr. Kamal R. Dodiya, Dr. Neha S. Parmar
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 862 - 866Improved Security and Avoid Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Network
Kulwinder Singh, Sheenam Malhotra
Research Paper, Botany Science, Philippines
Pages: 867 - 870Development and Evaluation of Paper from Corn Husks (Zea mays L.) and Snake Plant Fibers (Sansevieria zeylanica)
Rainer R. Fiscal, Kristoffer Bryan V. Dandan
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 871 - 875A Retrospective Analysis on Etiopathogenesis and Clinical Outcomes of Atraumatic Perforation Admitted Over a Period of 3 Years
Dr. Raviraj Jadhav, Dr. Gayatri Tahiliani, Dr. Ali Reza Shojai, Dr. Ashok Kalyanshetti
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 876 - 877Role of Upper GI Scopy in Preventing Postcholecystectomy Pain in Patients with Cholelithiasis
Dr. B.N Anandaravi, Dr. Deepak. HL
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 878 - 882Seismic Analysis of Steel Concrete Composite System and its Contrast with RCC Structures
K. Mukesh Kumar, H. Sudarsana Rao
Research Paper, Hematology Science, India
Pages: 883 - 886Multiple Arterial Thrombosis in Anti Thrombin III Deficiency
Dhruvin Shah, Hetal Pandya, Siraj Vadhvaniya
Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Pakistan
Pages: 887 - 889Time Lapse between Initial Stroke Symptoms to Performance of CT Scan in Patients with Ischemic Stroke in Pakistan
Shahzad Ahmed Daula, Muhammad Ans, Muhammad Uzair, Dr. Zareen Fatima, Dr. Ahmed Bilal Waqar
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 890 - 893Design of Micro Strip Patch Antenna for Ku Band Applications by Using Hybrid Algorithms
Dr. Sunil Kumar, Gurjeet Singh
Case Studies, Pediatric Specialty, India
Pages: 894 - 896A Newborn with Congenital Hyperinsulinism having a Novel Homozygous Mutation in the ABCC8 Gene
Pritesh Patel, Pooja Patel, Sachin Shah
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 897 - 898Assess the Knowledge Regarding Organic Dust Toxicity among Farmers in Kalavai
S. Divya, S. Sujithra
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 899 - 902Investigation into Reliable and Efficient Biometrics Techniques
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 903 - 904Extracting Medical Health Records in a Graph Based Approach
Dr. K. Nachimuthu
Research Paper, Psychology Science, India
Pages: 905 - 913Attachment, Entrepreneurial Role Stress and Quality of Life in Metal Shop Owners
Justina W. Aranha Fernandes, Dr. Nandini Sanyal, Shweta Choudhary, Prof. Saroj Arya
Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Indonesia
Pages: 914 - 917Effect of Plant Density and Sowing Time on Growth and Yield of Mung Bean (VignaRadiata (L.) Wilczek) in Upland Rice-Mung Bean Intercropping on Land Sand Beach Samas Indonesia
Bhaskara Anggarda GS, Prapto Yudono, Sriyanto Waluyo
Research Paper, Microbiology Science, India
Pages: 918 - 919Antimicrobial Activity of Minocycline against Bacteria and Fungi
Ashella .S, Albin T. Fleming
Research Paper, Microbiology Science, India
Pages: 920 - 921Antimicrobial Activity of Asiatic Acid against Bacteria and Fungi
Ashella .S, Albin T. Fleming
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 922 - 925Attitude towards Clearance Sales of Liked and Dislike Brands: A Study of Shopperstop
Dr. Kamini Khanna
Comparative Studies, Food Science and Technology, India
Pages: 926 - 931Multiflour Baked Mini Puri for Diabetes Mellitus
Sonu Mishra, Rupali Sengupta
Research Paper, Radiology Science, India
Pages: 932 - 935Colour Doppler Study in the Evaluation of Intrauterine Growth Retardation of Fetus
Yash Jardosh, Mahesh K. Vadel, Purvi D. Desai